What’s the importance of creativity in people’s lives, especially children? Creativity is one of the most important characteristics of humans. Developing it benefits  you the rest of your life, including your career, business, and personal growth. In this episode of Super Power Kids, host Neva Lee Recla is joined by Emerald GreenForest. Emerald is an internationally-known speaker and the founder and lead visionary of Creative Age Consulting Group. She’s also a Be The Change “Movement to Watch” award winner and one of America’s Premier Experts. Listen in as Neva and Emerald talk about how you can connect to your higher self and start being more creative by doing something you enjoy that makes you happy.

Hey everyone, it’s your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. I’m so excited for today’s interview. We are talking about the importance of creativity. Being creative is so important, especially in business because you can get so many good ideas and you’re able to learn so much from it. In my opinion, if we stop our creative side, you can’t learn a whole lot. So I’m very excited to talk about this. Our guest today is so awesome. Her name is Emerald GreenForest. We met a couple of years back at Steve Olsher’s New Media Summit. She’s the host of the Men On Purpose Podcast and the Wickedly Smart Women Podcast. She’s so awesome. So I’m so excited to interview her today. Without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest?


Hi. You think I’m awesome? I think you’re awesome.

Thank you. I’m really excited to talk with you today. So what are your superpowers?

Well, I would say my superpowers are, I’m a seer, so I can see things that other people can’t see. I’m also a healer. I can actually help people to heal themselves and I’m definitely an artist.

Oh, those are good superpowers. I kind of agree with you. I have similar superpowers in the sense of, I work those crystals for healing energy. It’s a big part of what I do. So for example, I like making sometimes if someone is in pain or something. I do that. And I think that being creative is a huge part of that.

I have some crystals right here. Look, here’s my bear.

That’s awesome. That’s so cute. What kind of crystals?

This particular crystal… I actually have three bears in a row. The mama bear, the Papa bear and the baby bear who are on my shelf right next to me. So the baby bear and the papa bear are Aquamarine and the mama bear is called Honeycomb Calcite. We could have a crystal party if you wanted to someday.

That would be a lot of fun.

Neva I have lots of crystals.

Awesome. Right in front of me we have a bunch of crystals, what we call the Vortex. So we pray and chant in here. It’s just our area to connect with spirit and crystals are a huge part of our lives.

Mine too.

This was my happy place. So we have a bunch of plants and stuff over here. So I think that also being creative is a huge part of who people are, but it’s scary for some people to be creative, because they think that maybe people won’t accept them if they are and maybe they think that it’s going to be different and change is scary. But I think that it’s so worth it when you’re able to be creative.

I would totally agree with that. And Neva I spent most of my life not knowing that I could be creative, even though when I was a kid I did a few little creative things. It wasn’t until I actually had a spiritual awakening when I was around 38 years old, and when that happened, I actually opened up to my creativity. It was actually the crystals that helped me to open up to my creativity and I started working with the crystals by making jewelry and I made more jewelry than a mother could love.

That’s awesome.

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Neva Lee Recla is on a mission to inspire 1 million kids to start businesses. Get the tools to inspire your young entrepreneur so they can go out and change the world. This book gives you the insights you need to support your child on their entrepreneurial journey. Order your copies today!

Mostly out of crystals, mostly out of natural stones. So they were helping to heal me and open up my creativity while we were playing together.

That’s really awesome because I think that crystals are a huge part of opening up your creative side and I think that my biggest advice is, if you’re having trouble being creative or expressing creativity, find something that you love doing, find someone that you love, because crystals can really help with that. Even if you just get one that’s your favorite stone or little pendants. I have a pendant and it’s a grounding crystal and it works really well in certain environments and things like that. Just finding comfort in it and then stepping out of the box a little bit. But I first start with something minuscule and then expand out.

I like to use crystals when I’m intending to create something. Like if I’m writing a book, I will make a grid out of my crystals that actually is… I set the intention with the crystals that that particular grid is going to support me while I’m creating the book.

I do that sometimes too. I bring a couple of crystals in. So I love creative writing and I’ll share this quick story before the break. My parents took to Sierra Vista to visit the Fort Huachuca base, which is where they were stationed when they were serving and I was able to learn about the Buffalo soldiers and stuff. So I’m preparing this speech/video for it and I’m also writing a sectional story based on the things that I learned and sometimes it’s hard to get in my creative space and so I bring a couple of crystals and I just set an intention that I’m going to be creative, which really works.

Sure does.

Yeah. So before the break, can you please let our listeners know where they can go to find out more about?

Sure. They can find me at creativeageleader.com. Because I believe that we are actually at the beginning of the creative age and so that’s why I named my website that.

That’s awesome. So definitely go check her out. She’s so, so amazing. We’ve been talking about the importance of creativity with Emerald GreenForest. We’ll be right back after the break.


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