The Energetics of Healing

What are the energetics of healing? We all know that superpowers often only exist within the pages of a book or in fiction movies. In this episode of Science of Superpowers, Tonya sits with Brent Michael Phillips to turn skeptics into believers. Brent is an MIT-educated engineer who faced a life-changing physical difficulty. He witnessed a miracle when he was healed instantaneously with energy healing after a long battle with unsuccessful conventional and alternative treatments. He then reverse-engineered the paranormal phenomena and now does the same — healing people through energetics. Listen to experience the friction before having a firm conviction on the energetics of healing.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. I’m always delighted to have you join us here and get into this material with us and into this flow here. So, we have a repeat guest back here who, hopefully, will consider us his network home here, where he can share his wisdom as it continues to evolve and come forward.

Well, we’re talking today is Brent Michael Phillips, who was on the show a while back so check out that episode if you did not listen to it, The Science of Healing, because that outlines Brent’s work and gets you familiar with it. And then at this one, we’re going to talk about The Energetics of Healing. And so we’re really looking at all of those layers of how this stuff works. Because that’s what we get asked all the time. Yeah. But how does it work? Not everyone wants a leap of faith. And so we’re going to talk a little bit about how that looks and how to manage the skeptical mind in some of this. I think that’s a big part of what gets in our way sometimes with those healing processes, especially at the energetic level. So Brent, welcome back to the show.

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Brent Michael Phillips:

I’m excited to be here. This is great.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Oh, well good. Well, we’re always excited to have you here. And so we’re going to dive into this concept as we talked about, The Energetic Aspects of the Healing, which sounds kind of silly, because we talked about it a little bit on the last one because the science is the energetics. The energetics is the science. But there’s also this belief component. How do we merge into these two worlds of the science and the spiritual? Talk to me about how you handled that conversation in sort of the mainstream way?

Brent Michael Phillips:

Sure. So one of the things people ask me a lot is, “Brent, what do you say to convince skeptics?” How do you basically, in terms, I think your audience would appreciate, “How do you show people that superpowers can be real?”

Tonya Dawn Recla:

That’s right.

Brent Michael Phillips:

How do you talk to people about this? And the answer is a lot different than what you would think. And it goes like this, for those that don’t know me. I won’t make you listen to the old show if you don’t want to. But long story short.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

You’re nicer than I am.

Brent Michael Phillips:

Yeah. I’m a scientist, an engineer, and a rational person. And I destroyed my life with repetitive stress injuries, Lyme disease, and chemical poisoning on, and on. And my life blew up. I ended up on permanent disability at 27 and my life was pretty much over. Until I met this crazy healer lady who introduced me to energy healing. And I experienced a miracle and my arm got better and I got my life back. So that’s the short version and really it’s been my goal to go and reverse engineer, these paranormal phenomena. Which you might call superpowers. Like telepathy by location, changing the weather, speeding up time, talking to the dead, all that cool stuff.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

All the stuff.

Brent Michael Phillips:

Yeah. How do we talk to people about that? Given that for people that superpowers are something that only happens in the movies, or in comic books, or cartoons. And to most people, the only real people with superpowers lived thousands of years In the past, right? We read about Moses in the Bible. So how do you get people to open up to this? And I have an answer, but it’s a lot different than what you might think. And it’s this, that how people relate to this and what they think about it really has a lot to do with your energy and your beliefs, then anything you’re saying.

And this was surprising to me. And to give an example, when I first started my professional practice, my first teacher, her name was Terry. I was modeling my business on hers. And I started working with clients and I struggled to convince the skeptics. I had people call and I’d talk to them for an hour, hour, and a half on the phone, trying to convince them that this is real. And the greatest thing since sliced bread is that they should book a session with me. That does not work. I’ll just let everyone know right up front. That doesn’t work.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

It’s not the best marketing strategy.

Brent Michael Phillips:

That’s right, it doesn’t work. And I talked to Terry about it. I’m like, “Terry, what do you do about this? If you’re doing 20 sessions a week, you must be spending 30 hours on the phone talking to people, right?” And she’s like, “No Brent, I don’t spend any time convincing the skeptics.” And I was like, “What? How do you do that when you’re a professional healer?” It seems like you would spend most of your day convincing the skeptics, right? She’s like, “Nope, never.” And because I asked her, “What should I say to people?” She goes, “Don’t worry about that. That’s not the right question. The right question is what is in your energy that’s leading people to give you this skeptical interface?”

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Very lovely.

Brent Michael Phillips:

Yeah. She turned it back on me and said, “Brent, if you really believed in this work, you wouldn’t be attracting skeptics.” And we did some energy healing and released it. And it really worked. I spent almost none of my time in the last 20 years or so, trying to convince the skeptics. Why? Because once you know, truly on the inside that it’s real, you’ll tend not to attract them. Now, do I run into skeptics occasionally, of course? But I don’t bother to convince them because most people don’t want to know the truth or what’s best. Most people want you to agree with what they’ve already decided, usually on an emotional basis, right?

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Well, and I love that you’re tying it into the energetic component into both the healing aspect, but on both sides of that coin. I often say, “There’s always friction until you have conviction.” Because that’s what builds our convict conviction.

Brent Michael Phillips:

Sure. That’s right. That’s a good saying. I like that. There’s going to be friction until you have conviction. Yep.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

And it’s our feedback loop. It’s how we know what we’re creating.

Brent Michael Phillips:

That’s right.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

How do we get to see those subtle signals that we can’t see inside of ourselves? We get to see the results of them first so that we can then backtrack and reverse engineer as you say.

Brent Michael Phillips:


Tonya Dawn Recla:

This is why we have this soul connection in our conversation because that reverse engineering mindset is really powerful in this work. Well, we’re going to take a quick break here. Before we do Brent, let’s tell people where they can go to find out more about you.

Brent Michael Phillips:

Sure. To learn more, to experience this for yourself, check out my website, Just head to and you should see a big red arrow that says, “Save my seat.” Save your seat for the next live Heal-A-Thon Webinar, where I’m going to give you an experience with some of these tools of higher dimensional living.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Beautiful. Well, what a gift. So go check that out, folks and make sure you go over to and join us on our Community Vibe Call. Participation has its privileges folks. I guarantee you that life is a participatory sport. Take action. Some way, somehow get to know yourself. Get to know others. And I promise you it is worth the journey. We will be right back. Today, we’re talking with Brent Michael Phillips, all about the Energetics of Healing. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

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