The Science of Healing

What is the science of healing? How can complex ideas be turned into simple ones for people to grasp fully? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla invites guest Brent Michael Phillips to share his superpowers and how they can help others. Brent is an author and a healer that has this unique ability to look into things. He can process complicated esoteric ideas and techniques and find ways to explain them so that regular people can understand and use them. Many people who worked with him sent letters and emails of gratitude for the programs he offered that changed their life and spirituality as well as how they understand certain things. Tune in and immerse yourself in the science of healing.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello, everyone. And thank you so much for joining us again on the Science of Superpowers. We’re so delighted to have you here and have a wonderful guest with us today, where we’re going to be talking all about the science of healing.

And I know so many of you come into these spaces from more traditional backgrounds, from careers where things like superpowers and healing and miracles and all of those things aren’t really discussed. There’s not really a place for them in a lot of our traditional environments. But we’re starting to see huge shifts in that direction, where we have companies that are bringing in consultants to address things like emotional intelligence and being sure that we’re attending to some of these subtle energies that exist between us. And the miracles and the superpower space is no different. It’s infiltrating all of these various arenas as we look at this mass awakening, upgrading that that seems to be happening.

And in this conversation, I invite you all to really look at it from this angle regardless of how we step into spaces, we have our programs about things and what’s science and who’s got authority and who gets to say and how these things come together and what’s real and what’s not real. And a lot of that is what’s being reworked and tested in all of our paradigms right now. And so in this conversation, we get to look at well, what if some of this stuff is really rather commonplace, but we’ve been looking at it through a different lens?

And to me, that’s really the gift of today’s conversation is even if you’re not sure what you believe or what you think is possible, we’ve had way too many accounts now of people who attest the fact that these things are real and that they exist, and that we’re able to not just witness them, but even play a part in them unfolding, whether it’s a specific ability that you have or something that happens to you, and you’re not really sure how it’s happening.

And we’re going to talk about some of that today with our guest, Brent Michael Phillips. He’s not just an author. He’s not just a healer. He has this unique way of looking at things that say, hey, I think this is duplicatable. I think there’s a science here. I think there’s a pattern. I think there’s a formula, which you all know is totally my love language. I’m excited to share his wisdom with you all today. Right now, we’re talking about the experience part two, the formula for miracles.

And again, I really invite you to take this out of the scope of, is this something that I can follow? Is this something I want to implement? And in today’s conversation, just take a pause and sit back and listen and expand your mind about as far as it’s possible and receive what he’s going to share with you today, and I think you’re going to find a lot of wealth of information in that. We’re not going to hesitate to bring him on right now. Brent, thank you so much for joining us today.

Activate Your Superpowers

Brent Michael Phillips:

I’m excited to be here. This is great.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Thank you. We’re going to ask you our pivotal question. What are your superpowers and how do you use them for good?

Brent Michael Phillips:

Well, it’s interesting. I would say this may not sound like something like the X-Men, but my superpower is that I can take some very complicated esoteric ideas and techniques and find ways to explain them so that regular people can understand and use them.

Tonya Dawn Recla:


Brent Michael Phillips:

I would say that’s my superpower. That’s what I’m best at.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

That’s fabulous. And so give us an example of that. So what is something, maybe something recently that you’ve been puzzling through or contemplating? How does that process work for you?

Brent Michael Phillips:

Well, I know that one thing that’s happened to me a lot of times. I’ve gotten dozens of letters and emails over the years where somebody will say, “Hey, Brent, I’ve been studying Buddhism my whole life or been deep into spirituality.” And it’s a very similar story. They’ll go, “But I didn’t really get it until I worked with you. I didn’t really understand these things deeply and fully until I went through your programs and worked with you. And, oh my gosh, now I get it. Now it all makes sense.”

Tonya Dawn Recla:


Brent Michael Phillips:

And I’m really proud of that. I love working with people and watching that light bulb go on as they get it.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Brilliant. Well, I think it definitely qualifies as a superpower, and I, I think you could be an honorary X-Man with that really. That’s pretty powerful. So we’re going to jump to a quick break, folks, here so we can come back and really dive into this stuff with Brent. Before we do, though, where can we send people to find out more about you?

Brent Michael Phillips:

Sure. If anyone wants to learn more, just hop over to my website at

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Thank you. We’ll have a link to that, folks, on the episode page. Also, we invite you to take a peek at our community, and if you want to join up with us, we have live events each week and opportunities for you just to connect and talk with other people who are interested in these things and discussion groups. So many of you report back to us that you don’t have people in your life to talk to about these things. And so find the places that resonate with you. Start playing with this stuff. Life is a participatory activity.

Check out Brent’s stuff. Go to his events. Read the book. Come check out our community. Whatever it is that you feel called to, but start tapping into what is my next step in this process? What is it that I’m seeking? What am I curious about? What’s going to open me up or enliven me even more than where I’m at right now? And keep doing that. There’s a cumulative effect when we take those next steps. So hang in there. Go to, and we’ll be right back here after the break.

Activate Your Superpowers!

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