Karen Abrams and Tonya Dawn Recla on Healing for the World

As part of our celebration of Courageous Creativity with PRIDE, Karen Abrams joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about healing for the world. In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, Karen shares her experiences with theta healing and her journey of coming into her own wholeness. She warmly and generously shares her wisdom and guidance so others can see the light within themselves. Don’t miss this amazing episode that reminds all of us to remember the light within and endeavor to shine forth in our brilliance.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello, everyone, welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. I’m so delighted to have you here again today I’m with Karen Abrams. Karen, you want to say hello.

Karen Abrams:

Hi, everybody.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Fabulous, you’re gonna get to hear more from Karen Abrams here in a moment. And Karen Abrams is here. As part of our feature, the Superpower Network celebrates courageous creativity with pride, honoring LGBTQI+ contributions to how we see our world, how we see each other, how we express ourselves, how we live, and how we love.

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Tonya Dawn Recla:

In every era, every culture, and every nation, individuals challenge the status quo for an opportunity to creatively express, and make it possible for all of us. Thank you for having the courage to share with us, and inviting us to look deeper within ourselves toward what’s possible. We love you and love each other. Karen, thank you so much for being here. We love having you on the show. And I can’t wait to talk to everybody about how your work is healing the world. Right? We’re going to discuss that and how our own individual healing journey really impacts team humanity right now. And so we’re gonna jump in and start with what are your superpowers? And how are you using them for good?

Karen Abrams:

I’m glad you know that I am using them for good. So that’s the most important thing. So my superpowers are that I’m able to help people find what the root cause is and help them heal it to whatever is holding them back from the success that they want from the fulfillment in their life that they want and their relationships and their health, whatever it is in life that they’re wanting to expand and grow into and become more of. I do that with a modality called Theta Healing. Theta Healing is just a simple meditation, where you connect to God’s source your inner wisdom, like whatever that is for you, whatever that name is for you, and connects you actually to your subconscious mind. From here, we can figure out what are the bottom beliefs that are holding you back, you know, I’m nothing, I’m worthless, I’m unlovable, right, nothing ever works for me, that kind of stuff. And with your permission, we can energetically change those. And also access your trapped emotions. So trauma, betrayal, you know, anger, those kinds of things. 

We can actually lift those out and replace them with unconditional love, understanding, and compassion. What happens is, when you change, like your most damaging beliefs, and you turn them into your most powerful and positive ones, and you really transform these old toxic emotions, into your most uplifting ones, you just start feeling better and lighter, which means you start making decisions in support of yourself, you know, and then your boundaries get better. So your dynamics and the relationships that you find really challenging start changing in your favor in a very loving way. I always say it’s like, and then like, things like, what is it like opportunities are coming to you, you just get open, it’s the snowball effect in a fun way. I always say, this is also like, the lightest way that you can let go of the heaviest things in your life, because we’re here to, let’s say, you had a trauma that happened to you, and or grief, some big thing that happened to you, and you just you can’t get past it, we’re not about going to the place where you got hit by a bus and laying down on the corner. And embracing that moment, it’s more of, let’s find out what that energy is, let’s learn from it learn from why that happened to you what’s the most beautiful and loving understanding of that, and then heal it and move on and learn from it and move on. That’s really what growth is about anyways. And this way of doing it has been in my life for 21 years now. So I thank God every day that I have it because it really can move mountains in moments.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

And I just love that beautiful, beautifully shared and I love that in connection with the conversation because that process a lot of people are undergoing individually, we’re seeing people undergo it in their relationships and their families in our communities globally. Like this is no small matter, folks. It really does start with the individual, you know as inside so outside and on and on we go because that process is of how we create right how we reflect into the world and you’re speaking about sort of where does our inspiration become from and then who do we know ourselves to be and we found really similar work. I love that you talk about it being in your life for a while, you know, I didn’t, I didn’t realize that I’d been working with kind of subconscious coding and programming pretty much my whole life. I just thought I had a lot of rules for myself, right and they just kind of kept coming to me. You know, people told me I was really smart. So I believed them but really, it was more like Maybe I was smart because I was able to connect in the field. That made me look really, really smart. You know, and I don’t know exactly, you know how much credit I get to take there. But that intuitive, intuitively guided lifestyle is becoming much more attractive to so many people. Because of the tumultuous and the uncertainty, I remember I had a guest on during the pandemic. After the interview, she looked at me, she goes, you know, how blessed you are to have had a background and faith before this happened. She said I didn’t feel so confident during this. I saw that we saw that tremendously. Is this a real divide between the cans and they cannot? Those who can access inner peace, those who know how to do this process you’re talking about, able to walk themselves through even a thought process that is healthy, right, and allows for us to see things differently, is a real privilege. It comes to us in all different ways. Faith, for sure a lot of us came from faith backgrounds in some capacity, religious or spiritual, but we see it in the developmental processes we see in personal events, we see it in intergroup relations theories, we see it in the quantum physics realms like it’s really an escapable. A lot of it is what we’re learning. It’s basically like the life review, right? You get kind of clear stuff up. Now if you want to play the advanced courses. You don’t have to wait to die and then you learn how to not gather that stuff along the way too. Right? It’s a phenomenal process. It’s available to all of us and I love that you’re so beautiful and gentle in explaining it because it can feel really intimidating to a lot of people because like you spoke to I think we’ve overly romanticized or maybe overstated bloviate it a little bit, then, that regression type thing and what you’re experiencing and the fears that come up for that. And so, so talk a little bit about walking clients through that process, because the process is beautiful, right? The discovery of self is so amazing. But that fear of what’s going to happen there keeps a lot of us from looking too deeply inside ourselves. How do you approach that with clients?

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