Superpower mommas Channel2022-05-17T14:05:53-07:00

Welcome to the Superpower Mommas Channel

About the Superpower Mommas Channel

Re-imagining parenting as a path of spiritual growth and transformation, this show spans the multiple dimensions of the parenting experience. From the impact of self-care on our ability to parent effectively to tackling the many challenges we and our children can face in today’s world, to bringing evolutionary concepts into our homes, to harmonizing a mother’s relationship to her changing body, this show leaves no stone unturned. Those parents on an evolutionary journey who understand that our role as parents extends beyond the walls of our dwellings into the world at large often ask the question: How do we raise conscious, connected and vibrant children who will become responsible world citizens? Featuring prominent leaders in the worlds of parenting, child development, embodiment and consciousness, this show tackles this question from as many angles as possible.

Want your own show on Superpower Mommas? 

We are now accepting applications for the Superpower Mommas Channel.

Click on link above to learn more on how you can
join in this collaborative podcast opportunity!

Featured Articles


SPM – Reconnecting With Our Original Mother

Why is reconnecting with our original mother nature as important as nurturing the bond with our birth mother? How can it help us forge a stronger relationship with the Earth? In this episode of [...]

SPM – Parenting with Authenticity

As parents, do we stop and ask ourselves if we are parenting with authenticity or we just do what we think is best? In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, host Tatiana Berindei is joined [...]

SPM – Superpower Mommas Season 2

Mommas have those extraordinary powers that no one else has, right? We will talk more about these powerful beings in season two of SuperPower Mommas. Our new host Tatiana Berindei from the channel Sex, [...]

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