Holding space compassionately is a complex way to support and empower others. It’s delicate to meet others in the frequency of love and allow them to process through their growth. Join Matt Andrews in his second SuperPower Up! podcast (ManTarA Channeled with Matt Andrews) and Tonya Dawn Recla as they dialogue about the power of providing loving support for others. As a special treat, ManTarA shares another message with listeners.

Show Notes

Hello everyone this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. This is a fun show that we have for you today. We’ve brought Matt Andrews back. If you remember him from earlier episodes, we interviewed him a while back.

And here’s the link to the show you can go check it out again. ManTarA Channeled with Matt Andrews

We’re going to dialogue around an idea, topic, a philosophy, if you will. The one we’re going to tackle today is how what it feels like to hold compassionate space for people.

Matt, welcome back to the show!

Thank you, Tonya! So happy and excited to be here.

Yay. We’re happy and excited to have you here.

So, let let’s talk about, how would you describe, or how do you want to give words to the idea of holding compassionate space for people.

Well, that’s such an interesting topic because so many of us want to support others with what they’re going through. But we tend run into sympathy rather than compassion with them. We identify with their suffering and, therefore, make it as if it is our own, and then feel very sorry for them. While a lot of us have been trying to think that that’s a good thing to do for others, it actually, energetically, doesn’t help them get through what they are going through. They might feel a little bit supportive in it, but it’s actually cementing that issue that they’re having into their life. And so, it’s counterproductive.

We see it happening time and time again where someone is having a hard time, they phone someone up for support and they get sympathy. They hang up the phone thinking, “Well someone understands me, but I don’t actually feel like I can move through what they’re going through.” They probably feel more validated in the victim role, or whatever they’re feeling.

So, Compassionate Space is where we get out of the judgments of the situation that we’re going through, and hold a space of love, which is an interesting vibration on its own. It’s an interesting thing to try and identify.

What love is, is another interesting concept that is not so easy to do with words and intellectualize. Compassion is similar: it’s an aspect of love that is very supportive, very nurturing, yet has the intention of helping people move forward and not to be stuck in what they’re going through.

Absolutely. I’d like to delineate between the emotion of love versus the frequency of love.

When I moved into that frequency of love space, and really saw that and felt it for what it was, it was so much easier to recognize the expansiveness of it, the neutrality of it. So, a lot of what you’re talking about, I teach as neutrality, not labeling something good or bad.

One of my favorite stories in this was the guys over at Access Consciousness, where Gary was helping Dane work through some stuff in his childhood. I don’t want to bastardize the story, but the whole point of it was that there was stuff that wasn’t moving. Finally, Gary had realized that he was judging what Dane had gone through as a child and calling it out for the atrocities that it is, how no child should experience and all this sort of stuff. All that does is solidify that energy further in somebody, in all of us, in each person involved, as well as in the collective.

Particularly, victim energy when you create it to be more and more and more solid, there is no movement. The only way to really evolve and to move through things is to create space. You have to expand it out and get it big so that there’s space. If you imagine space between all the little molecules, so that they can move. But when they’re all packed in there so tightly, it’s virtually impossible to move it, or to integrate it, or to dissolve it, or transmute it, or whatever technique you use. It can’t be done when it’s in a solid state. We solidify it even by calling it good or even saying, “Oh wow! That’s a really cool experience.” But if you’re trying to move beyond things and not to find yourself through them, even that is detrimental in the solidification process.

Yes. And it’s so true. Expansion is always the way through. That’s why they say laughter is the best medicine because laughter is a natural expander of our field. So, if you can get into a space where you actually let go of your problems for a moment and laugh, then you make space for a lot of it just to fall away so naturally, it was like it didn’t even exist. You didn’t have to do any work. Like I tell people, “Release.”

So many people get so contracted around having to release their stuff, that you can’t. You can’t work to release something because you contract. To relax is to release. Releasing is relaxation. The whole spiritual path really is a path of release of our path and our limitations. All we really need to do to grow spiritually, is to relax. So many of us get so caught up in the work to grow spiritually that we stymie ourselves. We contract around having to do it and having to do it right, because of judgments, and not make mistakes, and we get all concerned about that. And, of course, progress is very slow.

This is super timely because one of the things that keeps coming up within our network right now, and our member base, is the idea creating space, forgiveness, all these kinds of concepts. But the information that I keep receiving around it is trying to make sense of something in the midst of it is super unproductive. Like you were saying, the process is an expansive process. Where people get caught up is if you remember back in your journey, there was a point in time where calling it out, understanding it, making sense of it, judging it discerning, being all these things, was an absolutely necessary part of the journey. The challenge is if we remember what that piece did for us was it jarred us out of autopilot. It was necessary.

Now, once we’ve mastered that process and start calling ourselves out on things and look at the stories, and we get more intentional about and conscious and awake about what we’re doing, we see how that process moving forward then becomes detrimental. The very thing that moved us out of one space, will keep us stuck in that new space, and keep us from moving into the next space. And that’s the hardest thing for people on this journey is, “But wait! I just got this!”

Like, “I just finally got the rules! I know what to do now. I’m feeling confident, really confident that I know what to do. Now I have a bunch of rules that work for me!” And then it’s like, “No, it’s time to move, it’s time to let go of that.” It’s evolution. We keep moving forward.

Your indicator is: if you’re comfortable, you’re wrong. We keep going.

Wrong, but stuck in neutral. When we’re feeling comfortable, we are in neutral.

That is true.

We might not be going backwards, or we may be, if there is ever such a thing as backwards. That’s also an interesting concept. A lot of people say, “Oh my goodness! I’ve gone backwards with this.” No, you haven’t. You’re just getting around right place. It only looks like you’ve gone backwards.

Exactly. And that’s usually my indicator that people have gone back to pick up some pieces and parts of something. And they don’t like it because the Universe dangles you. I call it The Dangle because the universe dangles what’s next. You’re like “I get it! I get the meaning of life,” and then the next thing you’re scared about paying your bills, or you’re getting in an argument with your child or your spouse. Then you’re like, “Well, how can I possibly be this infinite multi-dimensional being when I’m worried about paying my bills?” You still have to go pick up those pieces. You still have to do the work to be able to exist in that space that you just got shown more often than you’re not in that space.

Before and after enlightenment. We have the Enlightenment but we still have to keep on the path and still be in evolution with our stuff.

Well, and one of the greatest illustrations I have ever heard moving through this stuff, and we’ll circle back to the compassionate space piece, but I think it’s all really interconnected, was our daughter. I think she was probably about five or so, maybe a little bit younger, when we started working with her on the concept of keeping emotions as sad. She’d get her feelings hurt, or heart hurt, and then all of a sudden she would move into anger as a defensive posturing. I would explain to her that once you get into that anger phase, now we have to work backwards from there just to get to the point of sadness. Whereas, if you can keep it at sad, we can work with that and we can move that energy and we can sit in it or whatever it may be because that’s the truth in that moment for you.

She was super resistant to that early on, but then she got really comfortable in that. She would hear me say things like, “Let’s not really delve into those feelings,” Or “What was the action, what as a consequence?” moving into a different phase. And she was like, “Well can’t I talk about my feelings?” And I was like, “No.” And she said, “But you said! You are the one who told me to keep it at sad!” And I said, “Yeah, you did that. Let’s move on now, let’s do the next thing.” And she would say, “But I like keeping it at sad.” And I said, “Yes, but you didn’t always like keeping it at sad. You were super resistant and then when you mastered it got comfortable, now you’re ready to move into a different way of dealing with stimulus.”

It was so cool to listen to that pure unadulterated child way of “But I like keeping it at sad!”

We get comfortable with that! We don’t want to do it, then we do it, and then we get rewarded for it, and we feel good about ourselves doing what we were instructed to do. And so, in the moment, we were we being right. The ego loves being right!

Oh absolutely. It was so perfect. It was such a beautiful depiction. So we get the whole idea of the need to create this space. I know some of the tips that I teach people are are like the neutrality piece, keeping everything in that neutral, observer role. What do you share with your folks, with your clients in this case?

Well that’s exactly it, that’s really, really important because the one thing that’s going to keep you out of being able to be compassionate for anyone is to judge what they going through was wrong. I’ve been victimized or whatever. As soon as you bring the judgments in, then your natural tendency is to look for justice to be served. This is going to railroad your ability to just hold them in love while they grow through the experience their having. In my opinion there are no victims on this plane, and people are having experiences. Let’s not beat around the bush, some of these experiences people are having are horrendous. But on some level, that horrendous experience is serving them. And, no, that doesn’t make the perpetrators “right.” But it also gets them off the hook because they are just fulfilling an energetic response. Basically, people need to be persecuted, so people will turn up to persecute them. That’s how it works.

I know that’s hard concept for many people to digest. We all want to get up and down and protest or fight against people who are doing unpleasant or unseemly or straight out horrendous or atrocious. We can use all of those words because they’re apt descriptions for us as humans when we witness some of the things that do happen out there. But if we can get past all of that and just move into the energetic play that’s happening, and we don’t need to understand it, and that’s important because we can’t. Put simply, our intellectual minds can’t understand the entanglement of past experience and energetic residue that’s left over in each of us, is fueled from an infinitely deep past. We’ve all got these very, very interesting interdependent and tangle of energy, which is why I think most people can understand that sort of concept. Through many, many, many experiences we’ve had in the past there are all sorts of residues left over. And so, we have experiences in the now moment to help us release all of that.

The idea of holding compassionate space is to bring in that lubrication, like that beautiful, soft, squishy, love vibration that rolls through someone’s space and helps them to move forward more comfortably past their own judgments, past their own resistances to what they are experiencing.

The vibration of compassion is similar to the vibration of forgiveness in that it really works like a lubrication in the field. To allow those hooks of judgment to come out, so that past emotional traumas and belief systems and all of that stuff can more easily transform, or transmute, or release, or whatever terminology you want to give to that process of evolution.

What I think the hardest part with all of this is where we feel like we’re being selfish if we don’t cosign with people in whatever they’re creating. What I teach people is that it’s actually the most selfish thing in the world to go into that space with them. Most of the time we’re doing it because we don’t want to deal with the person being disappointed with us, or that we don’t want to appear to be mean, or not nice, or we don’t want people to not like us. We want people to want to come and talk to us. So, the way we do that is we enable the complaining of the situation, so we can go, “There, there, there.” We can raise ourselves up as being this amazing compassionate being, but when you go into that and make some of what is there’s your own, through your own selfishness or desire to be right, or liked, or affirmed, it’s the most selfish thing in the world. While you’re taking some of the energy from that situation, you’re prohibiting that person from truly moving through it. Which was exemplified in the story I was sharing about Gary and Dane, where Gary had to sit and go, “Oh my gosh! What have I done? I am actually the one that’s been prohibiting his movement because I chose to get in there and swim with him.”

Try and dissemble it, and all the rest of it, and all that mental activity around it. Around the judgment of this needs to be fixed. We need to fix this, we need to work it out and fix it. As soon as we going into that space, we’re putting the brakes on transformation, big time.

For everybody.

We are basically here for everybody. That’s it. Our evolution is Source’s evolution. It’s the continual expansion of the Universe, of the Cosmos, or whatever you want to call it. God, Source, Universe is happening through each and every one of us as we take each and every little step. That’s it. That’s the whole purpose, that’s all that we are here to do: to help Source evolve. Well not to help Source evolve, to evolve this Source.

Yes, Source doesn’t need any help with that.

With the model of that happening, with the tool, or with the modality that it happens through, and I know that’s a bit of a tangle for the mind that we can get lost in there, and sometimes I have to be careful where we go as we start talking down those paths because I notice my mind, all of a sudden, becomes inadequate for describing the concepts are wanting to come through, and therefore ends in a bit of a mess. So, it’s best to stay out of there, with our minds, altogether. Understand there was a concept around all of that and simply allow ourselves to feel it energetically rather than to describe it.

Yeah, I’ve always been a big fan of feeding the mind with information mostly because one of the things in my journeying where I felt like a huge failure for a long time was because I wasn’t real great at the meditating thing. My mind was never really quiet. I finally heard, very clearly, “Your mind is never going to be quiet. That’s not the agreement you had. Those aren’t the tools that you brought in with you.” It was, instead, learning to first, manage my mind. And then secondly, learn to co-create with it. And so, for me and for others like me and the people that I attract who tend to like that process with the mind, I stopped fighting that awhile ago. What I do instead is I love to feed it information based on where I’m going. It’s going to knowingness first. Absolutely, going to the energy first, but then being willing to talk to my mind.

And again, I see that really demonstrated through our daughter who is very, very cognitive and wants the information, wants the information. Sometimes I feel like she’s the personification of my mind because it’s like “Oh look! There it is!” But it’s what information are you feeding it, and how are you feeding it? Is it an obsessive kind of controlling piece or is it a tool that you’re utilizing in the co-creative process?

I, for one, have never been a big fan of the idea of not engaging the mind. But I like your point because a lot of times people who are highly cognitive forget to do that energy piece. And that’s crucial. And so, it is kind of an enmeshment and a balance of all of that.

Exactly, it’s a balance which we have to understand that we can’t fully comprehend a lot of these concepts with our mind. We can get a handle on it, but it’s beyond what our minds are capable of doing. My mind, at least at this stage, I’m not one to put limitations on what my mind might end up as. But at the moment, I know a lot of my deeper experiences, I can’t mentalize. I certainly cannot describe in words through the faculty of intellect.

Oh, interesting. My experience wasn’t that way. But I’m very clear that my agreement was to verbalize. My agreement was to take concepts… In fact, I have to laugh because my husband’s quite the channel when I need information. I usually go to non-incarnated beings to get my information, and he’s a great source for that so that my mind can continue to be engaged. I basically interview these entities that come through him to get what I need from them. And every time I’ve ever asked, all this amazing information will be coming through. I have these visions of books, and we can we can record the information, and I can put it into books and just get it disseminated out into the world. And they’re like, “No, that’s not what you’re here to do. You’re here to get the information, let your mind stew in it, and then spit something out that is palatable.” And so, my process has always been the intellectualization of these really vast concepts.

I remember watching the movie Lucy. Now when I finished watching it my husband looks over and I’ve got tears running down my face. He’s like “What’s wrong?” And I was like. “That’s how I feel most of the time.” Like so much information all the time.

The experience I came here to have, what I choose to continue to do, is to take these huge concepts, millions and millions of them, put them all together in this hyper-speed computer that I have. That, to me, wasn’t represented in any of the energy, Woo-Woo, light-working conversations. All I ever heard was, “Don’t use your mind, don’t use it.” Well, of course it was a reason for it, but in the moment, it all felt detrimental in terms of halting my process. Then, of course, it led me to have conviction around how I wanted to go through that journey. But it feels important for me to give voice to that for our audience to say, “Look, there’s many, many, many, many, many ways to journey through this, and one person’s detriment, from the mind perspective, may be another person’s greatest treasure and most powerful tool.”

So, I love and I appreciate this interaction that you and I are having because we get to illustrate the fact that there’s many unique ways to go through this journey.

And it’s going to keep evolving. As I said, I don’t know when my mind might come online and be able to better describe some of this stuff. I’ve also witnessed in a lot of my clients the fact that they do grasp a concept with their minds and then they want to hang onto it for dear life, and that slows them down.

Another important part to keep in mind, when you do get concepts, is that they’re going to keep evolving. We tend to want to label something as being a truth and then immortalize it for all time, that that is now a truth and it’s going to stay truth. That’s a bit of a limiting thing as well because our truths keep evolving with our energies, as well.

Just as you said earlier, at the beginning of this conversation, with your daughter. You get a concept and a way of moving forward, but then you have to be willing to evolve through that to the next one. It’s the same with these bits of information and all these understandings of the universe that we gain. We only ever gain in the understanding that we can have at the time. As our energy field expands, as our spirituality evolves, as our growth happens, then we can grasp a bigger picture of that. Which necessarily means we have to let go of the old truths that we were hanging onto so that we can have the new truth.

I like that.

There’s pros, and cons, and traps with all of the ways that we work. What it basically comes down to is being willing to always evolve, no matter how you feel working is the right way for you right now. Honor that, and also, be open to understanding that you are going to keep growing. People start to develop their Super Powers, just getting back to Super Powers (I don’t think we’ve even been there). But people do, they start to get first gifts. One of their first gifts come online, and they think, “Oh, now I’m defined. Now I do this, now I do this.”

You’ve got to understand that quite often what stops coming through first, which might be mediumship or something like that, you start thinking to your Spirit or whatever it is that you talk to, that might not be your final destination. You grow through that and you start to work more with other things as well. And so, don’t get too limited and put yourself in a box: “Oh this is who I am now. I am this. I’ve developed my gifts. This is who I am.” Understand that your gifts are going to keep growing with you. Your Super Powers are going to keep evolving as you allow yourself to expand further. And if you let go of more, and more of your past, and your indoctrinations and your old belief systems that don’t serve you. That’s it.

Going back to compassionate space, compassionate space is that space that doesn’t hold judgment. It doesn’t hold judgment. It is love in an unconditional way for others and for ourselves. To be willing to hold ourselves in unconditional love, in compassion. Very, very important concept on the spiritual path, if we want to call that I don’t even like that term on the spiritual path because it sounds so contrived, like there’s a yellow brick road to follow.

We dance with our expansion, which is a much nicer way to describe it because there’s no particular direction to a dance. It is all just about enjoying the movement of energy as it’s happening, which is what our path is about. I use the word path again, which is a word I don’t like, but that’s it. That’s why I say I have trouble with my mind because I keep describing things with words that people understand, but it also comes with connotations. As soon as you say “path,” it’s a path, it goes between trees on either side and it’s going in a certain direction and you can’t really just change it at your will. The spiritual path, or the path of evolution isn’t like the path that our mind has a picture of, generally. So, that’s why I’m very, very aware of many of the words that I use come with limitations that I don’t really want to be there, with what I’m trying to describe.

And I think that’s a powerful way to look at it. I love what you said about the path, that it is somewhat daunting. I often find myself treading the road between providing concepts and conceptual thinking, and still encouraging people to allow for space within those. But I know for me, I had to have answers, I had to have structure. At one point, I’m like “I don’t care. I get that there’s millions. I need one and I need to move on. I just need clarity.”

One of my gifts is really seeing all those potential futures simultaneously. People will say, well so-and-so will go and get like 20 psychic readings and they all contradict each other. And I’m like, but it’s all truth. Where people will say, “But can you see the future.” I can see many of them! Which one do you want? And really bringing it always, always, always back to choice. I’m very aware that in many moments along my own journey I chose to limit my choices, very intentionally because, for me, I would go into overwhelm being able to see things in that light. When you know that you’re capable of doing anything and that there’s infinite possibilities, it is kind of hard to move sometimes; to shift. But you just have to choose.

When we start to understand how powerful we are, and our mindset isn’t right, going back to our minds. If our ego and our mind is not developed enough, we freak out that we might make a mistake with all of that, and go down a path we don’t want because that’s how we’ve been trained to think, that there are such things as mistakes.

Lots of people come to me and they ask what I do. “Can you activate my third eye, and can you help me?” Well why would you want to do that? Because there are plenty of people who have gone mad. Who’ve ended up in really needing care through doing practices to open psychic abilities before they are mature enough to cope with it. Don’t ask for that. Ask for yourself to evolve as expediently as possible, in an appropriate, natural way. Don’t try and convolute it with your mind into what you think is going to serve you.

A lot of people think that opening their third eye is like a free meal ticket: once they can do that they’re going to be able to go work as a psychic, and then they’re going to have money, and then it’s all going to be easy, and then they’re going to get the Wednesday night’s winning lotto ticket’s numbers, and it’s easy once you’re psychic. The gift of being psychic, of being able to see into things, know that it’s a tenuous gift. It’s something we need to manage more than a free meal ticket. That’s the end of the story.

It’s not to be scared of gifts to awakening. But it’s not to get into the need for your gifts to awaken, so that you can be put right and proper in some way, so that life can all of a sudden become easy. In my opinion, it doesn’t work that way.

That’s probably one of the most rude awakenings for folks, is to realize that is that your problems, are your problems, are your problems. There’s no hiding from those. No opening up to gifts or anything else is going to fix that. It’s always attending to that and the journey, moving through them and doing the work. There’s no magic pill.

And gifts can overwhelm as they come along. Happiness comes along as it comes along. Self-love awakens naturally as we start to feel more safe and worthy and confident in ourselves. We just naturally become more of ourselves. Our gifts naturally come online, and we are able to do things appropriately. Do we have problems? Yes, of course we still have problems. We still have all sorts of things to move through. We still have doubts in ourselves and all the rest of it, even though we’ve developed a level of self-confidence. Of course, we’re going to have doubts in ourselves, of course, we’re going to feel nervous when we take a new step forward. Of course, that’s being human. That’s what we are here on this plane to experience.

There’s nothing wrong with that, but we choose not to suffer so much through those experiences, through those harder situations. We don’t suffer. We still might be emotionally perturbed by it. We still might be affected by those situations, but we don’t tend to suffer so much. We don’t feel like a victim, we don’t feel like we’re out of control because we understand that we are in control, even though what’s happening is not super comfortable. We have to have compassion with ourselves when we are going through that. We have to hold ourselves in a space of love where we allow ourselves to have a tantrum every now and again, and not to beat ourselves up and think “Oh we’re wrong” or “we’re less spiritual” for allowing anger to come out when anger rises up within us. A lot of the time that energy is coming out of us because we need to release it so that we can move on. We need to be willing to let it happen and still hold intentions that it happens in the most productive and safe way.

When we talk about anger coming out of us, and all the rest of it, it can be very scary when we start to feel some of the stuff that we’ve kept suppressed in us for so long rising up to release. It’s like “oh my goodness.” Not only do we not want other people to see us in that space, we’ll start to get concerned of what we might do. What irrational thing we might do because we’re all very concerned about staying rational, and sane, and normal on the plane ride in the eyes of society. We just need to really hold ourselves in a loving compassionate space and surrender somewhat to our higher aspects, to our spirit teams, and all the rest of who are with us. To hold us in that space, so that we can go through our process of evolution without creating too much harm or discomfort around us.

Absolutely. I love what you talked about, about not judging ourselves or being less spiritual. I keep threatening to do a reality show This Is What Enlightenment Looks Like. I don’t think it’s what people think it is.

I am super, super big on being authentic and visible. I do lots of live streams and stuff with my groups and all the rest of my people and tell them about what’s going on for me and how I’m dealing with this and that. And still, they want to put me on a pedestal and think that because I’m a facilitator of transformation that my life’s all peaches and cream.

Really! What I do and why I work with the light languages and stuff, a lot of other transformational people, a lot of other healers or whatever you want to call them, facilitators, come my way for help, basically to help them expand into their next level of service or growth or whatever. Some of the biggest names out there have just as big a problem as everybody else.

Oh, yeah! Absolutely!

I don’t think that just because they have made a name for themselves as a healer, or a coach, or an author, they can write all of this great stuff down, of course, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re not having problems in their own life.

Having it written down doesn’t make them a fraud at all, to bring great information. People have to understand that just because you can bring certain great information doesn’t mean that it is 1000 percent your experience all the time. The reason I’m saying that is not so that you look less of facilitators out there, it’s so that you don’t look so hard on yourself. We all talk to these people who are doing the teaching, are doing the facilitation, and think, “Oh I’d love to be like then. They’ve got it all together.” I’m here to tell you that I don’t have it all together. Honor where you are at and know that you are not less than them. You can step forward and be a facilitator yourself, in time, when you have the confidence to do that. It’s not that you have to have fix yourself.

A lot of people come to me because I do all these different trainings. When they come to me, they’re basically saying, “Well I just need to fix this, this, and this, and then I can start using these modalities to help others.” I’m saying, this way for you to fix all of those issues you’re having yourself is to start working as the facilitator now. It’s to get out there and start sharing what you know with others because that is the greatest way forward for you. I don’t think you need to be perfect before you can start helping others because you’ll never start helping others. That’s just the way it is.

We all have to do a reality check with ourselves.


So, we’ve sort of gone right around holding compassionate space.

There are so many shoot offs from that, that are essential.

Yes, that is true.

So are we ready, Tonya, to have a little experience of what holding compassionate space feels like?

Let’s do it.

I just had a little idea drop into my head in the last 30 seconds.

So, my friends let’s take some deep breaths and relax now and let go of that whole conversation that you’ve just heard. It’s fantastic and you can listen back to it and take notes if you wish. There’s lots of great points there. But now let’s just get it all and just fold into a space where you can experience what’s here for you now and the energies that are going to flow through your fields.

And breathe out and relax. Allow your shoulders to relax. Allow your neck to relax. Allow your hands to open out and just let go and release.

As you breathe in choose to expand. Choose to be more expansive. Now let go from your mind about what that means and that there’s some sort of Mundale, or magic that you need to do to expand. Just know that your intention to expand is enough. As you inhale, you feel yourself expand. As you exhale, you feel yourself relax. Keep it simple. Beautiful.

Now, just allow the energies of the language to wash over you and through you. I will lead you on a little journey into compassionate space.

(Channeled Information 36:35-45:10)

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Taking some breaths, my friends ,and allowing yourself to become aware of your external situation you find yourself in now. The sounds, the smells, the space of the room around you. As you open your eyes, the world might look a little different. That’s ok.

Place your feet on the floor, breathe deep, and own who you are. Grounding your experience. Feel your own empowered, divine, essence.

Awesome. Thank you so much for that.

My pleasure.

Very cool. Matt, we appreciate having you on the show and look forward to many more conversations.

For those of you, who were able to listen to this interview, or this podcast today, really sit with that concept of compassion and open space. Ask yourself, when you engage with others and with yourself, if you’re operating from that place of neutrality, and openness, and compassion. Especially with yourselves. That will naturally flow out into those that you interact with.

So, Matt, thank you again.

Perfect. Thank you so much Tonya, for an absolutely, very expansive conversation. I’m feeling on top of the world, and that’s all that matters at the end of the day.

I love it. Very cool. That’s a great! We’re very self-serving beings.

We have to be! It’s the most self-less thing we can do.

Agreed. Completely. For those of you, on that note, go out, touch the world, make some change, uncover your Super Powers. And until next time, thanks for the loyalty. Take care everyone.