High Frequency Healing2022-05-17T15:44:55-07:00
High Frequency Healing with AngelaMaria

High Frequency Healing

The show features individuals using their super powers to heal their lives and lead others to do the same.

AngelaMaría is the founder and owner of AngelaMaría, Change Actions, Shift Energy, the creator of In Connection 9-3, The Experience of the Being and the Akashic 9.0. She was born in Medellin, Colombia. She guides people to connect to their INNER POWER by providing information to heal their lives energetically to EMPOWER themselves. Her educational background and experience has helped her to design successful individual programs to guide people to Shift their Energy by taking action based on the information provided, to create the life they want and dream of. AngelaMaría, has also created engaging conferences where people will find lots of motivation and confidence to begging a path of EMPOWERING themselves through self-healing processes.

AngelaMaria AngelaMaría

Soy acompañante, “coach” de Expertos en Super Poderes (Super Power Experts) y la canalizadora de Akáshicos 9.0, el programa En Conexión 9-3, La Experiencia del Ser y Mi Bruja Sabia. Lidero procesos de auto-empoderamiento espiritual para que aprendas a sanarte por ti misma/o y a reconectarte con tu poder Divino.  Te guío, exitosamente, a cambiar tu energía tomando acciones basadas en la información recibida para que así, crees la vida que deseas y sueñas.  Como presentadora del programa de Sanación en Alta Frecuencia, (High Frequency Healing Show) elevo a otros sanadores y trabajadores energéticos, como parte de mi misión de impactar al mundo desde la energía, a una vibración e información en más alta frecuencia desde la novena dimensión.Certificada como Profesional en la Realineación del Alma, entrenadora “coach” espiritual y de vida, maestra Reiki y Terapeuta y Alquimista Circular, he trabajado con la energía durante más de diez años.


HFH – The Soul Shines

Do you know that the soul shines amidst the darkness? Would you be willing to let go of what you want and reach what the universe wants you to be? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Bracha Goetz introduce the powerful one and why we should connect our dreams, life, projects, and everything to this force. People are encapsulated with infinite worldly desires and aspirations without knowing the need to connect with the source to make it all more rewarding. Tune in to heal your life, take action, and go where you want to be.

HFH – The New Rich Is Balance

Do you believe that the new rich is balance? How can you reach the dreams that you aspire to achieve in life? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Kevin Roth talk about mindful awareness, the alignment and connection of the self and the universe, and listening to your heart to make sound decisions. Kevin’s difficult and excruciating experiences in his life pushed him to seek spiritual healing. He believes that this mantra: “If you can believe it, you can have it.”, is the incarnation of manifesting, the law of attraction, and miracles. Listen and learn from AngelaMaría and Kevin Roth about immersing yourself in the correct frequency to be one with your goals.

HFH – El Mago en Ti

Claudia nació el 13 de agosto en la hermosa ciudad de Popayán, Colombia, desde niña no podía resistirse al sonido del tambor, al Ilamado de la naturaleza, siempre fue muy intuitiva, aunque no sabía por qué. A los 19 años coincidío con un hermoso ser con el que empezó a aprender mucho del mundo espiritual.Le Ilamó la atención la magia de los números y es cuando empieza a estudiar Numerología. Es Administradora de Empresas, servir es su vocación y hoy en día se dedica a compartir el conocimiento que ha recibido en estos 26 años de experiencia y aprendizaje de increíbles mentores y culturas.

HFH – Are Your Stars Aligned?

Are your stars aligned? Have you already discovered your true purpose in life? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Debra Silverman talk about the world of Astrology and how it [...]

HFH – Floating in Quiet Darkness Heals

How does floating in quiet darkness heal? Do you often feel stressed and burnt out with your work? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMarìa and guest Glenn Perry talk about the benefits [...]

HFH – El Mapa de Ruta de la Sanación

Jeanette Carbajal es Entrenadora Profesional de Liderazgo y Enfermedades para Ejecutivos C-Suite y Educadora en Cultura de Enfermedades. También es Coach Master Certificada en Mentalidad. Jeanette tiene la capacidad de conectar a sus clientes [...]

HFH – The Healing Roadmap

How does it feel to walk down the healing roadmap? Do you want to take your anxieties and worries away? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Jeanette Carbajal talk about [...]

HFH – Move To Heal

How can we move to heal? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría tells us about the story of Sandra Beltran, director and founder of Corporal Move, for six years and who created [...]

HFH – Bailar Para Sanar

Sandra es una apasionada por el estudio del movimiento corporal. Es profesional en Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación, es profesora de anatomía y biomecánica del movimiento, maestra de Yoga certificada por All You Can [...]

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