The show features individuals using their super powers to heal their lives and lead others to do the same.
AngelaMaría is the founder and owner of AngelaMaría, Change Actions, Shift Energy, the creator of In Connection 9-3, The Experience of the Being and the Akashic 9.0. She was born in Medellin, Colombia. She guides people to connect to their INNER POWER by providing information to heal their lives energetically to EMPOWER themselves. Her educational background and experience has helped her to design successful individual programs to guide people to Shift their Energy by taking action based on the information provided, to create the life they want and dream of. AngelaMaría, has also created engaging conferences where people will find lots of motivation and confidence to begging a path of EMPOWERING themselves through self-healing processes.
Soy acompañante, “coach” de Expertos en Super Poderes (Super Power Experts) y la canalizadora de Akáshicos 9.0, el programa En Conexión 9-3, La Experiencia del Ser y Mi Bruja Sabia. Lidero procesos de auto-empoderamiento espiritual para que aprendas a sanarte por ti misma/o y a reconectarte con tu poder Divino. Te guío, exitosamente, a cambiar tu energía tomando acciones basadas en la información recibida para que así, crees la vida que deseas y sueñas. Como presentadora del programa de Sanación en Alta Frecuencia, (High Frequency Healing Show) elevo a otros sanadores y trabajadores energéticos, como parte de mi misión de impactar al mundo desde la energía, a una vibración e información en más alta frecuencia desde la novena dimensión.Certificada como Profesional en la Realineación del Alma, entrenadora “coach” espiritual y de vida, maestra Reiki y Terapeuta y Alquimista Circular, he trabajado con la energía durante más de diez años.
After riding the wax and wane of success in business, life, and love, Keith Tong has begun a path to tell people the importance of life, which he considered his Healing Super Power. Keith [...]
Do we need special powers to connect to the Divinity? Jennifer Weber an author, spiritual guide, and life coach, joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share about how to tap into your inner guidance so [...]
Is it really possible to live a spiritual journey through food? On this episode of High Frequency Healing, Kathleen Gage joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share her spiritual experience through food. Having participated in [...]
Is it possible to access consciousness to heal yourself? Carolina Yalcin, a Colombian industrial engineer turned therapist as a way to help her daughters, believes it is! Carolina joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share [...]
Is it time for women power? After walking her path and meeting Goddess Kwan Yin, Kayla Oceanna thinks so. She joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share about her calling that today spreads to the [...]
Are you an intuitive? Or is intuition something weird and hard to believe for you? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, Maryanne Sea, a woman who had to live in extreme isolation from [...]
Have you ever wondered how to use your spiritual energy? Or what you can use it for? Nathalie Marulanda, a Colombian physician, joins AngelaMarίa on the High Frequency Healing Show to share her experience [...]
Have you ever considered that a conscious mind creates consciously? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, Diana Suarez, a colombian woman who worked as Human Resources Manager for 12 years, joins HFH host [...]
Is it possible to gain power through your weight? Jason Shiers, Certified Transformative Coach & Certified Psychotherapist, joins AngelaMaría on the High Frequency Healing Show to answer that question. Jason has been working with [...]