Blessings. So family, this is Jewels, with Cosmic Consciousness, Coding the New Human for the New Earth. And I am so honored and excited to have Tonya Dawn Recla with me today. Welcome Tonya.
Hello. Thank you so much. What fun.
So this is our second interview. If anybody wants to know more about Tonya, just go back to our debut episode, and we’ll have the link below. She is so amazing, and has such a, oh my gosh. My heart just gets full just having this time with you. You’re such an amazing person. And I just have this feeling that this conversation is just going to take us so far. So we’re going to talk about going to God. And what that means and how we can use that to not only better our lives, but to move past maybe some limitations that we can put on ourselves as we’re moving through this third dimensional world. So Tonya, tell me, what does it mean to you to go to God?
I love this. As we talk all the time, this is really at the heart of the matter, in our estimation and kind of where we operate from, and this idea of, can you just do that? The oversimplification era that we’re in. Like, one easy step, or three easy steps, or “Here, you don’t have to read the whole book. Here’s the CliffsNotes,” and so we like this immediate gratification concept. And so I think for those of us who see through all of that, the idea that it really could be as simple as turning to God in all things. That really could be the answer. But does that make us naive? Does that make us foolish? Does it make us pollyannaish? What will others think and what if we’re wrong?
And so this concept is really laden with so many intricacies, because on one hand it’s like, yeah, just go to God, go to God. That’s easy. But then from that standpoint, we have to ask, “Are we really actually doing that, and what does that mean?” And then there’s this scoffing kind of perspective of, “Oh, sure. Yeah. Just go to God. Well, God’s not paying the bills, God’s not doing this.” And then from that perspective, it’s like, okay, well, if that’s true, then what’s the point? What is this all about? Why are we doing this? And why would we be following any kind of concept? Like the idea that if God doesn’t exist, there’s no reason to have a moral code. Anything is possible in both of those scenarios, with God anything’s possible, but a world that we can conceive of without God is also anything is possible.
We need to be really cautious about which one we’re feeding and deciding to grow. But ironically, on both sides of that camp, both camps on either side of that matter waffle between their own dichotomies. And so it’s neither the purist and purely going to God or purely not. There’s always these really gray areas. And I think as individuals, we don’t even realize that we’re holding these contradictory perspectives, and then we can’t understand why we don’t get anywhere. So to me, all of that’s encompassed in the concept of go to God.
That’s so beautiful. And as you’re talking I’m just kind of following the energy pattern of what you’re saying, and I think that at least for me, when I think of going to God, it’s moving back inside, and then taking 110% responsibility of what it is I’m creating, because I can’t go to God, and be separate from God, and have an experience without being the creator of that experience. And that’s the part I think of going to God that’s so much fun is that God is within us. And that when we’re creating from that space of being connected to that frequency is when magic starts to happen. But it also can be when we start to identify the parts of our life that maybe aren’t in resonance with God.
And that’s where it’s like the concept of you don’t really get to know how the story ends until you really dive into the story, and choose to believe in this story, which is a weird idea for us, but you speak of the fun and the joy and the experience of being in that state of pure bliss and ecstasy with the divine. And it is, it’s like nothing else to live your life in that place is the reward, right? That is heaven on earth, and it is possible. We do live that way. And, you cannot see the joy and the grace and the beauty in it until you’re in it. And to be in it, you have to willingly choose to move into that, to jump off the cliff, if you will, to take that step before you can ever see all of those things you’re mentioning.
And so on the other side of that decision, it’s terrifying to the aspects of us that we previously knew ourselves to be. And that’s the conundrum. It’s a bizarre thing to think that you’re being asked to have faith in something that you truly cannot comprehend, except when you’re able to be that. And once you can remember that you are that, then you realize you’ve always been that, and you’ve always been there, but it’s a bizarre thing for a linear kind of third dimensional reality to grasp.
But it’s definitely possible. And I want to talk more about that. We’re going to take a really quick break. And then when I come back and just ask you more questions about maybe some tools or practices that we can do to kind of go ahead and jump off that cliff, and do it from a place of storytelling, if there’s other people that have done this. And so you can do it too kind of thing. So Tonya, I know that we all know who you are and most of us do, but please tell us where we can find you, if somebody wanted to do similar work with you, or hear more about you.
Beautiful, beautiful. Well you can certainly dive into more of my work either through our IM series that you can get to at, and you click on the messages tab, that’s free training. It’s our gift to you. Certainly, if it resonates, we invite you into those master classes, and otherwise the curriculum that drives our SuperPower programs, you can dive deeper into my work there as well. And I’m sure if you’re really that interested, you will find a way to get in touch with me.
Oh my gosh, I love that, divinely guided, right?
That’s right.
Okay. So we’ll be right back.
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