Celebrating the Women Who Tell Our Stories

Join host Tonya Dawn Recla and the Superpower Network in celebrating the kick-off of Women’s History Month. This year’s theme of honoring Women Who Tell Our Stories invites all of us to receive the beautiful wisdom delivered through our women.

2023-05-16T23:24:01-07:00March 17th, 2023|

Assume the Position, Ladies: Inviting the Rise of the Divine Masculine

Assume the Position, Ladies: Inviting the Rise of the Divine Masculine The Masculine and the Feminine In the Expanding Motherhood series we covered three major aspects of the mother archetype within the context of expansion. As we prepare for the fatherhood series, we notice the father archetype feels very different. In fact, after deeper inquiry, masculinity isn’t on its own trajectory of expansion at all, the expansiveness of the masculine IS the feminine. Or, more specifically, the masculine journey isn’t one of expansion, but, rather, one of definition. How do we know this? The most obvious answer is also the most polarizing. When deconstructing power majority groups, the biggest challenge is in categorizing, encapsulating, defining something so pervasive. You see, once something grows beyond a particular power point, it actually ceases to be defined. Basically, it is no longer a “thing,” [...]

2023-05-16T23:21:43-07:00March 6th, 2023|

Celebrating Black History Month 2023

Celebrating Black History Month 2023 The Superpower Network celebrates Black History Month in honor of priceless contributions to the betterment and welfare of us all. Let’s shine brightly on the 2023 theme of Resistance as we uplift the efforts of so many who endeavored against great odds to show us the light. May we walk side-by-side to heal the past so we can step forward together. We love you, love each other. Tonya Dawn Recla Executive Director Resistance - Black History Month 2023 Join us as we honor Black History Month at the Superpower Network and the 2023 theme: Resistance. The Science of Superpowers host, Tonya Dawn Recla, shares the connection between evolving consciousness and moving through race and ethnicity conversations. Tonya talks about how the Creative Energy Field Activation Process (CEFA) assists in moving through layers of energetic programs that no [...]

2023-05-16T22:54:20-07:00February 16th, 2023|

Deep Throat: Exposing rape culture from the inside out

Warning! Article Contains Adult/Sensitive Content!  Deep Throat: Exposing rape culture from the inside out Have you ever wondered why we can whip out phrases like “cancel culture” “divisive culture,” even “rape culture,” and debate deconstructed solutions, but never once stop and ask two crucial, foundational questions. Question number one: Is this true? As in, is this an accurate description of our culture? Which inevitably leads us to realize no one really knows since someone(s), somewhere(s) simply made up the phrases and we all went along then found evidence to prove them. So we follow up with the second, more imperative question. Question number two: Do we want this to be true? As an aside, once you internalize the whole concept that we create the reality we experience, you can skip to the second part and save yourself some time. But, regardless of how [...]

2023-05-16T23:23:15-07:00September 14th, 2021|

We Did This…and the inarguable solution for global recovery

We Did This....and the inarguable solution for global recovery. This article could also be called: Confessions of a falling nation.  global Hello. We’re the citizens of the United States of America and we have a confession.  Because we are, right? Falling? Does anyone feel like we’re standing solidly on a foundation we’re wholly confident will support us into the future? And why should we expect access to such a foundation? Do we deserve it? Let’s face it, when we turned the presidency into fodder for sketch comedies and media mania, then globally aired our ridiculousness as fast and furiously as we could, what did we think was going to happen? When we chased likes and friends and subscribers and users and votes, what sort of world did we think we were creating? Are we really so insecure that we willingly sacrificed our [...]

2023-05-16T23:25:49-07:00December 2nd, 2020|

Agents of Change Assemble: The time is now and this is what we trained for

Agents of Change Assemble: The time is now and this is what we trained for! This discussion follows on We Did This: And the inarguable solution for global recovery. This is for all the light workers, teachers, trainers, pastors, healers, counselors, coaches, and transformationalists. If that’s you, read on. For those of you who got lost back at "light worker" and want to be sure you’re not falling for some sneaky wine flavored kool-aid ploy, keep seeking. This journey is full of twists and turns and perhaps taking up the mantle as a fully-identified agent of change hasn’t landed in you yet. It will. Stay the course and guidance becomes clearer. For the rest of you, we have work to do. Truth, with a capital T, only becomes our truth when we surrender into the experience of total communion with the divine. - Tonya [...]

2023-06-05T11:42:18-07:00December 2nd, 2020|

Using Super Powers to Awaken Mass Consciousness

Using Super Powers to Awaken Mass Consciousness There’s a movement of people using Super Powers to awaken mass consciousness. It started as a conversation, a tongue-in-cheek, what-if, matrix-esque, utopian-driving type of conversation. Those involved knew it was ridiculous, a momentary glimpse into a dreamt up world that could only exist in imagined realms. Or was it… Super Humans Once you say something often enough and get others to say it with you, it starts to sink into the psyche in creative ways. (I get it, this is dangerously close to the drinking-the-Kool-Aid conversation, but let’s table cult conversations temporarily.) Energetic natural laws require “evidence” and “proof” to appear magically in support of the completely made up concept. That’s how it works, right? Because all logic tells us that Super Powers, super human abilities, and X-Men-type mutations belong in comic books and movie theaters. They’re fun [...]

2023-05-13T16:48:09-07:00September 10th, 2017|

Do You Suffer From Premature Collaboration?

Do You Suffer from Premature Collaboration? (It's more common than you think) Collaboration is the hot topic in business these days. Entrepreneurship is full of folks throwing that word around like it’s the next secret to success. And they’re right. Many of us got the message loud and clear that our big visions and missions for world change require us cracking the code on how to work together. From books like Tribes and Tribal Leadership to organizations like Super Power Experts and CEO Space International, team leaders and pioneers have any number of resources to choose from in their quest to master collaboration. But not all perspectives on collaboration are created equal and not all situations are ready for collaboration. That’s right. Collaboration cannot be the first step toward achieving a goal…any goal. In every successful collaboration, three key elements exist. And these elements MUST be present in order for any collaboration to succeed. Of [...]

2023-05-13T16:44:01-07:00June 16th, 2017|

On Being Superheroes: How Multidimensional Existence Requires Super-Sizing the Hero’s Journey

On Being Superheroes: How Multidimensional Existence Requires Super-Sizing the Hero's Journey “You create superheroes to take care of problems that can't really be solved another way,” Robert Rodriguez What do you do when an entire population waits for the next leader? What do you do when the next phase of existence requires something more than the masters who’ve come before? What do you do when heroes simply aren’t enough? You super-size them! It’s no shock to anyone that times are changing. Even those who have no knowledge of or interest in pursuing consciousness or personal growth can feel it. Something is a-brewing and it feels foreboding. The internal fortitude required to continually walk closer to the storm rather than shy away far exceeds what most people can handle. Even those who’ve done a fair amount of journeying realize they are ill-equipped to deal with everything starting [...]

2023-05-13T16:36:06-07:00September 1st, 2016|
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