Living Intuition

Living Intuition In the final message of the Inspired Intuition IM Series, we look ahead at a world created by individuals living their intuition. We explore ways to implement intuitive strategies into day-to-day life and gain confidence in relying on it more and more. Neva Lee Recla illustrates the benefits of building an existence from a foundation of intuition and committing to develop this fundamental skill. Don’t miss the close-out to this wonderful series that encourages all of us to start now in creating an intuitive lifestyle. Resources: IMS Link: Inspired Intuition Intuition the Door to a High Frequency Healing - Podcast The Power of Intuition - Podcast Stillness Within Connecting to Something Bigger - Podcast Can you say yes to the Divine - Podcast Work the Light - Podcast Return to Series  Stay connected. Evolve your life. Sign up [...]

2022-03-14T19:45:13-07:00March 9th, 2022|

Using Intuition

Using Intuition After we know what it is and how to find it, the natural tendency is to want to use it. In the second message of the Inspired Intuition IM Series, we explore using intuition. We’re joined again by Neva Lee Recla who walks us through how she accesses her intuition and the tools she uses to guide her in developing it. Be sure to watch this fabulous and practical message that provides ways to stay in touch and connected with your intuition. Resources: IMS Link: Inspired IntuitionIntuition the Door to a High Frequency Healing - PodcastThe Power of Intuition - PodcastStillness Within Connecting to Something Bigger - PodcastCan you say yes to the Divine- PodcastWork the Light - Podcast Return to Series  Stay connected. Evolve your life. Sign up for the latest community events, activities & resources [...]

2022-03-14T19:35:09-07:00March 1st, 2022|

Finding Intuition

Finding Intuition In the first message of the Inspired Intuition IM Series, we look at the concept of finding intuition and discuss different ways people access their intuitive channels. We uncover ways to discern ego advice from intuitive advice and learn to listen in alignment with our unique divine designs. Watch this magical message with special guest, Neva Lee Recla, that starts with seeing intuition through the eyes of the young. Resources: IMS Link: Inspired IntuitionIntuition the Door to a High Frequency Healing - PodcastThe Power of Intuition - PodcastStillness Within Connecting to Something Bigger - PodcastCan you say yes to the Divine - PodcastWork the Light - Podcast Return to Series  Stay connected. Evolve your life. Sign up for the latest community events, activities & resources

2022-03-14T19:26:21-07:00February 23rd, 2022|

Be Together

Be Together As we draw the series to a close, we open a new way of relating, a way of being together. In our busy lives filled with expectations, responsibilities and distractions, it becomes even more important that we sensitize ourselves to being with each other, feeling each other, knowing each other, sensing each other. Sitting harmoniously in another’s energetic, spiritual, vibrational space requires a willingness to go deeper within yourself and then invite someone else to join you there. You do not want to miss this powerful finale of The Apple Flavored Pomegranate IM Series that invites all of us to connect in marriage beyond myth and coupling beyond convention. Join us.   Resources: IMS Link: Apple Flavored Pomegranate Ready to Overcome the Break-up Relationships Done Different Refuse to be the Victim Preserving the Spark After Children The Art of Listening [...]

2022-03-08T00:37:25-07:00February 16th, 2022|

Grow Together

Grow Together In the second message of The Apple Flavored Pomegranate IM Series, we move beyond learning together and step into growing together. This phase brings with it all of the ways we get to face old beliefs or programs limiting intimacy or connection. We take a look at the divisiveness that plays out in relationships, regardless of gender roles, and the dynamics we can evolve when we come together. Don’t miss this fabulous experience deeper into the depths of relating in oneness. Resources: IMS Link: Apple Flavored Pomegranate Ready to Overcome the Break-up Relationships Done Different Refuse to be the Victim Preserving the Spark After Children The Art of Listening Return to Series  Stay connected. Evolve your life. Sign up for the latest community events, activities & resources

2022-03-08T00:03:49-07:00February 9th, 2022|

Learn Together

Learn Together This series opener starts with setting the stage for developing a lifetime of adventure, fun, intimacy and love together. In this stage we look at how couples learn together and how they discover relationship harmony by exploring themselves and each other. This includes discovering purpose together, honing superpowers together, creating a family together, working together, or changing the world together. Regardless of your particular flavor of relationship, commitment to an ongoing lifetime of learning with your partner opens you up to a whole new world. In this message, Justin and Tonya Dawn Recla share their techniques for building a solid relationship foundation in trust, faith and love. While these techniques are played out in a monogamous, heterosexual relationship, the information can be applied regardless of how you choose to relate to others. Join us for the debut message of The Apple Flavored Pomegranate. [...]

2022-03-08T00:26:33-07:00February 2nd, 2022|

Creator Will

Creator Will In the final message of the Free Will IM Series, we take a peek at what happens after aligning personal will with Gods will. As we gingerly embrace aligning our will with Gods, we begin to see something else entirely emerge into our consciousness that speaks to the integration of all we once knew to be us and all we’re beginning to know of God. Don’t miss this powerful series finale that paints the picture of a world where the illusion of choice dissolves into an eternal embrace played out on a multidimensional stage.  Resources: IMS Link: Free Will Podcast: Say yes to Dancing with the Divine Podcast: Ims the IM Podcast: Ways of Spirit Podcast: Ego States to Live Your Best Life Podcast: Divine Design Creation Return to Series  Stay connected. Evolve your life. Sign up for the [...]

2022-01-11T17:21:09-07:00January 26th, 2022|

Gods Will

Gods Will As we culminate the journey through personal will we emerge upon an unexpected invitation and contemplate a very real decision. Do we align ourselves with what we think is Gods will or do we exercise personal will and choose differently? This is the age-old apple conundrum and runs through our very existence. But what is Gods will and how do we know? Join us for the second message in the Free Will IM Series that guides us beyond personal will and into the divine dance.  Resources: IMS Link: Free Will Podcast: Say yes to Dancing with the Divine Podcast: Ims the IM Podcast: Ways of Spirit Podcast: Ego States to Live Your Best Life Podcast: Divine Design Creation Return to Series  Stay connected. Evolve your life. Sign up for the latest community events, activities & resources [...]

2022-01-11T17:21:52-07:00January 19th, 2022|

Our Will

Our Will As each of us gets the opportunity to explore our worlds and consciously influence our decisions, the programming begins around who we believe ourselves to be and how we think the world works. In the first message of the Free Will IM Series, we explore the concept of personal will, how we make decisions and what or who influences that process. Don’t miss this fabulous series opener that has us all scratching our heads wondering who’s really in control.  Resources: IMS Link: Free Will Podcast: Say yes to Dancing with the Divine Podcast: Ims the IM Podcast: Ways of Spirit Podcast: Ego States to Live Your Best Life Podcast: Divine Design Creation Return to Series  Stay connected. Evolve your life. Sign up for the latest community events, activities & resources

2022-01-11T17:22:40-07:00January 12th, 2022|

The Multiverse Adventure

In the third message of the Choose Your Divine Adventure IM Series, we go beyond working with divinely guided teams and look at the implications of experiencing life beyond this planet, this reality, this dimension, this universe. As we walk more closely with the divine, the inevitable reality of existence beyond this temporal one starts to feel less like a superhero movie and more like a Monday. And, what if it’s okay to normalize something other than the limited perspective we once thought was everything? Don’t miss this final close-out to an out-of-this-world series that encourages all of us to live beyond and choose the divine multiverse adventure. 

2022-01-11T17:36:03-07:00January 5th, 2022|

The Team Adventure

The Team Adventure As we journey through the divine adventure, discovering a world through Gods will, we encounter many others on the path. Some light up as we pass and those connections feel significant. But how do we learn to include others in the most intimate and personal of relationships? Whether with intimate partners, friends, children, families or organizations, we look at the dynamics of expanding the experience beyond yourself. In the second message of the Choose Your Divine Adventure IM Series, we look at the different ways to connect with others on this wonderful walk with Source.  Resources: Podcast: Say Yes To Dancing With The Divine Podcast: God is Fluid Podcast: Feminine Christ Consciousness Podcast:Living The Kingdom Now Podcast:Finding Everything in Nothing Return to Series  Stay connected. Evolve your life. Sign up for the latest community events, activities & [...]

2022-01-11T17:35:46-07:00December 29th, 2021|

The Hero Adventure

The Hero Adventure As we set out on our divine adventure, we quickly encounter a world that unfolds amazing experiences and untold encounters that delight every cell of our being. We discover that we are not alone, far from it! We have sensory receptors and knowingness that allow us to interact with divine intelligence inherent within all creation, including ourselves. And we have the most intimate and incredible relationship deep inside that permeates the very existence of the cosmos guiding us and lighting the path. Don’t miss this fabulous opener to the Choose Your Divine Adventure IM Series, guaranteed to ignite your senses! Resources: Podcast: Say Yes To Dancing With The Divine Podcast: God is Fluid Podcast: Feminine Christ Consciousness Podcast:Living The Kingdom Now Podcast:Finding Everything in Nothing Return to Series  Stay connected. Evolve your life. Sign up for the [...]

2022-01-11T17:33:04-07:00December 22nd, 2021|

Create True Change

Create True Change In the final message of the Más Christ IM Series, we wrap up the human experience journey as we’re guided into the next phase as divine aspects modeled by Christ. We leave the story of Christ’s life behind and step into the invitation of the Christ experience, the Christ light that has the power to inspire the world. Dive into this powerful and illuminating message about receiving the invitation that Christ represented for all as we learn to harness the power to align with the divine and consciously co-create a world made in love, joy and hope. Resources: IMS Link:Podcast: Mas Christ Podcast: The Invitation Podcast: Reconnecting Your Divine Essence Podcast: Creating Higher States of Consciousness/ Podcast: In God We Trust Podcast: Jesus Makes Us Enough Return to Series 

2021-11-29T20:22:57-07:00December 15th, 2021|

Choose New Priorities

Choose New Priorities In the second message of the Más Christ IM Series, we move beyond the concept of Christ’s relationship with God, the model of our relationship with God, and look at Christ as a brother, our brother. This realization catapults us into an entirely new reality with entirely new priorities. If the teaching was to be like Christ, then the clear directive in this step is to choose to prioritize our lives in a way similar to how he chose to prioritize his. But until we can see beyond religious doctrine and heavy-handed misinterpretations of Christ’s teachings, this seems like a nice dream, but impossible for “normal” humans. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, the story of the way Christ modeled the human experience and how our interpretation of that informs our relationship with the divine continues to play out thousands of years after it [...]

2021-11-29T20:22:35-07:00December 8th, 2021|

Change Your Perspective

Change Your Perspective In the first message of the Más Christ IM Series, we begin with the first step of changing our perspective regarding the holiday season, traditions and Christ. We start with exploring the idea of Christ as a Son of God and what that means about who we are and what Christ taught. As we change our perspective from one of obligation to one filled with wonder and discovery, we venture onto the path toward the ultimate invitation. Join us as we kick off the Más Christ IM Series in celebration of this magical season of hope. Resources: IMS Link:Podcast: Mas Christ Podcast: The Invitation Podcast: Reconnecting Your Divine Essence Podcast: Creating Higher States of Consciousness/ Podcast: In God We Trust Podcast: Jesus Makes Us Enough Return to Series 

2021-11-29T20:21:03-07:00December 1st, 2021|

Living Thanks

Living Thanks In this final message about Living Thanks, we take a look at the powerful combination of pouring our words, our energy and our essence into creating the life we want. This level of congruence invites us to embody gratitude in every cell of our being, every aspect of our lives. We’re invited to fully integrate the energy of abundance and plenty as we open our eyes to the richness surrounding us in every moment. And in the next breath, we’re able to see that same light shining out from those around us. Be sure to join us as we wrap up the Giving Thanks IM Series and pour love, light and gratitude into this holiday season. Resources: IMS Link: Giving Thanks Podcast: The Four Sacred Gifts for a World in Change Podcast: Kindness Currency Podcast: Peace Happiness Abundance Return [...]

2021-11-29T14:27:15-07:00November 24th, 2021|

Feeling Thanks

Feeling Thanks Empathy is one of the most neglected areas of parenting and social programming. Those who are predisposed to empathy often believe others are able to sense what they sense and those who aren’t often have no idea emotional energy is being exchanged. This creates a ton of confusion and miscommunication. In order to tap into the frequency of gratitude, we must be able to sense it. This starts with sensitizing ourselves to others. Don’t miss this fantastic second message on Feeling Thanks in the Giving Thanks IM Series. Resources: IMS Link: Giving Thanks Podcast: The Four Sacred Gifts for a World in Change Podcast: Kindness Currency Podcast: Peace Happiness Abundance Return to Series 

2021-11-29T14:27:17-07:00November 17th, 2021|

Saying Thanks

Saying Thanks In Saying Thanks, this first message of the Giving Thanks IM Series, we go all the way back to the beginning. Perhaps it’s true that everything we needed to know about life we learned in kindergarten. Certainly, the root secret to creating a life in the frequency of gratitude is something we’re all taught to some degree at a very young age. But, what if we truly knew the power of good manners and being kind to others? Join us in this fabulous message that reminds us that we should always be able to come up with something nice to say.  Resources: IMS Link: Giving Thanks Podcast: The Four Sacred Gifts for a World in Change Podcast: Kindness Currency Podcast: Peace Happiness Abundance Return to Series 

2021-12-09T16:15:07-07:00November 10th, 2021|

SPU – Big F Faith

As we journey more deeply into this high vibrational life experience, we inevitably meet up with a crossroads of faith. At that juncture our conviction gets tested and we’re faced with a decision, similar to the decision we currently face as a world community. Are we going to continue to build on top of fear, allowing every subtle and pervasive version to inform our reality? Or are we going to choose Big “F” Faith and step boldly into the existence we know is possible? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the next IM Series - Big “F” Faith. If you know you’re here to have a big impact and change the world for the better, don’t miss the episode to learn how to step fully into the only thing that gets us there.   Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your [...]

2021-11-29T14:27:51-07:00May 8th, 2020|

SPU – Expanding Motherhood

Motherhood is one of the most crucial relationship constructs we carry as a collective. Wrapped up in the concept is all kinds of emotions, fears, hopes, dreams, sorrows, and joys. In this IM Series, Expanding Motherhood, we explore three major energetic archetypes associated with motherhood. Whether you are a mother, plan to be a mother or were birthed by a mother, you’re impacted by the stories and examples we share collectively about the role of mom. We invite you to join us in an elevated perspective of “mother” and lean into the sheer joy of experiencing an unabashed affair with the deep comfort and creation made possible through its expression.  Motherhood is the complex arrangement of various roles, responsibilities, commitments, and privileges afforded to the brave souls who choose to raise the offspring. Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power [...]

2021-11-29T14:29:24-07:00April 17th, 2020|
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