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The Final Countdown: Sound a death knell for the unevolved masculine
To the holdouts, the stalwarts
those still hoping to wake up
And see again the world they built
before the rest kept up
To those who’d rather song and dance
and prancing parade their dangle
Hear this through your toxic minds
our bodies just walked off the table
It’s hard to remember, we’ve been at this so long,
if you’re the dog or we’re the pony
But suffice to say, this was never the way
we’re not a plaything for insecure and lonely
You rut and root and screw everything that moves
still you call us bitches
You conjure evil, destruction and hate
tell us again, who are the witches
You see, amidst your blunders and lies
you forgot more than the golden rule
You forgot you couldn’t stop us from learning
who did you think was tending the school
For, my poor dears, your arrogance blinds you
to the developments happening within
When one seeks external prizes to win
one loses the game, as well as the skin
We did your bidding, we played by your rules
we smiled and let you believe
That somehow, someway, we saw in ourselves
who you so desperately want us to be
But now it’s time we confess our confession
This is the final countdown, after all
Let‘s clear the air and free your misconception
(you might want to kneel before you fall)
You see, we never led you astray
your own fear crafted this self-destructive lie
You lost it all in the biggest of bangs
the moment you shoved an apple between our thighs
Three became one in a superior complex
now you’re in a crisis of identity and faith
And while you busily wrote history without us
we did more than keep apace
We whispered sweet nothings, we did as you feared
in your sleep we sighed our suggestions
We sashayed our secrets in tit-ass-hip morse
all while planting seeds of insurrection
We wiggled our way into more than just skirts
as you ignorantly high-fived each other
Too dense to see, too self-hated to remember
we loved you first, our dear brothers
Too late, alas, your era will close
the conversations now happen without you
It’s tough, we know, to be outside the know
but we lit you a path to find truth
Because surely you get that at this point in time
we don’t just see you in ways you can’t fathom
We see in and to, up, down and through
beyond you to worlds you can’t even imagine
One final note as the count winds down
to our inspired brothers walking by our sides
Those who reflect our brilliance back as we
together illuminate the most holy prize
The love we share will get us there
in remembrance embrace the light we know
Now it is time to leave the rest behind
…oh the place we will go
The Final Countdown