SPU – How to be Confident in Yourself
Funny Face Time with Tonya Dawn Recla and Neva Lee Recla Executive Director, Tonya Dawn Recla, and Founder of Super Power Kids, Neva Lee Recla, talk about how to be confident in yourself. They share their experiences at an event called Meltdown in the Desert in Phoenix, Arizona. There they learned the importance of being confident, telling your story, and being afraid, but doing it anyway. Listen in as they share secrets to success from some of the top social influencers. [...]
SPU – Spiritual Awakening through The Course in Miracles with Cindy Lora-Renard
Cindy-Lora Renard chats with SuperPower Up! to discuss how her knowledge from ‘A Course in Miracles’ laid the foundation for her spiritual awakening. She explains how her international travels, studies, and visionary music talents have helped channel the higher vibrations in her life. Learn more. She's got this playful almost fairy-esque energy to her. Hello everybody, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Superpower Expert, and I ... I have this big grin on my face. I feel like I'm just beaming. So, I've had [...]
SPU – Making Database Decisions with Jeremy Ryan Slate
In this episode we talk about making database decisions and managing emotions in order to be successful. Jeremy Ryan Slate shares his perspective after interviewing successful business owners about what it takes to succeed in life and business. Hello! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am excited to have with me today Jeremy Slate. This guy is quite the package here from Oxford University and Seton Hall University to having a podcast the, Create Your Own Life podcast. This guy you [...]
WOA – The Power of Divine Love
Have you ever wondered how you will finally know it’s divine love? How can you step into a life full of love, happiness, and peace? Divine love isn’t simply the love for God. In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan is joined by Mirabai Devi. Mirabai is an international spiritual teacher, author, and the Founder of the Mirabai Devi Foundation, a foundation dedicated to raising world consciousness through the healing and awakening of humanity. Join now as Ayn and Mirabai discuss healing the body, [...]
SPU – Weather And Higher Vibrations with Steven “Hollywood” Bennett
In this episode, Steven “Hollywood” Bennett talks about our connection to weather and he also goes into how his love for weather came about. He explains how deliberate, intentional thinking and focus on the things that we want can make these things happen because thoughts are so powerful. He also shares his thoughts on disabilities and how you attract people that you connect to, regardless of what they have or don't have. Steven “Hollywood” Bennett is a 27 year old blind man. His family and weather are number one [...]
SPK – Being One With Nature And Animals with Jillian Rutledge
In this episode of Super Power Kids, Jillian Rutledge talks about connecting and communicating with dolphins. Not just dolphins though, but she has the superpower of being one with all of nature and animals. She also talks about breath and how important it is for kids and everybody. Connecting with nature in a deep and meaningful way has been a true desire of Jillian Rutledge since she was a child. She believed she could “talk” with the animals. As she grew up, this desire matured into discovering ways to foster interspecies relationships, as she [...]