Creating Change-able Relationships

How can you create changeable relationships? What is a changeable relationship? In this episode of The Apple Flavored Pomegranate, hosts Justin and Tonya Dawn Recla welcome this topic to show couples all about how to navigate change in relationships. Change can be scary, and sometimes difficult. But this episode will show you how to prepare for the rocky road to come. Tune in today to learn all about the benefits of creating change-able relationships!

Tonya Dawn Recla: 

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Apple Flavored Pomegranate. I’m Tonya Dawn Recla here with Justin Recla. My lifemate and partner to my heterosexual life. Anyway, we’re gonna just drop that with today’s conversation. You know, it’s relatable, I guess, it’s all about creating change-able relationships. which means relationships where people can change within, the more the relationship can change. It was really fascinating. I hadn’t put this together till right now, you know, we’ve been very vocal about the marching orders with the Super Power Experts this whole universe has been created here. It awakened millions of everyone into the same conversation and get everyone to work together. And what’s funny is that along those lines, there were also all these little individual-like rules right now. I understand them to be kind of the coding and everything and being able to read it. And part of that was the idea that everybody has to be able to evolve to include the organizational structure, and how I would really relate in the coupling, and everybody has to be able to evolve to include the relationship. And we often don’t think about the evolution of the actual relationship as an entity in and itself. And when it’s only about the evolution of the wholeness of the individuals, we lose the connective element.

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And so today, we’re gonna be talking about wholeness, right, following up on the last episode from oneness to wholeness. This is all about the wholeness within the oneness and the wholeness of the relationship and how it gets to evolve over time, and how we inform it.

It’s important because I mean, can you imagine being 65-75 years old and living in a relationship like you were in when you first got married in your 20s? Or 30s? I mean, do you change along the way?

Well, I think we kind of just assume the relationships going to adapt. And I believe that’s what creates a lot of problems. I think that’s what’s in our programs, stretch sketch, right? Well, I’m gonna go and just exchange my partner, because we’re not 25 anymore.

And perhaps we’ve kind of set ourselves up for failure in that regard. We have some expectations of relationships and, of our progress in them, that is probably a little bit bloviating, we’re probably just not that good at it folks. Perhaps we just started there. And so why would we expect ourselves to be good at it? 

And so in today’s episode, we’re going to talk about one of the characteristics of a relationship that allows for change which is changing a bowl in and of itself. And so we’ll dive into those criteria and our experiences with that when we come back from a break. But before we do, Justin is going to share a poem with us for today’s topic. 

This one is called full of change by Katherine Pulsifer. Life is full of change. Some of it feels strange, but from the moment you are born, from the blooming rose to a thorn, we can accept it and look for the good or we can fight it like no other would. But without change, what a boring place changes well. I love that. And for those of you who are in the pursuit of wholeness, individuality, and relationships, be sure that you’re coming over to Sefa. 

Get into those core classes. If you want to know how to be calm and connected and confident in your next guided step and how to mitigate some of these influences that seem to be kind of heating up and stacking up around us. Come join us at sea so that you can be reminded of how to connect to yourself and your own brilliance. We’ll go over to And we’ll see you there. For now, stay tuned we’re going to be coming back after the break and talking all about creating change in a relationship. We’ll be right back after the break.

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