Hello everyone and welcome to the Wisdom of the Ages podcast show where we leave the sacred into modern day reality.Â
Let me tell you why you’re going to be excited about this episode. My brilliant guest is a psychic and miracle worker and we’re going to be speaking about angels. First, I’m going to begin with a wisdom quote by Joanna Garzilli.
You are far more than your body and your mind. You’re first and foremost a spiritual being, a mind and body animated by spirit. At your best you are an expression of love and a demonstration of beauty, someone creative and inspiring.
That definitely describes my guest today. I would like to introduce you to a living angel, Joanna Garzilli, who is considered the leading world authority on intuition and she acts as a guardian angel coach. She is a secret weapon for some of the most celebrated CEOs, entrepreneurs, movie stars, hall of fame athletes, and the highest level of government officials. She’s also the author of several books, including Big Miracles, which was published by HarperCollins. And we’re going to be talking about that book today.Â
Welcome Joanna.Â
Thank you, Ayn, for that beautiful heartfelt introduction.
Well, I have really wanted to do a show with you for so long and so may the magic begins.
Indeed, may it begin and continue.
And to continue. I like, I absolutely like that. I always like to begin my show with asking, what wisdom would you like to share with the world today?
Well, firstly, I feel the wisdom just in showing up. I feel that’s the first part of it because oftentimes, when we are going through spiritual awakening, spiritual growth, that there is a request to receive enlightenment or to have understanding but there isn’t really the willingness there. There’s a resistance. And so in saying, “I’m going to show up fully and be present and listen fully and allow myself to receive the impressions of the subtle energies around me and within me.” Then I believe that we can be a container, an instrument, for wisdom to flow through us, be demonstrated and to inspire it in others.
That’s beautiful. That’s absolutely beautiful. I’ve heard several wisdom teachers say that we’re already what we seek, we are the presence, we are love. But what is it that gets in the way? Why do we not always feel that presence?
I would say the primary reason we don’t feel that presence is the unevolved ego, which is rule five from Big Miracles. And that there has to, in my opinion, be a daily look inwards to say where are the distortions? Where am I perceive my environment, the people around me and myself in a way that is being led by ego, by that unevolved ego? And the thing is, is that if one tries to quieten that unevolved ego, if one tries to put it back in the Jack-in-the-box, that it’s going to wreak havoc, cause absolute chaos. I think the approach of how we interact with that unevolved ego is critical to being able to transform that into where it’s working for you and is expressed in an organic way of confidence rather than being pushy and forceful with others.
I just, I really love your book Big Miracles. I enjoyed it. In it, you have 11 rules to break through for your big miracle or there’s 11 rules that helps you break through for your big miracle and I really liked all of them. It seems like the very first one you talk about aligning with spirit as the step number one. Do you want to say something about that?

When we are aligned, that creates a foundation to be able to go from strength to strength.
Absolutely. And for me, I am continually practicing what I have written. When I wrote Big Miracles, I said, “Please spirit, make sure, just bring something great through me that means that I can experience those miracles.” And aligned with spirit was the most important one. And this idea that if we are not aligned with spirit then nothing’s going to go well. When we are aligned, that creates a foundation to be able to go from strength to strength.
I think what is a really important distinction is that this idea of a big miracle breakthrough is a series of small action steps that adds up. And I feel that in the world today, we are more bombarded by having to deal with a new set of challenges and that we are going through a quickening, especially because of technology and so small diligent steps really can get one to where one is meant to be. And what I mean by that is that you are living fully in your soul’s expression, that you are living in alignment, integrated mind, body, spirit and health. Because without our health then we don’t have anything.
No, that’s really true. And I really love it when you say don’t wait for miracles to happen, make them happen. I just want to, I need to take a break in a minute here. Can you tell us where we can find you, where we can find out about your courses, your books, your sessions, what’s your website?
Thank you, Ayn. Yes, my website is my name, joannagarzilli.com and I am mostly on Instagram. My handle is @JoannaGarzilli. I’m on all other social platforms as well and I have a wonderful course called Prosperous Angel, which is Udemy.
That’s fabulous. Okay, so when we come back from this short break, we’re going to talk more about angels and big miracles so stay tuned and we’ll be right back.
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