Dr Steven Hall How can you uncover the beliefs that block healing? On today’s episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell speaks with guest Dr. Steven Hall about the power of healing and how unconscious beliefs impact healing. Kristen and Dr. Steven talk about how to access healing, the importance of activating your inner wisdom to heal and the power of self-compassion and acknowledging your truth. Tune into this episode to hear all about healing.

Hello everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I’m your host Kristin Maxwell, and in this show we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to change your own life. Today I have the pleasure of having my second interview with Dr. Steven Hall. Our previous interview, which was my last episode that was released, was called Tune Into Your Inner Wisdom To Heal. And we had a fascinating conversation about how our beliefs, both conscious and subconscious, determine what happens in our body and then whether we have health conditions or not.

And I wanted to talk to Dr. Hall a little bit further because I know so many people, including myself, who struggle with chronic health conditions and also depression and anxiety and really truly becoming happy are so dependent on our physical health. And Dr. Hall practices what he calls integral medicine, where he draws upon conventional medicine and wisdom about healing from all traditions all over the world. And what he does is to treat the root cause of the health to resolve your problems, not just the symptoms. So it’s a super fascinating approach, both conventional and alternative medicines and also spiritual approach.

Dr. Hall is the author of a few books, including The Seven Tools Of Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and The Life Your Soul Desires. So Dr. Hall, welcome back.

Well thank you Kristin. Thanks for having me back.

Yes, I learned a lot from your last interview and I think you have some really, such an interesting approach that lots of people are not taking and it’s so aligned with everything I’m learning about how the power of our beliefs shapes everything that we live from. And so I’m really curious to learn more about how our beliefs impact our health.

So, I usually start with the question of what superpower did you discover when you mastered your mind? But you answered that in our previous one. So what I want to just ask you this time is to, can you just basically summarize for people how you believe our health is impacted by our beliefs.

Okay. So I start with the idea that a symptom is a clue that something, somewhere in the system of who you are is out of balance. And the symptom is basically a call to try to get your attention to get things back into balance. Now the imbalance can be biochemical, it could be in your body or it could be in your energy or it could be in your mind and your belief structure. And I would say from the work I do in my office, far and away the most common imbalances I see are what I call belief imbalances, where the actual is somebody formed a limiting belief somewhere along the line in their life, and that’s showing up as symptoms in their body as disease patterns, that sort of thing, and also symptoms in their mental health. So the anxiety, depression, addictions, issues like that.

So my interest has been getting to the very root cause. And I went through the same evolution most doctors do, trying to, do you need medications? Do you need supplements? Do you need to change your diet? And a lot of those things didn’t actually get to the root cause for people. And then I learned years and years ago how to help people start connecting with their own deep knowing, because there’s a knowing that’s running your body, and it’s keeping all your sodium and potassium levels within a certain range. It’s monitoring your joint positions, your skin temperature, running your immune system. And there’s quite a bit going on inside as you can imagine. And it’s that wisdom that detects the imbalances and then sets off the alarms in the form of symptoms to get your attention.

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And so trying to trace them back to the roots basically got back to people’s beliefs as the root for most of their problems. And as I started seeing that beliefs have two main jobs. I don’t know if we, don’t remember if we talked about that last time.

I don’t believe we did, so go ahead please.

So the first job that believes form is they’re literally the lenses that we peer through to see the world. And so our beliefs, which make up our worldview, literally form what we would call our reality. And that’s why you and a friend can go and watch the same movie, with the same photons going in your eyes and the same sound waves vibrating your eardrums, but have completely different reactions to the movie because y’all have your own different unique lenses that sensory information passes through.

But the second thing beliefs do, which I think is more important for health, is that they literally are the gatekeepers for what you are able to create, not just in your life but actually as your life. And we’ve known that for centuries. That’s why Goethe said, “Man is as he believes, as he believes so he is.” And obviously I would think that’s true for women too. And so finding and changing these limiting beliefs, beliefs that tell us that we’re smaller than we really are and freeing ourselves to continue to grow, has helped more of my patients with chronic illness than anything I learned in medical school.

That’s fascinating. And I just have not heard anybody talk about this before.

Well, and that’s naturally interesting you make that observation because after years of helping people connect with their own knowing and saying, “Okay, knowing what would you suggest this person do to solve the problems in their life?” And just watching what the inner wisdom would recommend. And then I started looking out at the self help industry, there’s all these people out there running workshops and writing books and all this sort of thing. And I look at the advice they give and I look at the advice wisdom gives, and they weren’t at all the same. And I thought, “Huh, this is really strange. There’s a big disconnect here.” And that’s what prompted me to write that book, The Seven Tools of Healing is because I wanted to try to fill in that gap, fill in the people, I see patients all the time that have been working on themselves for years, even decades, and they’ve done all kinds of different treatments. They’ve taken all kinds of seminars, read all kinds of books and they’re still essentially dealing with the same issues that they were 20 years ago.

And to me that says something’s wrong. There’s something wrong with how we change and it’s just not working for most people. And that’s I think the problem that I was able to solve, that I put forth in that book.

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That’s lovely. And I’m going to ask you some more questions about that and go into this because I’m very curious about, especially in the context of healing, how connecting with our own knowing can allow us to uncover the beliefs that are getting in the way of our healing. So I mean that’s fascinating. Before we go to a break, can you tell people where they can learn more about you and your work?

Okay, well the best place is, there’s two places now. A website called the7tools.com, and there we have lots of free content, exercises to learn how to listen to your body. There’s classes that we teach. Right now the best way we have for really learning the seven tools and immersing yourself in the seven tools is taking the class we call Taming the Bear. But I also just got a position on mindbodyradio.com it’s an internet radio show, and once a week Tuesday mornings, I have a half hour slot I’m going to be talking about. It’s called Change for Good, how to make lasting improvements in your life. So that resources will be available too. We’ve already done one program so far.

That’s awesome. And if I can ask a silly question, if it’s a radio program, can you only hear it on Tuesday mornings or is it something that will be recorded and we can call up to listen to later?

Yes, it’s recorded. Evidently they professionally edit it, so it’s usually a couple day lag between the time the radio show airs and the time it shows up on the website, but it will be archived on the website.

Great, perfect.

Change for Good.

Yes. Great, definitely check that out and hang on, we’re going to take a break and we’ll be right back and talk a little bit more about how to uncover the beliefs that block your healing.

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