The Manifestation Lifestyle

How can we live the manifestation lifestyle? What is the kind of mindset required? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Christina Medina talk about how to remain optimistic despite the hardships and challenges brought about by reality. It isn’t easy to hope and trust that things will soon be better during the darkest hours. Tune in to this episode to switch the feeling of disempowerment into the power of unlimited possibilities.

Kristin Maxwell:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I am Kristin Maxwell. And in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life.

Today, I am going to be talking to Christina Medina about the lifestyle of manifestation. And I am really excited to talk to her because she has her own process of transformation. And as a life coach and Reiki energy healer, she now helps and has for quite a while, many years have helped others transform.

Her focus is to help others learn to really fall in love with themselves, to step into their power, take control of the creation of their reality, and manifest their true dream life, which sounds really awesome to me. So anyway, welcome, Christina, to Your SuperPowered Mind.

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Christina Medina:

Thank you. Yeah, it is awesome. Thank you, Kristin. I’m really happy to be here.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes. I am really excited to just hear more about you and how you look at this process of getting out of the gook we sometimes find ourselves in or create or whatever, and get to a place of light. But my first question is always, what superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?

Christina Medina:

Transmuting energy. That was a big thing for me. And if you would have asked me years ago what that meant, I would have had no idea. But essentially it’s taking the energy and the feeling behind an emotion or a thought, and transmuting it to something that’s more empowering. And I feel like that is my greatest superpower, and I use it all the time. Living in New York City, I transmute that energy all day long.

Kristin Maxwell:

Wow. That is really, really powerful. And I’m assuming that most of the people who are listening to this, just because this is the kind of people we attract, know what you mean. But can you give me an example? How have you done that maybe in the past week or so?

Christina Medina:

Okay. It doesn’t matter how often I speak in front of people. There’s always the little me inside. And so, I like to say there are things in the basements that still come up, insecurities about public speaking. And so. I’ve been giving workshops more frequently, and it doesn’t matter how long I’ve done it. There is that little feeling that will come up that’s like, oh, what if I don’t know what to say? Or what if I mess up or something like that? Or what if I get tongue-tied or I just go completely blank?

And so, one of the quickest ways to transmute that energy, or an example of that, is taking the feeling of, “I’m so nervous,” and turning it into, “I’m so excited to do this. I’m so excited to have this opportunity.” So that’s one way.

And another way that I’ve experienced it also this week is, I see it’s New York City. There are people of many economic backgrounds, and there’s always going to be someone with more than you or someone that has success over you.

And while I don’t really think of myself as a jealous person, I have worked with several people on feelings of jealousy, like seeing others succeed and feeling that tinge of jealousy. And so, we’ve worked on, let’s take that feeling of jealousy because that’s a part of your human experience. It’s a natural human feeling. But you can transmute that energy into feeling inspiration and excitement to figure out how did they do it or find out more. How did you get here? If you can do it, I can do it.

So that’s what I mean by transmuting that energy into something that is empowering rather than something that disempowers you and leaves you feeling lower vibrational feelings, feeling negative.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes. I love that. And I’m making a lot of notes here because I want to go back to, and unpack some of this, and just what you were saying with the jealousy. It’s that idea of … I can remember when I figured out how to look at jealousy as a sign. Okay. There’s something there that I want that I’m not creating, that. So this is a message to me to go and look into that.

Christina Medina:

Beautiful. Exactly, yeah.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yeah. It was like, “Oh, okay. I’m feeling envious. Okay. What are you not getting? And what are you not doing, Kristin?”

Christina Medina:

Yeah exactly.

Kristin Maxwell:

Okay. So we’re going to go deeper into the lifestyle of manifestation. And I will tell everybody that I picked that as the title because on your website, you say that manifestation is a lifestyle. And I just love that. But before we go to break, can you let people know where they can find your website and look into it themselves?

Christina Medina:

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for asking. It’s on everything, all the social and the website.

Kristin Maxwell:

Great,, great. So before we go to break, just want to remind all the rest of you too, also, that if you’re interested in discovering more about what we do at SuperPower Experts, head over to, and check out some of our programs there. But hang on, and we’ll be right back.

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