Tap Into Divine Wisdom Through Your Conscience

How can we tap into divine wisdom through our conscience? How can we land on sound decisions for ourselves? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Leonard Perlmutter talk about understanding the four functions of the mind and how they get in the way of making good decisions. Kristin and Leonard tackle a simple process for turning down other parts of the mind to increase connection to the divine consciousness. Tune in to discover more about unearthing the wisdom of conscience through meditation.

Kristin Maxwell:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I’m your host, Kristin Maxwell, and in the show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life.

Today I am looking forward to the opportunity to talk to Leonard Perlmutter about the power of your conscience and how you can use your conscience to enhance your life. And I think we are in for a treat today. Leonard Perlmutter is an internationally renowned meditation teacher, also known as Ram Lev, who is the founder and director of the American Meditation Institute in New York. He’s the author of the bestselling book, The Heart and Science of Yoga, as well as a newly released book, Your Conscience: The Key to Unlock Limitless Wisdom and Creativity and Solve All of Life’s Challenges He’s also the originator of National Conscience Month. So Leonard, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.

Leonard Perlmutter:

That’s very nice. Thank you very much for the invitation.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes. You have such an interesting background and are involved in so many things that are, I think, really important for us all to know more about. So I’m going to start first with my original question, which is what superpower did you discover as a result of mastering your mind?

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Leonard Perlmutter:

Well, I guess the superpower is a divine power that I’ve discovered, and I’ve known about it for a long time. I’ve known that I’ve had it, but I didn’t understand it, as probably many or most of us, and it’s our conscience. So when I found out that the conscience, one of the four functions of the mind, is the only function that can discriminate, determine, judge, and decide, it was a game-changer for me because it meant that every single choice that I have ever made and every single choice that I will ever make has been and will be made by my conscience.

The other functions of the mind are relegated to advisors or counselors, but it is the conscience that tells us what’s to be done and what’s not to be done. And that was very empowering, and I wanted to know more about how I could enhance that capacity and what kind of capacity the conscience could have to allow me to fulfill the purpose of my life without the pain, misery, and bondage that I had experienced in the past.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes. So I’m making lots of notes. So when you talk about the conscience, typically, just without having looked it up, the idea is the conscience is this idea of what is right and what is wrong. How do you define conscience as this power that you have or we all have?

Leonard Perlmutter:

Well, I think that before I can address that issue, I remember immediately the teaching of Shakespeare. There’s nothing either good or bad, right or wrong, only thinking makes it so. And thinking really is overrated and has gotten us into a lot of trouble and a lot of pain. So the conscience I look at is that function of the mind that can tell us what’s to be done and what’s not to be done, what’s to be spoken and what’s not to be spoken, what’s to be thought, and what’s not to be thought, every moment of every day.

Kristin Maxwell:

Okay. I want to go deeper into this, obviously, but we are going to take a quick break before we go into the meat of tapping into divine wisdom through your conscience. Can you let people know where they can find you and your work and your center and your books and everything?

Leonard Perlmutter:

Well, we have two websites, one for the book, which is yourconscience.org. And the second website is from the American Meditation Institute, which I founded in 1996, and that website has listings of classes that I teach and other very practical advice for people. And that website is, americanmeditation.org.

Kristin Maxwell:

That’s great. I will also put the links in the show notes. I always find that very helpful when I’m looking people up.

Leonard Perlmutter:


Kristin Maxwell:

So we’re going to be going on a break talking about tapping into divine wisdom through your conscience. Before we do, we just want to remind you, also, if those of you who are interested in figuring out what we do here at Super Power Experts, you can also check us out at superpowerexperts.com. But hang out and we’ll be right back.

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