What are the process for finding peace and accepting ourselves, others, and life events? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell is joined by guest Royce Morales who is an author of three books and is working with people both online and in-person to help them uncover what is standing in the way of finding peace. Royce also shares the importance of discovering the spiritual lessons in past and present events. Join Kristin and Royce in today’s episode to discover how you can find peace in the midst of chaos.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I’m Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today I am talking to Royce Morales about how to find peace in the midst of chaos. Royce Morales is a renowned spiritual teacher and she is a transformational inner-journey guide who helps people to dig up the roots of their subconscious program blocks that create self-sabotaging limitations. She’s the author of three books and worked with people both online and in-person to help them uncover what is standing in the way of finding peace. Royce, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.

Activate Your Superpowers

Thank you so much. This is an honor.

Thank you. I am so excited. Having gone through your work and seeing what you do, I really think we could all use some of your magic, and tools, and skills, to get out of our pattern responses and find it a little bit more peace.

Absolutely. Yes.

But first, I always start with this question. What superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?

Well, it certainly didn’t happen from mastering my mind. What happened was, all of a sudden people arrived in my life that wanted some of the information that apparently I had that I didn’t even know that I had, and I just started trusting words that came out of my mouth at the perfect time that seemed to help people. It turned into classes and teachings, and it was all about just trusting. I don’t really like to call it channeling because that’s not really what I do, but it’s just trusting that words will come to me. They just kind of appear, and I feel as though I have to say them, and if I don’t, I feel like I can’t breathe sometimes. Really what the words are, just allowing people to get in touch with their own truth, and themselves, and their fears, and their own power. It’s always words that seem to be what people really need to hear, so I guess that would answer your question.

Yes. Yes, and oh boy, would I love to be able to entirely trust the words that come out of my mouth. That is something I am still working on.

Definitely, times we’re more tuned into it, and less in others. Well, one of the things that I love is, in looking at your work and your books, are you talk about how we can see life from a higher consciousness, from a different perspective. You know, right now it’s 2020. There are so many things going on that are crazy and unsettling, unsettling. How do we even start to see these things from a different perspective?

Oh, what a great question. Well, like anything, if something is going on, whether it’s the craziness that we’re experiencing right now, or personal issues, or fears, or buttons, or patterns that won’t resolve, I help people look at what’s really going on underneath all of that stuff. I’ll just use a simple example. If something gets you angry or pushes your button, or annoys you, there’s something that was triggered, there was something deep inside of you that got triggered by that experience. I help people discover the roots of the reaction that they’re having so that they can resolve it.
Not only that, I help them see even beyond that in terms of, what are you supposed to learn spiritually from what’s going on? So right now with all the stuff going on, there are endless spiritual lessons that we all can get from all these things. I help people do that so that they’re not caught up in running around like a crazy person, or being reactive, or burning down buildings, or whatever. That there’s always some deeper aspect, some lesson, some spiritual higher consciousness lesson that we are, why we’re given these situations, or why we find ourselves in these situations. So yeah, that’s how it works.

Okay. Just because I work well with examples for myself and I suspect other people do too, I don’t even know which one to pick.

Okay. I’m in California. There are fires here everywhere. Just crazy, crazy, crazy fires. It’s scary. Is there something to learn in those fires for us in our response to those fires? I’m sorry, I’m asking you hard questions.

Oh no, that’s fine. Well again, everything is really all the same in terms of the fire brings up certain issues that you need to look at, or the political situation brings up certain issues that you need to look at. And it could be you, and it could be mass consciousness that needs to address these things. But no matter what the situation is, we can get some value from it. We can see and understand why we’ve chosen, and I know people hate that word when I say chosen, but everything on some level was chosen to go through and to experience.

Maybe the fires are here to teach us that we can protect ourselves, or that we need to change how we’re perceiving the environment, or we need to be active in terms of ecological awareness, that there’s some big lesson from that, and there’s also probably some personal lessons from that as well. You know, it’s frustrating because people will bring up examples like that, and I always want to say, “Well, I don’t know what it means to you. You’re the one that has to figure out what it means to you. To me it means, wow, I need to have everything packed in my car and ready to go, and why am I so afraid of losing my possessions, and what is that about?” Do you know?

Yeah. That’s where, I mean if we really go there’s yes, there’s protecting the world, approaching the world differently, each other, and then there’s also the, right, what does it mean that I’m so worried about my things.

Exactly. Yeah, and that shows that there’s something that’s being triggered from way back. That type of reaction to something really would indicate to me that there is something way back there in some past life or something maybe in this life that’s being brought to the surface from that experience. I find that the more massive the experience, the more people need to learn things from it. You know, it’s one thing to break your favorite toy and learn something from it versus having your whole house be destroyed. So there’s something really big, there’s something magnified about this experience for all of us.

Yeah. It’s the threat of it. Yes. Okay. We do need to take a quick break, a very quick break. But before we go, where can people learn about you, and your books, and your programs?

Well, my website is roycemorales.com. My teachings are called Perfect Life Awakening, so either one will get you to my website. I talk about my teachings and I do have a page that talks about my books and what to expect from these teachings, from this inner work. That’s where you can find me, roycemorales.com.

Great. Thank you. Hang on everyone. When we come back we’ll talk a little bit more about how to find peace in the midst of chaos.

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