Today’s Wonder Woman: A New Personal Power Model
I have to admit upfront that a little girl with an extreme Wonder Woman crush prompted this post and its connection to personal power. Deep in the trenches of princesses and faeries, my 3 year-old daughter integrates feminine energy with her ingrained hero archetype. And when I’m most clear and centered, I see the absolute perfection in how she navigates the various female models thrown at her.
I’ll explain further. This image of Cathy Lee Crosby as Wonder Woman in 1974, ironically, represents Today’s Wonder Woman in a very magical way. In all of her creative power, my daughter managed to meet, befriend and adore Cathy Lee. And in turn, Cathy Lee showed her that Super Heroes can have open and loving hearts. This is the true embodiment of personal power and integration of strength and love.
Today’s world requires a new kind of woman to create change and model power for the youngest generation. Women in their power are extremely multi-faceted and multi-layered. The depth of identities, energies, archetypes, roles, and awareness we possess can combine to create a very powerful role model. When integrated well all of our various aspects, to include our shadow sides, portray personal power in awe-inspiring ways.
I see this, or rather the potential of this, so often with female entrepreneurs, business owners, decision-makers, and change agents — the women who come forward and admit to me that they seek this level of integration, awareness and personal power but it always escapes their grasp. These are the women I love to work with. These are the women who beg for an intuitive kick-in-the-butt just to get them past their current obstacle. They assimilate the information and then rush off to continue changing the world. These are the women who model true strength and admirable dedication to their personal journeys for our young girls to emulate. These are the women who sit for hours and answer questions about super hero powers while playing tea-party with a toddler. And they do it with heart.
These are the women who agreed to golden-lasso our world and lift it out of the depths of the evil-doers lair. And best of all, they reach back to our younger ones and encourage their dreams, their passions and their own versions of personal power. These are today’s Wonder Women.