What does choosing freedom look like? On today’s episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan talks about freedom and how to learn and grow and create your own idea of freedom. She talks about accessing, understanding, learning and researching to find what freedom means to you and how to create and choose freedom for yourself. Tune in because you won’t want to miss Ayn dive into this incredibly eye-opening conversation.

Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages. Today, I want to talk about the possibility of a new shift in consciousness that could lead to a new paradigm. Now, I find this super, super, super exciting. I don’t know about you, but it’s clearly time for change.

These are unusual times, and I know some people have been very upset and have felt divided, and I want to offer another perspective. This whole thing started for me with a trip to visit Lady Liberty. I felt really strongly that I needed to go and stand by the statue and experience freedom in that spot or just question what freedom was in that spot. I had heard from this Irish mystic named John Flanagan, who’s I’ve done a show with, he and his wife, Meredith Flanagan have done a wonderful novel called Hidden in Plain Sight, but he talked about the fact that the Lady Liberty sits on the crown chakra of the United States.

Activate Your Superpowers

It seemed to me that we were coming to a point and clearly looking back now, it was amazing timing that on Super Tuesday I was standing there with my mother and some friends, Sarah Uma, and some other friends and Sarah Uma has also done a show that you can listen to an episode that you can listen to on Mythic Play. Anyway, we were standing there and I really had a very strong sense that a massive change was coming. This was, I think, March 3rd or I think it was March 3rd, 2020. So, I’m standing there and I’m feeling this. Actually, afterwards went to go see a play called To Kill a Mockingbird, which is still a pretty amazing story and is relevant for the times that we’re in and wept through the play. Just wondering why it takes so long for things to change.

I started on the train ride home I was really thinking about freedom and what it means for each of us. What does it really mean to become free? I don’t think that someone outside of us tells us that we can be free. I mean, they might. My mother or father might say it’s good to be free or spiritual teacher might teach us something about the process of liberation. The ultimately it’s our job to do whatever is necessary to find freedom and that changes for every generation. I mean, for … in the past freedom might have meant getting the vote or being sovereign. Now, it’s something different. I think freedom is really related to consciousness and all these other things too. I mean, clearly we need roofs over our heads and we need food and we need friendship and we need all of these things that are involved in being human, but there’s something else going on.

I’ve also been really, really inspired by some other people that have been on the Wisdom of the Ages show with me, Penny Kelly, talking about higher minds and also Rory Duff who’s been explaining how the leylines are on, the leylines or the energy lines on earth, how the vortexes are coming on and how we can use the actual wakening that’s lit … he’s a scientist and they’re measuring these things. So, how we can use this frequency shift that we’re actually in, how we can use it to literally wake up and get free like each one of us can do it. It’s actually super exciting. There’s a great awakening happening.

Are things falling down? Yes, but what I have noticed in really every major mystery school I’ve ever been involved in is when people start to wake up, when they start to really touch their soul, there’s an alchemy that occurs. Sometimes what happens is a yell and it might be quite a bit of yelling. As they begin to find that inner warrior, it doesn’t need to act out on anybody, but there’s a red essence. There’s a red strength that needs to come forward so that we know we have the energy it takes to break free. Of course, hopefully there’s some intelligence and wisdom that comes along with that too. So, these are very unusual times.

I want to share some of my own path with you. I’ve been on a spiritual journey for 35 years. I’ve been up to all kinds of things. I have never been more excited than I am right now. We could really be part of something extraordinary and I really want you to hear that. Yes, things are changing, but there is something that’s blossoming. If we could really be in touch with what is blossoming, the world could change in a second. It begins really with us doing the work to get free. When we’re free and we help somebody else get free and we help somebody else get free, there we go. We’re blossoming into this next era.

So, I have to stop for a minute and take a little ad break. If you want to go and book a private session with me or read some of my books or just read about my teachings or whatever, you can go onto my website, which is ayncatessullivan.com. My first name is Ayn Cates Sullivan. So stay tuned, we’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.