How can we shift into a new paradigm? On this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan dives into a conversation on transforming and shaping a new paradigm, a new pattern of thinking and mindset. In this episode she discusses the intricacy involving everything that impacts the shifting into a new paradigm, from spirit, to prayer, to body, to mind, to environment and much more. She uses her wisdom and experience to encourage and share her knowledge in this exciting episode. Tune in to this episode because you won’t want to miss it.

Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages. Today, I want to talk to you about being luminous. This episode is for Lightworkers and everyone who feels they’re in the process of awakening, for it’s happening. The great awakening is happening, and it’s exciting. These are unusual times, and so I felt like it was time to begin to share all these things that I’ve learned over the years.

I’ve been on this journey for about 35 years and it’s time. It’s really time for us to get together and help each other in this grand new paradigm shift. I want to maybe say something about why meditation is important, why emptying out is important, why prayer is important, the sound of our words. Our words are sound. They’re spells. Our words have power and we need to learn how to work with the magic of the word.

Activate Your Superpowers

Spiritual practices are really important to help us anchor in, ritual is important, especially in terms, I feel, with working with the elements and understanding that nature is alive, and we are part of that, so altered states of consciousness, all of these things. We’re in critical times, we’re being invited into a new paradigm. We might even say we’re being pushed. It depends on our ability to flow with change in the organic evolutionary process.

Years ago, I remember having this dream and it’s a recurring dream. I had it over the period of many years. I think it started in 1987, which is about the time of the harmonic convergence, and it went on until about 2012. In hindsight, I can understand something about the dream, but in the dream, there was this enormous wave. It was huge. I was living in California and I was starting to worry that we were going to be hit by a tsunami, but the wave was enormous and there was no way that I could swim over top of the wave.

That I couldn’t swim under it because it would just have dragged me into the undertow. I couldn’t swim through it, and so I realized at some point, in order to survive this enormous wave that was coming, that I really needed to learn to be part of the wave. In hindsight, I realized it was my higher self-saying, okay, times coming, a new paradigm, and we need to step into this multidimensional way of being.

Anyway, so what happens when we become the wave is that we’re moving in conscious alignment with the shifts in the energy that’s happening on the planet, so the planet’s waking up. I had a show with Roy Duff, he was talking about how Stonehenge and all these old sacred sites have … The energy fields are really on, so where you might have had a 12 foot ley line, it’s a 33 foot ley line now, so that’s an energy field in the earth.

These things are happening, and not only is that happening in the earth, we can measure it, the scientists, the bi-engineers, measuring it, it’s also happening with us. We have energy fields, and I’m going to talk about energy fields on this show, and how we start to awaken with color, using color, how we start to use color to understand how we access our soul, our higher nature.

Another thing I think that’s going on right now is there’s not only are we awakening out of our own body-mind complex, but we’re also a cultural matrix and we need to wake up out of both of them, and it does require this peeling off of labels, peeling off of what’s no longer working, so that we can step into this higher dimension and actually, literally co-create with reality.

We create our own reality. Not if we’re asleep, and not if we’re being manipulated and controlled, and not if we’re in a domination-victim kind of model. We don’t do that. But as the higher senses come on, and we understand how to work with elements, and we understand reality a little bit more, then yes, our thoughts, our words, and our deeds do create or co-create a reality that we can live into.

It’s really about becoming more sensitive so that we can understand these things. In this show, I’m going to talk about human light beings, what they are. Why gender-race really isn’t that important anymore because we’re shifting into this new time. As we really evolve, everything starts to blend back into a kind of oneness, and so understanding each other’s differences is beautiful and great and diverse, and also our oneness.
This show is about establishing a unity consciousness and how we become luminous beings. When we come back from the short break, we’re going to talk more about how we can use colors as portals to the soul, and at the end, I’ll share a practice to help us route into our authentic self so that we can stand tall and be luminous. Stay tuned, we’ll be right back.

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