The Zombie Apocalypse is here.
Katy Perry – Chained to the Rhythm
Ha! I love using a play on words, and I’ve really been wanting to write an article on the hype with the zombie apocalypse…and I guess a shout out goes to Katy Perry because I’m using her lyrics to do it.
What if I told you the Zombie Apocalypse was already here and we’re currently living in it? Now I don’t mean literally with dead human bodies feeding on live human bodies. No. What I mean is we have created a society where humans live according to what they are told to do, are constantly plugged in to some sort of technology, believe and feed into what they see and hear on the news, and play the game of “Keeping upwith the Jones’s.” Take a step back and look for yourself, you might be surprised at what you find.
To describe this in more detail, let’s dive into Katy Perry’s song “Chained to the Rhythm.”
Here’s a link to listen to it on Spotify:
Like I’ve said in a previous article: “There’s always many different interpretations to the meaning of a song.” For me, this song is about taking a serious look at your life and what you created. It’s about responsibility and it seriously shoves it in your face. Your choice is to get out of your comfort zone and start living life intuitively.
Here are the lyrics to the first verse with my interpretation:
Are we crazy?
Living our lives through a lens
Trapped in our white picket fence
Like ornaments
So comfortable, we’re living in a bubble, bubble
So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, trouble
Aren’t you lonely?
Up there in utopia
Where nothing will ever be enough
Happily numb
So comfortable, we’re living in a bubble, bubble
So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, trouble

Katy Perry – Chained to the Rhythm
Life is the reflection of what you perceive and hold within you. Your life is how you view the world. Don’t like your life? Change the way you view, perceive, and interact with the world. To answer Katy – Yes, we are crazy! The “white picket fence” is what society and media have told the world that is what we need to have to feel successful, worthy, and like we are enough in this world.
It’s a lie.
We’re so comfortable living in this lie. We like having things, pretending we have a life by all of the posts and attention we receive on social media…we can’t even see what’s happening in the world and what WE allowed to be created…a world plugged into technology…a society that is completely unplugged from one another and themselves…a society that believes that I have to be like “this person” in order to be happy or to have success, so I have to do what “this person” did to have that life…
It’s a lie.
It’s a Zombie Apocalypse.
But Michelle, you just said we’re plugged into technology, and then said we’re unplugged…that’s contradictory.
No it’s not. Here’s what that really means. People are so plugged into social media and have to do what the next trending thing is on social media, or have to buy the next best trending purse or outfit…you get my point. WHY? Attention. We crave attention. The problem with that is, it’s reinforcing behaviors that are unhealthy and will keep us stuck in attention seeking behavior instead of pushing us forward to challenge ourselves to evolve. Evolution doesn’t just happen over billions of years, it happens every second…but that’s a story for another day.
So how are we unplugged then?

Because our faces are constantly in front of a damn screen, we’re missing the human component – face to face contact, skin to skin contact, eye to eye contact, voice to ear contact, heart to heart contact. Everything is energy and we can tap into and feel one another…from all over the world! (Yes seriously) So what happened to picking up the phone and having a conversation, or meeting your best friend for dinner? Can we unplug from technology and re-plug-in to each other…like how we did it before the damn computer and cellphone?
Here’s the other lie we’re living –
Somebody told you how to live your life, and you chose to listen to that person INSTEAD OF YOURSELF! Cut that shit out! I’m here to tell you, yes I said tell you…that nobody knows how to best live your life except for you! We have forgotten how to tap in, tune in, and tune out. Tap into your own energy. Tune into your intuitive guidance system. Tune out everything and everyone that does not resonate with your truth. Period.
This is how you get out of that comfortable bubble, and out of the trouble, and stop living life like a damn zombie. Until you know what makes you happy, nothing will ever be enough and you’ll continue to grow more and more numb. The “utopian life” you created, will never be good enough. Why? Because it’s not what you wanted, it’s what society told you would make you happy.
Here’s the refrain:
So put your rose-colored glasses on
And party on
Turn it up, it’s your favorite song
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
Turn it up, keep it on repeat
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie, yeah
We think we’re free (Aha)
Drink, this one’s on me
We’re all chained to the rhythm
To the rhythm
To the rhythm
Turn it up, it’s your favorite song
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
Turn it up, keep it on repeat
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie, yeah
We think we’re free (Aha)
Drink, this one’s on me
We’re all chained to the rhythm
To the rhythm
To the rhythm
Ahhh, those rose-colored lenses. I wear them, they can be tricky though until you get control of how to use them. For now, I want to push you to be aware of how you see the world. Are you truly seeing it through your own lense? Or the lense that the world is forcing you to look out of? The party, the dance, and the distorted music relate back to living in the lie we’ve created in our minds. Our minds have become so distorted and we continue to react to one another instead of tapping in, tuning in, and tuning out. The “drink” is from you. You’re continued use and abuse of your own mind that you’ve become the drunken, wasted zombie wandering through a life that you hate and blaming others for.
“We’re all chained to the rhythm”…If everything is energy and vibrates at different frequencies, and we’re all connected, and we can tap in and tune in to each other too…then if we want to change the world, we’re only going to do it when we all change the damn frequency we’re vibrating at! How do we do that? We tap in, tune in, and tune out. Find out your truth, and start to live it, one baby step at a time.
Verse #2:
Are we tone deaf?
Keep sweeping it under the mat
Thought we could do better than that
I hope we can
So comfortable, we’re living in a bubble, bubble
So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, trouble
Tone deaf? Remember when I said everything is energy and vibrates at different frequencies? Well…the Universe responds to those frequencies and will continue to send you lessons, messages, people, opportunities, etc. your way until you get the message. If you’re not listening or paying attention and continuing to play the blame game, then yes, you’re tone deaf. How does this relate to us as a whole?
Stop living the lie.
Verse 3:
It is my desire
Break down the walls to connect, inspire, ay
Up in your high place, liars
Time is ticking for the empire
The truth they feed is feeble
As so many times before
They greed over the people
They stumbling and fumbling
And we about to riot
They woke up, they woke up the lions
So to me this is talking about the demolition of the façade or fake world we’ve created. Connection is through tapping in and tuning into one another, and realizing we are not separate, but one. The high place of liars is in politics and what is blasted in our face blindly by the media. We are fed lies, therefore we live lies. Our world is slipping, and it’s about to be pulled back into our control, because we’re waking up. The “lions” or what are called “lightworkers” in the consciousness realm, have woken up and will not stop until the rest of the world has been woken up to living truth as well.
Stop living the lie.
Tap in. Tune in. Tune out.