Vedic astrology and Kriya Yoga combine to create a really unique modality for understand consciousness and human potential. Listen in as Kevin Keegan talks about his experience mastering these two avenues and how he puts them together to create an in-depth roadmap for clients.

Hello everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I have with me today, Kevin Keegan, who operates in the astrology world. Well, that’s pretty limiting because he does use a cool hybrid type model of other modalities, like a lot of our guests do. But I’m excited about is the Vedic Astrology twist. We haven’t had anybody on the show, yet, talking about that.

So, Kevin you’re an anomaly, even in the Super Power Space! How fun is that?

Well, Vedic Astrology is a very unique practice and there aren’t so very many of me here in the United States, and in India we’re fairly common. So, I really love the practice of Vedic because strategies simply because the Zodiac accounts for the procession of the equinox. So, when reading a chart, you’re actually reading the birth time or in the books actually match the time that they were written 2000 years ago, and so, in my experience of doing thousands of Charts, I found the Vedic system to be very accurate. And that’s why I tend to lean more towards the Vedic Zodiac than the tropical zodiac, which is what people are normally used to which is the Greek system.

That is so fascinating. I didn’t know any of that. So, I’m excited to learn more. Why don’t we go ahead and start by throwing you into the mix, and ask what are your Super Powers?

Well, my Super Powers. I learned what my Super Powers are, and it’s really an intuitive, analytical ability to read consciousness. And I really didn’t understand it until I started doing astrology. So, for me, astrology is an obsession, especially Vedic Astrology because there’s no way I’m ever going to learn everything about Vedic Astrology in this particular lifetime. They say in Vedic astrology, it takes three lifetimes to learn Vedic Astrology. So, I really got into why I started studying with Kriya Yoga, your Goswami Korean, and a long time ago, and I wanted to sign the brand of yoga that Paramahansa Yogananda is grim news Stream where news and so when he started getting into the Vedic system started relating karma and yoga. And so, my Super Power really was stemming from a wanting to understand how consciousness operates on various levels, and the human mind, and so, I’m also big into psychology and things like that.

Astrology gives me a way to see into somebody’s subconscious mind. And the more charts that I have done, the more that I’ve come to realize that all seem to be part of this larger collective consciousness, but are aware of the minds are important. Our minds are steeped in a level of awareness, are just a tiny little tip of the iceberg. Everything else occurs on this very deep subconscious level. And then you get a call that this was caused some subscaro. So, I like to tell people that’s a subconscious proclivity. It’s really how you operate on that day to day to day autopilot base. And astrology is a map of that, then that’s really all it is. People ask, “Are you predicting the future?” And I am like, no it’s just predictable, and we’re unaware of how we really operate on the subconscious levels. And so, my Super Power was given an immense blessing getting a glimpse into that. It’s just been nothing but a trend as it has happened. It’s been very wonderful I hope a lot of people what the right call is there.

So, in the multi-dimensional sphere, which is the area I love to play and do you think it’s possible to transcend that Vedic map?

Yes absolutely. Awareness will always transcend your birth chart. The birth chart is just a potential. 

And so, the higher that we go in conscious awareness the closer we get to that source the more we become of our subconscious proclivities and we can work with our free will to change them. So, I am not a believer in that astrology is absolutely set. Its tendencies, its proclivities, it’s there a how we really operate in on our personality. But people are extremely dynamic individuals. So, just to put it in a nutshell the Vedic system focuses on Saturn all the way to the sun, which is like the individual consciousness and the mass consciousness. We have all these outer planets and so when you put all these things together people will behave in patterns right. Astrology is about cycles within cycles, and so on and so forth, and we’re all part of those cycles. Some people think of time as linear where I think of it as cyclical.

It absolutely does. And that’s, for sure, a conversation that I’m most fascinated with because I moved through a lot of the mastery in my personal journey and moved into that collective space. What I find is that all of these tools and everything that we use, I consider it summiting our own mountain, are pretty useless in the collective space. They’re helpful with regard to assisting others doing the work that we came here to do, but it’s always a fascinating conversation. I mean like what happens when we transcend those modalities. And I’m finding that through these interviews, very few people are really dialoguing in that space. But the ones who are actively seeking others in that space, with which I think is appropriate, because for me, I call it the abstract frequency. And in that space, there is no separation between each of us. So, we do move through those collective energies more. So, I appreciate hearing you say that there is space beyond those tools.

Yeah, I mean absolutely. For me it’s an undeniable fact. I mean I get a lot of going back and forth with a lot of I home empiricists. And so, when I talk with scientists and there’s a lot of secular scientists I come and my personal channel, I tell them that astrology is about the nature of the observer, but the nature of the observer. And so, when we start digging into the nature of the observer. And you can do this through yoga and meditation and whatnot. You start to see everything is the same and fundamentally and it’s a very basic fundamental level everything is an idea. And this idea works its way down through consciousness into creation. And so, when somebody gets the idea to make something it’s really that idea and it’s a person that is the make or their formants that idea into creation. And so, we’re all part of this. And there is this underlying order. Whether it’s sentients or not, I can’t tell you. But I know that there is this underlying order of everything. And like you say, when you live in that space, all of the all the superficial stuff that. When you get into that space, you’re just the one with everything in you just know things. It’s like, you’re talking about the intuition. It’s like oh I know how I know because I know you are and it is them all into that circular Yoga Speak that people don’t like to talk about, but it’s true.

Well but to me the real fun comes in not only talking about it but really truly living it here in that same space and Super Power Experts really excels and is once people have mastered their own personal power which we still have a lot of people on that journey, the what’s next. How do you then climb down off that mountain with all that knowingness? Coming into your awareness or remembering who we are at the core of everything and then doing something with it here and it’s really a manipulation of the concept that we have here. To me it’s like that’s been well worth the journey. Mastering the multidimensional spheres and really choosing to be in consciousness of more than one at the same time is a ton of fun. But it certainly was a journey to get here. And I think that for all those tools and everything else really come into play. Where I see a lot of work needing to be done is with folks who use the tools. The fear is like, there’s a point where people can transcend this, what then? How am I going to work with people then? And that conversation I think we have to continue to address.

Yeah. And I was told by my guru Goswami Guru honor that you need to be known the Supreme Leader in the world but not of the world. So even though you may reach and attain a higher state of samadhi or consciousness or whatever you want to call it, you’re still obligated to your karma. So, what it does is it allows you to overcome the natural law of karma, which is in essence Vedic Astrology is a cosmic map. And so, it allows you to transcend this and actually focus on what you need to take care of. For me my own personal journey, how I’ve seen it, is that I meditated why and I got to the point where I became too detached. And so, what I had to do is I had to pull back and say what do I do now. Well for me it’s getting in the trenches, for me it’s getting on Periscope and doing as many astrology readings as I can, as fast as I know as fast as I can by helping the people that are very interested.

I am laughing at the synchronicity that I can’t tell you how many times lately that I’ve advised people chop wood, carry water. Chop wood, carry water. It’s so funny because you we pull ourselves out of that. So, we start off totally unaware, doing, doing, doing, doing. And then to move into awareness we have to stop doing and really become the observer. Surrendering and all that other stuff will have all many people sitting in that space now that they forget that at some point we’re going to have to integrate all of that and go into. I don’t call it going into doing, now I call it now going into action. And so, you can be in action in the world, but like you said, not be of it. Whereas before, when you were doing you were immersed in it. And so, I like thinking, just for semantics, just how people have constructs, what I call thinking and doing, and free awareness, I call cognition and action in post-awareness because it feels different.

So, you said you do as many reports, as fast as you can and then you stop yourself. But what that is like, that’s how I see it too. Go as fast as you possibly can and you get into that like do do do do pacing of things. But you’re able to maintain that observer role so well. And that to me is the real light. It feels like an octopus, like the center of the octopus is steady, but then all the its arms are all in the same time and it’s magical in that space. And so, I’m laughing because that’s exactly what I’ve been describing to people lately. We have a lot of lightworkers, change-agents, sitting in that what now space, and it’s like, go do something with it. A lot a lot of folks feel that the universe owes them an existence. Once they brought in this information or access that within themselves or whatever their process was. But, now the real work for you to do. Like you thought that was work, like that isn’t work. This is the real work we came to do.

Well here’s another interesting story that my neighbor told me and he told me this on his or he told me about his dream to mentor somebody and he said that the joy and bliss you feel at this deep state is actually a trap is actually a test to us. You said I love it there and love is not unlike me because if you get stuck there you’re not going to move past it. A real test is to be able to move past a blissful. I want to be in a cave all the time state, and get into the trenches and that’s till it’ll get into the trenches and world.

But you have to be equipped. And that’s why we’re very clear here at Super Power Experts. You can’t truly harness your Super Powers. You’re Super Powers only come online when you pledged to use them for good. But you really can’t do that until you’ve mastered your own Personal Power. That is that very solitary mountain climbing journey to get to that bliss place where we thought was the goal. And it was usually only upon getting there that you can have that perspective. We can tell you all day long, but you have to do it for yourself. There’s no shortcuts like you have to do is certainly to be guided and it helps we’re creating more and more social proof that it’s doable and more of us are being vocal about it. But we still have to do the work.

It’s like we all laugh. We all broke out of the Matrix and we mistakenly thought that was it, and then all we did was create a new construct. And now it’s time to move out of that one. And when you relax into that space, the truly magical can occur.

And so, and we also have a bias that the true Super Powers don’t come online until you are willingly to climb up your mountain and start walking down, and pledge to work in synergistic collaboration with others. Because I mean it’s like there’s a reason why the Avengers exist and Justice League. There’s teams of people who are honing those powers and using them together. And to me that is the next phase of all of this. And I’m very excited to take part in that.

And you don’t believe it or not, you can see in the astrology too. There is clearly some stomach breakdown going on or I shall call it change or use system and break down people are experiencing now. Yeah there is a change of mass consciousness going on in stories around 2000 in the county starting to reach that park. And as you started going into the 2020s people are going to start easing into what you’re describing which really is the Aquarian Age inquiry and ages us acting is more like a flat timeless hierarchical society in working together with these new perceptions. At first I was still skeptical about that, but there’s something going on in where I see people reading their charges from stream awakening going on. And the astrology proves they’re in good and errands on my website about the age of Aquarius and what it means were small people thought it means that we were an observer.

So, and I love it. Well it depends on where you’re sitting at vibrationally what you can observe. So, all of it’s true. Like I tell people they’re like, well is this real? And I’m like, it’s real because you’re making it real. We exist in all those dimensions. I can certainly go into other spaces and affirm things from people’s vantage point, but that doesn’t mean that it’s truth all around. And so, your perception of truth changes at every frequency. That doesn’t mean that everybody’s experiencing that same shift in that perspective. But we are creating more and more conscious awareness in those higher spaces and that’s what allows for that.

Yeah and sometimes throughout history, this stuff does happen either in mass amounts. Because you always have individuals it breaks free here once in a while I don’t like to think of Nicholai Tesla things like that we also had the Enlightenment Period a couple hundred years ago, but once in a while. Get a time in history where a bunch of people while almost all of the sudden the greatest ideational structure. And we’re going through that right now and its very intense energy. And you can see it playing it out right now because people are being forced into. It’s so easy when we’re not being eased into it. No, it’s just part of the evolution. I think as a species evolves towards collective consciousness. And it’s been amazing to watch it unfold and also participate in it. Wow.

Oh, my goodness. I told my husband probably about six-seven years ago, that I wanted to be sitting in the bandstand eating popcorn when all of it went down because I saw it happening. And we were very well positioned for it. And again, the only thing I can attribute that to is taking the guidance and taking action. Like I learned a while ago, you can listen to the whispers or you could wait to get smacked upside the head. But it’s gonna come through. And the more muscle memory you build around really, truly trusting your own inner guidance, it doesn’t have to make sense, the better position you are. At this stage, with the multi-dimensional existence, the way I explain it is living in a space, that’s if we have to put it in a linear form, higher vibration, ahead of and knowing, that that exists. But also, being willing to look for the clues here that has to happen, that action piece, so that that continues to evolve in that other space. And so, being willing to be in all those spaces simultaneously, and not disregarding the guidance because it doesn’t fit in with what you think needs to happen in order to create it. That’s the fun. The more bizarre to me, the more I like it now.

And I was telling somebody today that look, “Well, I am just going to wait until I get guidance.” And I’m just laughing. I was like, “You’re not going to get guidance anymore. Like that’s not the space that you’re sitting in. Take action. Chop wood, carry water.”

After doing all of these charts, I have found that people know what they need to do. They’re just waiting for somebody to tell them to get out of their away. And you can see this through transiency people’s turn them on. I’m taking something that is already there and just bringing it into their awareness. They say, “Wow I didn’t realize that.” And I’m, “Well, on some level, you did. You just needed animal push.”

And then in my language I was like, I can’t tell you anything you don’t already know. The information literally doesn’t come through, unless an aspect of you truly is in awareness of it, bringing it to the conscious level. Is the key and I get it like that? I had many people and I still do. You walk down the streets all be like the other day. Somebody handed me a book and it was like it shook me to the core. Like I don’t remember anybody ever giving me a book before. And I’m sure people did. But for whatever reason I knew in that moment, that it was pivotal. I devoured the book and it hasn’t changed everything.

I mean it’s just taking the signs as they come to you and moving with them, and sometimes it is somebody saying let me get this for you. And it’s asking the questions. And for us, it’s the willingness to grow in the presence of others is huge. And so, we consciously put people in very uncomfortable situations. Like we have a virtual group on Facebook and I tell people everybody who comes in I said, if you will challenge yourself to connect in that group with absolute strangers in a virtual community, it will do more for your growth and your ability to truly do the work you’re here to do than anything else I can offer you. And I use purposefully mundane things to challenge those little pieces of us that would otherwise resist. And it’s working. It’s not working for everybody. Obviously, those pieces are vocal. When I see a lot of people hit up against them and they’re far too evolved to claim them as fears. But they’re fears. Like any time, we want to separate ourselves or move into discernment or whether it’s discernment of other people are going to process these days or in the past. It just keeps you stuck and it’s like just freaking get on with it. But it’s good. But that’s the power of choice. In every moment, which aspect of yourself you’re going to choose to associate with.

It’s living in their presence this or consciousness is always going to be in the present. I mean people think that higher states of mind you start seeing shapes, realities start to morph, and then it’s like more of a subtle, intuitive perspective shift. I mean stuff still looks the same. But you it’s your it’s your conscious association with that stuff that really changes.

Yeah, I would say that I’ve seen an increase in the unusual certainly things look differently but overall, you’re absolutely correct and I’m really glad to hear you say that because I do think we’ll have an interesting perspective on what could occur in that space. But it’s fascinating. I love this stuff and I just like the idea that truly I don’t think we can exhaust this. We just need to get to keep creating and creating ideas. But to that point about what expectations I was all on in that here today that’s one of my girlfriend’s terms for that I was thrown a fit about something a momentary light. And I sat there laughing at myself and I’m like I think I’ve been to do a reality show called This Is Enlightenment. I don’t think it’s what people think it is. Like what. Like I said about the dishwasher or something silly like but it’s I loved it. I love being that complex and that. Is just ridiculous about everything in it and it’s OK. it’s OK to give in to that from time to time and to laugh at yourself and to move on. I personally enjoy the experience.

So, Kevin share with us if you can what I call the live in your power stories. You have a good example you can share getting into it if it really trusting taking action with it.

Yeah actually I think for me it was extremely intuitive hit was when I started doing my show on Periscope. So anyway, I am in information technology, and so I throughout my life I was just like well I just got to settle for something I was actually I was a very poor student in high school. I just sat there and I slept through class and I was a senior in high school and I was just like, Man are you going to pick this is back in the 90s well make some money with your computer. So anyway, fast forward about 20 years and I just had difficult times at work. And so, when I was unemployed I’m like OK I’ve been studying astrology and I’m going to go for it. I mean I need to do something different than what other people are doing. So, I’m like I don’t know. Once you once a platform policy experts all put up with stuff and so way I’m going to try Periscopes so straight Periscope. So, what I did is I downloaded a free Vedic Astrology software. By the way if he really wants to go what is called jargon out of work it’s free.

Anybody can use a dollar that I want on my phone. I borrowed a laptop and I sat there and I’m like I will do your chart. And so, people started coming to me and I started doing charts, and then I was just like something. Now one day I did 20 and charts about where I was I would be about 30-35 minutes and I was in that space. I was in that space, and for me I was like, whoa I’ve been studying all this and I was talking myself I’m like wow this is really real. This is real stuff. And so, that was the moment that gave me the courage to start doing more of all this using this gift that I have. And it took I took an unbelievable amount of courage for me and it still does because I run into a lot of resistance. For some reason, I’m friends with a lot of skeptics and people that go for some reason. I have this discussion about toxic people in my life forever.

The whole Super Powers thing I mean I’m just like OK. And the idea of. Oh, no secret makes them wanting me I can buy it will be astrology and yoga, it just grew and grew and grew. And I’m still getting older like you and a mistake that’s all that was like a demo will be really hard for people from my Nova Grava Yoga Program, that means Nine Planet Yoga. And so, I’m still doing this thing that I started about nine months ago, and it’s just amazing how it’s really made me feel awesome as a person. I mean just getting out there and just talking with different people and people are like oh thank you so much for helping me. And just the happiness that I get from helping other people is wonderful.

I’m so glad you brought up that so for two reasons. One you’re really affirming for me, my messaging lately which is again, chop wood, carry water, but at higher and higher and higher levels. Like I would have told you two weeks ago, that I’m in hyper action more productive. Now it’s like no. Now you have to do more and more. And it’s not busyness at I have to do more do more do more. It’s like greater action greater and greater action and so I appreciate that affirmation you’re really mirroring that for me right now.

But the second thing is your story reminded me of how we met. I mean it was very briefly and you I remember you were doing charts and you asked me like you would you like meet your baby and challenged each other and I felt it was like no I want it and I’m like what it is. I said like I get that. Weird that that’s the response here and so I stood with it and you looked at me and I looked at you. Well I know that. They were free. Like it’s really not a big deal. But I was like I don’t, again. And we could talk for days. But it’s not that I’m skeptical of that. I just didn’t feel like any of that information that moment apparently. But what transpired because of that, because you didn’t go into a defensive posture because I didn’t go into an embarrassed posture. We were then able to meet in a different space and go oh but what we can do together is this.

And so, I really want to highlight that because we wouldn’t to be talking right now if either one of us had chosen to drop into a lower frequency space because of a typical social interaction. Politeness would have dictated I said yes and you give me my chart and I listen nicely. And I know what all that good stuff. But that wasn’t true. That wasn’t true for me in that moment. And so, to follow those threads and to be willing to meet people in that space is really what’s going to change things and not going to your stories about why what does she want that there is an edge. I don’t mind about oh is he going to be obsessed with me. So, give me a little dizzy. So, that’s great.

It was super cool though and I really want to affirm for you and just highlight for everybody listening like that is part of this journey folks, like you’re going to find yourself up against this. But it’s having the confidence of going Oh well that’s interesting and staying more in a neutral perspective, rather than judging it or feeling like it is needs to draw you out of that space because what transpired right after that moment is pure magic. It is pure synergy.

So even just talking with him now like I’m seeing all kinds of potentials and everything else which we wanted to have uncovered if either one of us had chosen not to traverse that together. And it’s beautiful like to me that those are the most fulfilling engagements ever. It started with you offering me a free chart.

You never know which road you’re going down. I say, plant a thousand roses and see which one grows and that’s it. I just think I’m always throwing seeds out there until it sprouts see what happens. What you sow and hopefully it’s a beautiful rose right words.

You name it mentioned keep us about predicting the future and I’ll have people ask me will does that mean the future and I’m like I know lots of that. Which would you like? what it it’s really recognizing all of those roses may grow to your focal point is going to be on a particular path. And I do see we call it basically all these different futures and it’s like ticker tape. Those people are playing with their frequencies and vibrations whether they drop in to see or come out of it or expand or constrict. The likely possibility of particular futures, and it’s just constantly in flux. When I look out it’s like, wow, there’s so much available and there’s no right answer. Like once you get into that abstract frequency and you’re really creating, it’s just trajectories, and you’re really free to choose many of them there’s usually larger waves that you wanted to take so that you equip yourself more. But those aren’t necessary either. There’s no obligation here, and so it’s really a different perspective. And you really, in my bias, you can only truly see that and play in it. Once you’ve done that mastering that Personal Power and some of that your own mountain. And to me that it’s fun to be there anyway.

We need to wrap this up, but I know some of our folks are going to want to know more about you. Where can they go?

Yeah. If you want to look at my web site it is And I want to see me on my Periscope show, you can go to FaceBook Page at No Big SecretYoga. You are on Facebook, so if you want to go there and see what I’m about. Some of my Periscope readings are there too. I am @nobigsecretyoga on Periscope, same thing with Twitter. And now I’m on Google and Yahoo. So yeah, I should be pretty easy to find. But if you ever want to drop in on one of my Periscopes, they’re far more open ended. And if you want to submit your chart or read your chart, and do three-minute reading especially if you’re having a crisis from those people that are having little difficulty for them for reminders just because I feel that’s right to do so.

I love it and I honor you in the work that you’re doing in the world. Keep it up. It’s so exciting for us to know others out there, creating those ripples. So, thank you very much for that.

No problem. Thank you for having me on.

Absolutely. We’re very excited for you. And to all of you out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. So, thank you for listening. And until next time, go out and uncover your Super Powers, and change the world. Take care everyone.