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The 5 Steps of Transformation: A Personal Power Perspective

The 5 Steps of Transformation: A Personal Power Perspective The path to personal power necessarily requires transformation. In order to Stand in Your Power you must be able to move away from where you don't. Those in personal development circles debate the intricacies of true transformation. And few know better the multidimensionality of human behavior than a former counterintelligence agent with degrees in intercultural communication and critical theory. But here it is, the absolute secret of transformation. Ready for it?? The secret is... It doesn't matter. Really it doesn't. People transform constantly, despite our quest to define it, describe it, control it, guide it, and explain it. People transform because they want to. They perceive the altered state to be better for them or necessary for them and so they persevere through the change process. It's that simple. But I'm going to share my knowledge about it anyway. Why? [...]

2021-06-15T22:38:19-07:00July 24th, 2013|
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