The Symbolism of Personal Power

The Symbolism of Personal Power The tunnels of light pass by me, through me, as I drift further and further into the abyss. Once a frightening and foreshadowing passage, the familiarity now wraps me in a comfortable knowingness, a feeling of coming home. I allow the process to unfold (can we ever really rush it?) and journey to exactly the right place. I pass through countless realms and silently observe nameless creatures long forgotten or shrouded now in mythology. This time I land in a space of infiniteness. The darkness consumes me until a ball of light moves into focus and shapes itself into a planet-like sphere. It emanates bright yellow-orange. As I witness, bright red clouds drift around it swirling on all sides. The clouds take form and become hands shaping the planet in a swirling, undulating embrace. The voice says, “And here we just play with [...]