SPU – Strategies for Personal Development
Peggy Sealfon, internationally-known expert in overcoming fear and anxiety, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to discuss powerful and practical strategies for personal development. Peggy uses her keen intuitive ability to blend eastern and western traditions from ancient yogic techniques, mindfulness and spirituality to functional medicine, modern psychology, energy medicine, nutrition and the neurosciences. Listen as they talk about ways to expedite and expand your personal development. Hello, everybody! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert; and I'm excited to share with you our guest on the show, she is in our listeners choice guest list. For the next couple of minute we will have her on the show, just saying bye to relax into that space. Peggy Sealfon is a Personal Development Coach and Motivational Speaker an Internationally known Expert. She's got a remarkable kind of bio. I really want to emphasize what I find [...]