SPU – Resist the Pedestal

What happens when living on purpose means others put you on a pedestal? And what if that happens when you’re 9 years-old? In this down-to-earth conversation between mother and daughter, Tonya Dawn Recla and Neva Lee Recla get real about how to manage popularity and notoriety in a world fascinated with appearance and influence. Add on top of that navigating childhood and evolution in the same life experience. Neva shares how she walks the world keeping her heart and soul intact. Listen now to this fascinating conversation from a guided and clear 9 year-old who boldly shows up in her greatness. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm very excited today. I think I'm always excited. Today, I have with me, again, my beautiful, talented, amazing daughter, Neva Lee Recla. Say hello. Hi, everyone. There she is. We're talking today. We [...]