SPU – The Quintessential Earth Mother Melanie Dunlap
Melanie Dunlap, Founder of the Peaceful Spirit Enrichment Center, talks about the experience of being an Earth Mother and the magic of Earth Medicine. Join us as she shares her Super Powers of treading lightly in the world and infusing others with grounded energy. She is the epitome of the Earth Mother Hello this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am super, super excited today to have with me one of the most lovely people in the world. Melanie Dunlap she is if...if I had to describe her in a small sentence it will be very difficult. I would say she is the epitome of the Earth Mother. Like this woman exudes, like that really amazing, just solid like loving creative Earth energy. To be in her presence like you feel it, you know it, you sense it, it takes you back [...]