SPU – Love Yourself First…Orgasmically
Dr. Saida Desilets is a one-of-a-kind woman. She’s unafraid to explore sexual sovereignty and all things that involve loving yourself. In this episode, she chats with Tonya Dawn Recla and explains how we can love ourselves first, orgasmically. Not just sexually, but by taking life by its orgasmic reigns and riding it to the fullest. Hello, everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and you all are in for a treat today. So I'm not going to let her talk just yet because I know the second I let her talk, you guys are going to, I’m going lose you all. But she, this woman is just this amazing kind of flowy, gooey, yumminess of energy. And she has such a wealth of information to bring to things which you know, I appreciate on this show. Like I love the energy, and the [...]