SPU – Using Intuitive Gifts as Super Power

Jeff Carpenter from Dimensions Reiki joins Executive Director Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about using intuitive gifts as super power. From rocket scientist to reiki master, Jeff proves you really can blend aspects of both traditional society with the metaphysical. During his continuing evolution, Jeff also became a psychic and a spirit medium, working in both evidential and spirit release mediumship and helping people through performing home cleansings and removing negative spirit attachments. Along the way, he joined the paranormal investigations group Sister Paranormal Investigators (SPI) whose main office is in Tombstone, Arizona. Hello, everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I'm delighted to have with me today, Jeff Carpenter, who comes with ah… such a wealth and a well-rounded out kind of experience to bring to these conversations. From… We're talking about a Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering, Master’s degree in Industrial [...]