SPS – Men, Sex & CEFA

Men, Sex, and CEFA oh my! In this episode of Superpowers, host Amorahki and guest Justin Recla warmly welcome the topic of men, sex, and CEFA to the show. What do men and those who love them need to learn in order to experience true intimacy? This episode will answer the sensual questions we’ve all been asking. From emotional, physical, and vibrational, there are so many levels of intimacy we get to discover and experience. Tune in today to learn about how to experience them all in this episode on men, sex and CEFA!

2022-12-13T18:08:59-07:00December 31st, 2022|

SLSP – Sex Advice For Men in Relationship

Where do men in relationship go for the best sex advice? Right here! According to a study done by Stanford University, only 10% of men are rated as being excellent lovers. In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei is joined by sex coach Larry Fredrick to discuss what the qualities are that set those 10% of men apart and how you too can join their ranks. So if you want better, hotter sex with the woman in your life, look no further! Tune in to this episode to discover how you can be the lover of her dreams. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love & SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei. Today I have a wonderful man with me, Larry Fredrick, and we are going to be discussing sex advice for men in a relationship. This is going to be such a good [...]

2022-05-30T19:11:43-07:00July 17th, 2019|

SLSP – Understanding Men in the Wake of #MeToo

Dr. David Gruder, a Psychologist and the President of Integrity Culture Systems, joins Tatiana Berindei to talk about understanding men and the journey of elevating the divine masculine. His mission is to make happiness sustainable, collaboration productive, integrity profitable, and society healthy. He is known for his broad talents, integrative mind, unquenchable passion, huge heart, deep integrity, and naked authenticity. Everything he provides is geared to help you make all of this possible so you can succeed in your chosen spheres of influence. Listen in as he shares his insights about understanding men in the wake of #MeToo. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei, and I am so honored to have with me today Dr. David Gruder. We are going to be discussing understanding men in the wake of Me Too. David Gruder has a very impressive bio. He's [...]

2022-06-05T11:16:14-07:00March 7th, 2018|

SLSP – What Men Want – Purpose, Connection and Emotional Clarity

Emerald Greenforest works with Men on Purpose. She joins Tatiana Berindei to discuss the million dollar topic - what men want. Emerald has an international reputation as an author of 7 books & contributing author to another 15 and as an inspirational speaker having presented nearly 500 times in 8 years on both live & virtual stages. Listen to this riveting conversation between two powerful women intent on creating the space for men to truly step into their greatness. Hello everyone, and welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei, and I am thrilled to have with me today Emerald Greenforest. We're going to be discussing what men want, purpose, connection, and emotional clarity. Emerald is known as the empress of encouragement, and she is the founder and lead visionary of the Creative Age Consulting Group. Emerald Greenforest has an [...]

2022-06-05T11:18:59-07:00February 7th, 2018|
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