SPS – Understanding Your Story of Bravery

How can you start understanding your story of bravery? In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, host Jennifer Urezzio is joined with Laura Di Franco to talk about the power of bravery and how important and impactful it is to be brave and share your story. Jennifer and Laura share learned experiences on how to find bravery, understand it, and share your story boldly. Tune in to hear this encouraging, brave conversation with Jennifer and Laura in today’s episode. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2020-08-31T11:31:15-07:00September 6th, 2020|

YSPM – Get Past Your Inner Critic and Into Action

Would you agree that our worst critics are often ourselves? The voice inside our heads telling us we are not good enough or we’ll never make it has a significant impact in determining our success. In this episode, Laura Di Franco joins YPSM host Kristin Maxwell to talk about learning the voice of our inner critic. Laura offers inspiring speeches, workshops, a writing club, and other services for health professionals. With almost three decades of expertise in holistic physical therapy, she has written eight books including her latest, Brave Healing, a Guide for Your Journey. Listen in as Laura and Kristin discuss how to shift and reframe our energy to move into a positive mindframe. Hello everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host Kristin Maxwell, and in this show we explore the process of transformation, and give you tools and strategies that you can [...]

2020-06-29T12:58:34-07:00July 6th, 2020|
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