SPU – Entrepreneurial Skills for Transformational Professionals
Jonny Cooper, a lifetime entrepreneur, business coach, and marketing guru, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about entrepreneurial skills. He has built a financial business from zero to 8-figures before selling to a public company in 2003. Since then, Jonny “fell into” coaching through being asked for advice on growth and exit strategies by former clients and his wider network. He attributes the spectacular success of his early venture to his ability to define a clear and simple marketing message, and in identifying and engaging with an audience for that message. Listen in as he discusses important entrepreneurial skills for transformational professionals. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and we have a delightful guest on today. We're going to be talking about entrepreneurial skills for transformational professionals, and we're talking today with Jonny Cooper. He's a lot of things, piano player, [...]