SPU – Creative Solutions for Broken Systems

How do we provide creative solutions for broken systems? How do we push ourselves to learn from our mistakes and make better choices? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks to guest Kimberly Faith about broken systems and how we fix things by looking at them differently. Kimberly shares how she found herself in a gap and all of her abilities and experiences symbiotically came together to make way for her superpower of scanning broken systems. Join Tonya and Kimberly in today’s episode and start coming up with viable solutions to fix broken systems. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am so incredibly delighted today because this conversation, folks, is going to absolutely light you up. I know you're already feeling and you're like, "What's this about? What's going on?" This is going to be [...]