How do we provide creative solutions for broken systems? How do we push ourselves to learn from our mistakes and make better choices? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks to guest Kimberly Faith about broken systems and how we fix things by looking at them differently. Kimberly shares how she found herself in a gap and all of her abilities and experiences symbiotically came together to make way for her superpower of scanning broken systems. Join Tonya and Kimberly in today’s episode and start coming up with viable solutions to fix broken systems.

Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am so incredibly delighted today because this conversation, folks, is going to absolutely light you up. I know you’re already feeling and you’re like, “What’s this about? What’s going on?” This is going to be magical, folks. We’re talking today about creative solutions for broken systems. And, if you’ve listened to me for more than a second, you know that this is so near and dear to my heart. If we don’t start coming up with some viable solutions that work, that create win-win scenarios, then we are destined to repeat all of this really fun stuff that we have found ourselves in the middle of. So let’s not do that. Right. Let’s see if we can’t maybe innovate a little bit more, maybe learn from our lessons, and maybe start talking with each other, and maybe start doing things a little bit differently.

Activate Your Superpowers

And today’s guest is absolutely on fire around this and that’s what makes me so excited because those of us who are willing to light up and say, “You know what? No. I know we can do this differently. I know we can do this better. And yeah, maybe we didn’t know better. We don’t feel horrible about ourselves, but we can certainly learn from that and make better choices.” And so anyway, Kimberly Faith joins us today. She’s super amazing. I’m going to have her come on here in a moment. You’ll be able to feel her and get excited about this as well. She’s the author of Your Lion Inside. I could get into her bio, folks, but it would be quite ridiculous. She’s just amazing. She’s touching lives. She’s making changes. She’s empowering people to do things better and different and successful. And isn’t that what lights us all up? And so without further ado, I’m going to bring Kimberly on to join us to talk about creative solutions for broken systems. Kimberly Faith, Kim, thanks so much for joining us today. I am so delighted to have you here.

I was thrilled to be asked, Tonya, so thank you.

Well, wonderful. Well, we’re diving right in and we’re going to let everyone know what your superpowers are.

So my superpowers, oddly enough, are systemic intelligence. I am able to scan, I kid you not. I am able to scan systems, whatever the system is, whether it’s healthcare, or education, or a company, or even a family system, scan a system and see the connections in ways that other people don’t. I’ve been doing it for over 30 years.

Well, I would say that definitely qualifies as a superpower and I knew we were kindred spirits. I haven’t referred to it in that way, but I call it kind of reading the field and seeing the patterns and stuff. And so it feels like they’re complimentary, but I love the fact that you’re in it. You’re like, “Wait, hold up.” And that heart of the matter, to be able to pierce through what appears to be there is really in alignment with what we’re seeing all across the board, whether it’s kind of technology, whether it’s political, whether it’s consciousness. Is this like, “Wait, how do we know? And are we sure we just want to consume that without asking a few questions first?”

That’s really where we got our start in the counter-intel due to diligence stuff. And so it makes sense to me that we’re going to see this applied across the board, but, you know and I know and maybe not everybody knows, but this isn’t normal. I’m shocked at how many people have been able to be successful without thinking in this way. So what is it? Did something happen to you? Have you just magically always been this way? I’m sure you’ve asked. Why do I see these things and other people don’t?

That’s true. I love that question actually. Life has a funny way of placing you where you’re supposed to go. So whereas you, you came in through military intelligence, so to speak. I actually, my first job out of college, I was working with an organization where they were talking about systems thinking and Dr. Peter Senge and some of the work from that book, the Fifth Discipline. And so there I was, I was in my early twenties out there talking to thousands of people saying, “You know we’re all in this boat together, right?” What’s happening on one side of town does affect the other. And so that’s where I found my love for it. And it felt so natural that I’ve been doing it ever since.

I love it. And it is. It is kind of that magical, right? When you find yourself in the gap and all of your kind of abilities and experiences kind of symbiotically come together to make the way for that. And there’s nothing quite as magical as that, folks. Let’s kind of circle back around here to this idea. The title of the show is a mouthful because we’re talking about creative solutions, but we’re also claiming that we’re identifying some broken systems. And so it is a two-parter. We’re going to cut to a break here. But when we come back, I really want to touch on why the juxtaposed concepts there, this broken system idea, and then the creative solutions and why we’re seeing both right now. This is a pretty heady conversation, folks. So you’re not going to want to miss it. Before we cut to break, Kim, where can people go to find out more about you?

They can go to my book website,, or find out more about me at

Brilliant. Folks, go check her out. She is remarkable, and you’re really going to enjoy that. We’ll also have links to the book on the episode page, but be sure you spend some time in her little ecosystem, it’s super fascinating. And her perspective is really, really valuable. And so look through that lens if you’re thinking that maybe you’re being stretched a little bit, and this is resonating with you. But stay with us and we’ll unveil a lot more when we come back. Stay tuned, folks, we’ll be here. This is like going on and on, Kim. I don’t think I want to leave.

I’m ready.

I’m like, “No, I don’t want to go to break”. Okay. Tonya, discipline, focus. All right. We will be right back, folks. And we will talk more. I promise.

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