WOA – A Christmas Story

Do you have a Christmas Story? To whom do you dedicate it? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Bruce L. Erickson have their deep conversation about a Christmas story. Bruce wrote a Christmas story for his wife before her death and promised her that he would remember her with a story each year. He recites a heart story, "The Store of All We Treasure." In the tale, a snow owl follows a man who has forgotten the true meaning of life. Tune in to know how Bruce's life changed as he took a flight to London.

2021-12-14T18:42:18-07:00December 25th, 2021|

WOA – The Sacred Wheel of Community

What is the sacred wheel of the community? And how can this help us to create better and more awakened humanity? We answer these questions and more in today’s episode of Wisdom of the Ages. Guest Bruce L. Erickson joins host Ayn Cates Sullivan as they talk about the 12 elements of The Sacred Wheel Community. Bruce talks about the importance of body, mind, and spirit and how we open to the gifts of creation. Bruce is an important person in Ayn’s support system and has offered Ayn’s family many blessings over the years right when they needed them. Ayn considers Bruce to be an angel in disguise. Join Ayn and Bruce in today’s episode to learn more about The Sacred Wheel of Community. Welcome friends and mystical travelers. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of the Wisdom of the Ages, where we invite the sacred [...]

2021-06-28T18:13:01-07:00July 14th, 2021|
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