Your Ego Wants to Kill You: Gary Renard Tackles the Myth of Consciousness

Your Ego Wants to Kill You: Gary Renard Tackles the Myth of Consciousness Consciousness as a new age evolutionary concept and the quest for higher degrees of it, takes reality and turns it on its head. It holds a pivotal spot in current dialogues about spiritual growth, new thought, self help, and personal development. And it appears to be a worthwhile goal. In fact, that’s exactly how we designed it. That’s right, I just made the bold claim that we designed it. Well, truthfully, I didn’t make that claim. Many others made it before me, and most recently, so did Gary Renard...again. As a world-renowned teacher of A Course in Miracles, Gary and his wife, Cindy Lora-Renard, continue to push the envelope and challenge concepts that rock the very foundation of our realities. Jesus, Buddha and Gary Renard In his latest book, The [...]

2023-03-22T09:58:45-07:00December 9th, 2017|

SPU – Jesus, Buddha and Gary Renard

Gary Renard does it again. In his fourth book, The Lifetimes when Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other, he boldly goes where few dare to tread. He makes uncompromising claims that Jesus and Buddha had other lifetimes and were together during most of them. Fueled by a deepened relationship with his spiritual guides, Arten and Pursah, Gary sheds light on many areas left dark and empty by most religious teachings. Listen in as he tells Tonya Dawn Recla all about it. Gary R. Renard is the best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, and Love Has Forgotten No One. During the last few years, Gary, often joined by his wife, Cindy, have been busy teaching A Course in Miracles in 31 countries and 44 states, with multiple visits to many of those locations. Combining a disarming sense of humor with radical, cutting-edge metaphysical information and experiential exercises, he has been described as one of the [...]

2018-02-26T21:33:09-07:00November 14th, 2017|

Radical Spiritual Care: Health and Well-Being Through A Course in Miracles

Spiritual Care of Self The quest for the holy grail. Nothing is more elusive than the quest for spiritual care of self in this very physical world we live in. The balance between being-ness and doing-ness is comparable to the quest for the holy grail. And why is that? Well, pick a theory, any theory, and play along. Underneath many intellectual quests is this desperate search for why are we here, how are we here, and what the hell are we supposed to do with it when we're here. And amidst all of that is the pesky issue of WHO are we? Traditions upon traditions have sought to answer this and, really, any one of them will do as an explanation. But what about the experience of who we are and the desire to live in the most harmonious way possible? I know, I know, I just [...]

2017-12-09T23:14:37-07:00September 10th, 2017|
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