On Being Superheroes: How Multidimensional Existence Requires Super-Sizing the Hero’s Journey
“You create superheroes to take care of problems that can’t really be solved another way,” Robert Rodriguez
What do you do when an entire population waits for the next leader?
What do you do when the next phase of existence requires something more than the masters who’ve come before?
What do you do when heroes simply aren’t enough?
You super-size them!
It’s no shock to anyone that times are changing. Even those who have no knowledge of or interest in pursuing consciousness or personal growth can feel it. Something is a-brewing and it feels foreboding. The internal fortitude required to continually walk closer to the storm rather than shy away far exceeds what most people can handle. Even those who’ve done a fair amount of journeying realize they are ill-equipped to deal with everything starting to appear now.
And by appear, I mean actually appear. Remember all of those fluffy, flowery, lovely concepts you “knew” when you meditated, prayed, channeled, got a psychic reading, talked to your guides? It’s one thing to leave them “out there” as esoteric brush strokes depicting a world we dream exists but secretly hope we never actually encounter because…well…what the hell would that mean?? It’s something else entirely when you come face to face with irrefutable evidence that our “world” just might be way more complex than we realized. It’s one thing to pursue higher levels of consciousness in the safety and sanctity of our living rooms or ashrams amidst wafting incense-laden ambience, quite another to step into it fully.
When those things start appearing and become undeniably part of your existence, are you prepared to face them, embrace them, allow them to knock aside all that you once thought was the sole interpretation of reality? Are you armed with the tools, resources, tips, and tricks, to hold yourself solid as you move into spaces that defy the very definition of solidity? Can you stand on the precipice of multidimensionality and breathe deeply as you become it, it becomes you, and somehow it all makes sense? And can you reach back to pull others up even when you feel no foundation beneath your feet?
What’s the alternative? How do you tell a whole society of people that the personal development/spiritual growth journey they pursued was never designed to be the end game? As though traversing through social programs, healing old wounds, transmuting stuff for the collective, facing fears, and embracing the shadow side weren’t challenging enough. Now I tell you that the world you persevered to understand is a mere mirage and that your personal journey ends right before it all gets really good. Surprise!
The human game has a very distinct start and end point. You’re born and you die. Somewhere in the midst of that you live. The human game is simple and most people who play that game are pretty clear their singular goal is to find some degree of happiness. That used to be the challenge. That used to be the end game. And in that game, heroes were enough. The icons and role models who rose to the top were those who mastered the human game and showed the rest of us how it’s done. But something happened. We opened up to an entirely different existence.
And so began the multidimensional game. The rules haven’t been written, there is no blueprint, you can’t do it alone, your definition of self can’t exist here, nothing is as it appears, there is no separation between beings, and we create it as go. The very processes and practices that got us here can’t move us through. And the loss of self, detachment from all we knew to be true, and abilities open to us here challenge even the most centered and aligned adventurers.
This is the game some of us came here to play. This is the world we came here to create. This is the next phase of existence.
And we’re going to need some Superheroes to lead us.