In our fast-paced, ever-changing world, it’s more important than ever that people and businesses have access to talented intuitive strategists to guide higher decision-making. But this requires enough people having the courage to pursue their relationship with their intuitive selves. Following up on last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality when host Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Robert MacPhee about the necessity of transformational leadership, this episode ties together the transformative and the intuitive. While many people are waking up to different levels of consciousness, we still lack the necessary guides, mentors and coaches who can operate in transparency, with integrity and through intuition. Listen in if you want to know how you can become an intuitive strategist and harness your superpowers to impact the world.

Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and today’s episode is all around a concept of intuitive strategists. The title is, The World Needs Intuitive Strategists Now. This is coming off of last week’s episode where I talked with Robert Murphy about the necessity of transformational leadership. As we tie together these components of intuition and transformation, it’s super important that we recognize that they operate in synergy very differently than either one of them operates separately. That’s a conversation for another time. Right now I want to focus on this idea of what does it mean to be an intuitive strategist and why are we so adamant that this is absolutely crucial right now?

And where it stems from, where the inception point for our passion, where that came from is really out of the due diligence arena when we would be solicited by a visionary or a CEO running an organization who had reached out and hired a service provider to provide some growth mechanism for their organization and it failed. And they were frustrated feeling like perhaps this person didn’t know what they were doing or couldn’t provide the service unsatisfactorily, whatever it might be. And time and time and time again, the puzzle that we started being able to put together was actually bizarre in the sense that some of these visions, and you all know exactly what I’m talking about here, exist in a frequency different from the models that you’re trying to use to promote them. It can’t happen. It won’t happen. It’ll never work.

And so what do you do, right? So let’s say you have been awakened and you get some guidance and you get very clear guidance that you have to build something to have an impact and to get this message out. And so you’re set about doing that and yet everywhere you look, you don’t really understand the models. You know you’re not an expert in these arenas. So you talk to people who claim to be experts in those arenas and all you can do is really trust them because that’s just not your space. And so you’re overlaying it with these models that were really perfected and developed in a frequency lower than where you’re going to be building. It won’t work.

And the challenge with it is when we have strategists who are providing guidance in a very physical world material world perspective without taking into account the frequency at which the vision exists and because of those don’t match up, then we’ve got a big problem and hence the vision integrity concept that we work with a lot was born and it’s not just integrity in terms of acting within integrity, it actually means that the systems and the processes and the models have to be in a vibrational integrity with the vision.

Get it, totally kind of out their concept when we’re just talking about business growth strategies, but too many of you are waking up at these levels and accessing information that exists far beyond where you’re existing right now physically. And so there’s this disconnect and you’re getting really frustrated because you’re not getting any traction. That’s where the intuitive component comes in. And so we’re going to talk more about this when we come back from the break.

For right now though, really consider this. And if this is something that you’re like, yes, yes, yes, yes, I know my business is suffering specifically because I don’t have this. Then make sure that you reach out to us. You can always reach out to our experts at or get on the site and fill out the contact us form. We’re happy to have a console and just chat about like, what are your specific needs and how might those be met? And it’s worth it to look at these things from a much higher perspective. And if you think that you have the ability to be an intuitive strategist, trust me when I say everybody is recruiting, so we’re happy to have a conversation about that too. But regardless, when I come back from the break, we’re going to dive more deeply into this. So stay with us and we’ll be right back.

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Neva Lee Recla is on a mission to inspire 1 million kids to start businesses. Get the tools to inspire your young entrepreneur so they can go out and change the world. The book gives you the insights you need to support your child, while the monthly Messages inspire and support  your kids on their entrepreneurial journey. Give your child the gift of Super Powers and join Neva in changing the world today!

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