Is it possible to fully encapsulate the expansive power of prayer? Whether it’s to celebrate a miraculous moment or to express a preference for an outcome, prayer extends far further than simply saying words and hoping. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Susan Shumsky, bestselling author, and pioneer in the human potential arena, about moving into deep alignment with the Divine. Utilizing prayer as a vehicle, we’re able to strengthen our faith and harness the power of hope as we allow Spirit to infuse our every moment. Don’t miss this encouraging conversation about the exponential benefits of communing with God.

Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I’m so excited about today’s show. We’re going to be talking about the power of prayer and so incredibly crucial that as we look forward to what we’re building and what we’re creating and lessons learned from this space that we’ve been in and the questions and the intrigues and everything else that it’s opened up, I think it’s really important that we take some ownership of what we’re thinking about, where we’re thinking about it in terms of where are we placing those thoughts, how are we sending them out? Are we being intentional with our word? And a big topic here lately has been around intentionality, manifestation and how do we match up the material with what we perceive to be as the spiritual.
And today’s guest is such a delight in that space, in her bodies of work that she’s produced in the areas of being mindful of that and really having that awareness and being able to tap into spirit and walk that walk in alignment and communion with it and listen and in everything that goes into that dialogue, she’s developed a breadth of material in that space. And so, I’m excited to invite her onto the show to talk today about the power of prayer and how important it is that we’re paying attention to that.
I know a lot of you get frustrated when you say, “This is what I want, this is what I want, but this is what I’m getting.” And a lot of times we don’t want to look at, well, where are we perhaps asking for, requesting, sending out signals, broadcasting in some way something that we don’t realize that some aspect of us does desire and we’re not real clear on why it would desire it because it feels so incredibly painful or undesirable to us. And so this conversation is a lot deeper than perhaps what you heard in Sunday school.

Activate Your Superpowers

And so, I’d like to invite you to just take a breath and if the power of prayer has some connotations for you, think of mindfulness. Think of intentionality. Think of intuition. Think of how we communicate our desires and how we communicate with the external environment and just be willing to open up to a bit more expansive conversation perhaps than what you’ve had in the past.
Without further ado, please join me in welcoming Susan Shumsky to the show. Susan, thanks so much for joining us.
I am thrilled to be here with you today, Tonya.
Well, it’s a delight to have you and I’m really excited to be able to share your depth of wisdom with our audience today. We’re going to start a little more frivolously though, or perhaps not frivolously, playfully, is a better word because I do feel that there’s a world of depth to any dialogue around our abilities and our gifts and what we’re here for and, of course, in our world those are superpowers. So Susan, what are your superpowers?
Well, I think maybe my greatest superpower is being able to listen to the still small voice within and receive divine guidance, wisdom, and inspiration from within, being able to have direct conversations with God, two-way conversations where being able to get it clearly, but actually acting upon it.
Do something with it.
And it’s so funny, on some level we can be like, well yeah, of course, but it’s like, oh no, no. No, no, no. Not of course. We could probably unpack that dialogue for the next three years. So, there’s a lot in that, right? And that’s part of the invitation with the show is it’s easy to use words, but that the words are the filter-down representation of the conceptualization of everything and then into the thoughts that eventually become the words. And it’s hard sometimes for our humanness, for our personhood to be able to say, “Okay, how do I communicate what I know to be true? Or how do I adequately communicate with this abstract ocean, space,” however you view the divine, how do I communicate when I feel so limited in that, right?
Let’s take it back a step. So, in connecting people into how do they even know what the divine is and how to hear it or what to hear. Let’s do newbies, this is to them, but things got shook up a little bit. So now they’re going, “Okay, maybe I need to be paying attention to this divine spiritual work.” How do you start with people on that?
I think we basically begin by defining what Spirit with a capital S or God or whatever you want to call it, is. That spirit, the divine spirit, is the creator and also underlies and gives rise to the entire universe and that spirit is everywhere present. It’s really important that we understand that Spirit is everywhere present. It’s not up in some cloud somewhere sitting in the sky or something, that that is actually your very breath. It is actually the blood that flows through your veins. It is your own being. It’s your own thoughts, words, deeds. It’s everything that you are because God is everywhere and you are somewhere. So by definition, you are where God is. Since God is within everything and everyone, you are that divine presence, it is within you. You are the incarnation of God.
That sounds pretty pompous and ridiculous, but in fact, God is everywhere. It’s within yourself. It’s within your being. It’s within your mind, your heart, your spirit. So, that would be the first thing!

Well, and the fact that you can go to this… Go ahead, hon.
To understand because if in fact, God is present everywhere, Spirit, whatever you want to call it, is present everywhere, then you must easily be able to contact and communicate with and be one within fact, Spirit because you already are.
And I love that you can so eloquently say that and then in the same breath acknowledge that we’ve got some really significant collective stories about that. And so, one of the sayings that came through me as we are the God of the God we are and it followed a really deep inquiry and look and relationship with the divine into okay, I get it philosophically, I totally get it. Oneness is a concept we can all wrap our minds around at a certain level, but the beingness of oneness trips us up.
And so, again, it’s a mirror of what we perceive to be the material reality with these concepts that if we’re honest, we all get on some level, but the interweaving of the allowing one to inform the other and vice versa, we’re still in the practice of and I think some further along in that practice than others, but it is a bizarre thing to think about. We have all of these stories in our collective around the sacrilege and even suggesting for some it’s even thinking that Jesus called us to walk as he did. Right? That’s bizarre to a lot of people and it feels very sacrilegious based on how they consumed religiosity early on. Or in their life now.
And then we have the whole other extreme, which is well, of course. Of course, we’re an aspect of the divine. What else would we be? Right? And so, it’s really fascinating. We engage in these conversations and it’s like how can all of this be true? And ultimately, it is all real and we get to choose how we interact with it, which I think is that concept of prayer. Right? That we’re asking people to really expand into in a different way. So, we do have to take a break. And I know this is about to get really yummy and juicy here and I’ve seen it coming and I can feel Susan that she’s so, anyway, she’s great in this space. So, give us a second. We’re going to take a quick break and then come back and really dive deeply into that conversation. But before we do Susan, where are we sending people to find out more about you?
I have a couple of websites, and also that’s plural on the travels.
Beautiful. And we’ll have those links on the site folks or if you download the app, you can get them there. Stay with us. We’re going to be right back to talk about the power of prayer following this break. You’re not going to want to miss what comes next. We’re talking today about the power of prayer with Susan Shumsky. We’ll be right back.

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