Lots of people talk about how thoughts become things, but have you ever wondered how thoughts become? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks about where thoughts come from and how we can’t consciously harness the power of manifestation until we understand the intricacies of thought energy at a much deeper level. Listen now to this fantastic episode that explains how we’re all interconnected and the importance of knowing where your thoughts come from.

Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert. And last week, we talked all about understanding thought energy. This conversation is circling around the concept of how thoughts become. And so a lot of the information out there is like, what do you do with the thoughts and what are they about and how do they work and how do we use them to manifest and how do we shape them and how do we think positively or not think positively or whatever the case may be. There’s all kinds of conversations around thoughts and mindset and that kind of stuff. And what is really interesting about that dialogue is how people want to shy away from any sort of discussion about, but where do those come from? And I think part of the reason for that is ultimately we don’t totally know. That’s a little more challenging to kind of dive into, but let’s take ourselves back to the time when even contemplating that our thoughts have any power to create was challenging.

So it’s like all of these concepts as we learn about them and integrate them into the collective, we’re at one time comfortable thoughts. That’s a lot of the superpower dialogue.

Activate Your Superpowers

Part of the reason why we break up the predisposed superpowers into our category one and our category two superpowers is because those category one superpowers are kind of okay with us. Like the collective isn’t overly threatened by them and the individual doesn’t feel too incredibly outed by disclosing them. And some of those include things like empathy or psychic ability or mind reading. Now in some circles, those are way, way out there, but in a lot of circles, not so much anymore, mostly because of literature and movies and that kind of thing. It’s just not outside of the realm of possibilities. So keep that in mind as we start talking about, okay, but where do thoughts come from?

To say that everything originates with a thought, doesn’t take into account how the thought originated. And we know a lot about how we exchange the thought energy frequency, but it hasn’t quite gotten to mainstream. It’s just not consumable just yet. And so it’s important that we continue to have these conversations and flush these things out because it’s mostly empirical information at this point. Somebody is experiencing it or we’re seeing it in our client bases or we’re testing it in our bodies of work. And so it’s important that we continue to bring that forward.

This idea about how thoughts become precipitates this idea of thoughts becoming things or our thoughts create a reality of thinking that grows rich. Because what I find particularly challenging in this space folks is, unless we’re willing to look at that, then people get really upset or discouraged at the least and something appears in the projection and they don’t think that they thought that. So then it’s like, “Okay, if my thoughts create things, but I know I didn’t think about this beforehand, and here it is.” You can understand how that almost out of necessity creates either a dissonance internally for the person, or and it also creates a distrust in the information. Both are very self-serving to the piece of us that would simply prefer that we don’t explore these concepts so we stay where we’re at. None of that’s innocent. And if we don’t understand how those processes work, then you can see how it’s easy to get disenchanted about stuff like the law of reciprocity, law of attraction and all that whatnot.

We’re going to dive into that more deeply when we come back here from the break, but remember folks, none of this stuff is meant to be consumed at a superficial level. Certainly we all get to start there. We get to observe that some of us are awakened there. Some of us are awakened and we come into that space. And it’s great to passively consume the information, but this is very much an active sport.

And so we have to be willing to do a little bit deeper study to look a little bit more intentionally at things, to perhaps take a class, perhaps sign up for a program or something and be very cautious with the programs or the classes or the curriculum or the content that wants to keep it at a superficial level. There is no, this is just that simple. It’s super easy, but what’s not simple about it is the layers and the complexities and the variables that have to get highlighted in the process. And so just keep that in mind.

I know that we all want the magic pill, the one, two, three step process, but this is your existence we’re talking about. It’s not just your life. It’s not just your mission. It’s not just your work. It’s not just a relationship. It is your entirety. It is your complete wholeness. It’s worthy of a moment of reflection and contemplation. In fact, I can’t think of anything else that is more worthy of that. And so really sit with that in the sense of where are you looking for guidance and what are you really being encouraged into?

And if you feel like you’d like to do a little bit more of a deeper study, we encourage you to check out our I Am series. You can go to our site, superpowerexperts.com and click on the messages tab. That is a great way to continue in observation, but a little bit more of the teaching kind of getting into that. And then of course, those of you who know that you’re all in and would like some guidance and support with that, check out our SuperPower Programs.

But regardless folks, follow your curiosity. There’s no threat to diving into material. The key is making sure that you’re able to gauge that through some resonance. And if you’re not at that stage yet and you’re not really confident in where spirit is guiding you and where your ego might be leading you astray, then at the very least do due diligence. Make sure that you know who’s providing the material and make sure you ask yourself like, “Why would I be doing this?” Because sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the copy and in the run to the back of the room or the like for 24 hours, you can get it at this price. All of that stuff. It’s easy to get caught up in that stuff.

But if you’re not clear on why you’re doing it, and if you haven’t taken a moment of reflection on it, it’s really worth doing that because otherwise what happens is you are consuming material, but you’re consuming it, whether you want to or not, as an element of truth and you start to develop a trust with it. And if you do that before ever vetting it or really gauging it for your own resonance, it just creates more stories, which of course turn into your own unconscious programs and the next thing you know you’ve got something else that you have to dismantle later. You can avoid that by changing some of your processes with how you’re consuming information now.

Anyway, stay with us. We are going to take a quick break. And when we come back, we’re going to continue to dive into this notion of how thoughts become. So stay with us and we’ll be right back.

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