Debbie Sodergren Debbie Sodergren, author, speaker, and owner of Up Vibrations, LLC, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about the power of entrepreneurship and how great entrepreneurs harness flow. Debbie works with stressed out and overwhelmed high-performing entrepreneurs & CEOs. She guides them to figure out what to do next. Debbie offers alternative healing approaches to assist people in elevating their vibration and developing a healing mindset. Listen in as Debbie and Tonya explore how great entrepreneurs use healing, elevating frequency and harnessing flow in order to succeed.

Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I have such a fun conversation for you all today. We have Debbie Sodergren with us. She’s author, speaker and owner of Up Vibrations, so all ready right, we’re in love. Up Vibrations, what isn’t great and phenomenal about that kind of a conversation and she named a business that. You know she’s our people and she works with people to cultivate their mindset, reduce stress, but today we’re going to really harness that conversation into how great entrepreneurs harness flow.

That’s such a crucial conversation for so many of you because we tend to be able to do this in like the spiritual woo woo space, but then how do you stay in flow while you’re doing your work? Maybe while you’re balancing a spreadsheet or while you’re systemizing your business, right? Is it even possible? We’re going to talk with Debbie about that today and about the connection between reducing your stress, managing your mindset and achieving success in your business, so all kinds of yummy, fun stuff today. Please join me in welcoming Debbie to the show. Welcome Debbie.

Thank you Tonya, it’s nice to be here with you this morning.

I’m very excited to have this conversation. Let’s go ahead and jump right in and ask you what are your super powers?

I get messages for people when I'm doing energy work on them

I get messages for people when I’m doing energy work on them.

My super powers are, I get messages for people when I’m doing energy work on them. Say I have a client that gets on the table, coming to me to get their stress reduced. I happen to be a Reiki master teacher along with a bunch of other modalities and when they get on the table, somebody from the other side who’s associated with them comes through and just has information for the person. It makes no sense to me but at the end of the session I’ll say, “Hey I’ve got this gift and this is what I do, are you interested?” 99.9 percent of the time the person on the table says, “Yes, absolutely. I’m open to this, what have you got for me?”

Beautiful. I love that. I know a lot of people are listening and they’re like oh wait, that happens to me too and I’ve talked to so many practitioners who are afraid to give that information. How did you move into this space where you even had the courage to say to somebody, “Hey, by the way, this information’s coming through or this person’s here,” because I’m sure that, maybe I’m making an assumption, but I would imagine that was its own kind of journey for you.

Yeah, it was and it’s an interesting story. I’ll try and keep it really short here so we can move on with so much juicy other things with this conversation. When I was four years old I had open heart surgery twice. Everybody’s born with a hole in their heart and mine did not close up. During my kindergarten physical, my doctor found it and after my first open heart surgery my mom and my dad came in to see me and my mom was like “Oh, her color’s off. Something’s wrong. I can just tell.” Once they assessed me again, they realized that my stitches didn’t hold and I needed surgery again.

I believe it was during my second surgery that I had my out of body experience. When I came back into my body I remembered everything and growing up, when I was released from the hospital a few months later I was having, leaving my body at night and I was seeing my grandparents across the street and my best friend next door and I would say to them, “Oh, I saw you last night, you got up at this time or this is what you had on for pajamas.” At one point an adult had pulled me aside and said, “Hey, you really can’t say stuff like this because they’re going to take you away.”

At that point I shut down and when I would lay in bed at night I would just will myself to stay in my body and just, I can remember it, just making my fist clenched and closing my eyes really tight, clenching them and just saying to myself, “Stay in your body, stay in your body, stay in your body.” That kind of closed me down for a little while. I went through life and tried to fit in, like everybody else, but I knew things that were different. I knew that it didn’t have to be this hard to get what you wanted in life and it wasn’t supposed to be difficult.

I knew that we were going to go through experiences and I understood that this earth plane consciousness was actually a place to get experiences and to feel things because, in my opinion from my experience, when you were on the other side you didn’t get to play like this. You didn’t have these contrasts, you didn’t have these emotional ranges that we currently have that we aren’t really utilizing and we’re not really tapping into, which is connecting us to our higher selves, which is tapping us into our super powers.

I love that. My journey was so similar but not at such a young age. I love the fact that you remember this and that you were very consciously aware at such a young age of having that choice and of making that choice. I was in college when somebody came to me and told me the same thing, that people don’t want to hear this, like you can’t do this. I made the exact same choice much later in life than you did, to shut that down. As you were talking I was like whoa, and I think it’s such a common thing and a big part of my motivation I know, in taking on this kind of mantle of super powers was to help people understand you’re not alone.

You’re not crazy, it is valuable, you have this information for a reason and just because it frightens other people doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s worthy of being shut down on your end. I appreciate the fact that you’re so courageous and are willing to come out and say that because my belief is, people need to hear that. They need to know that it’s okay to step into those gifts and maybe you have shut them down previously and it is okay to reopen those and it’s safe and you can get support and you can get assistance from people who have those experiences. Just kudos to you for stepping into that.

Young Entrepreneur Secrets with Neva Lee Recla

Thank you. Yeah, I mean, growing up I was always different, I didn’t really fit in with this group or that group. The Gemini in me, I was very social, so I would like hang out with the kids in the smoking area and then I would go be the track manager. I wore a couple different hats, I also was in plays, so I really felt like I was kind of the social butterfly, just kind of floated around between all the groups because why not? I was always labeled, “Oh, you’re different, you’re weird, you’re this.” I internally, I guess I had really thick skin and I just kind of was like yeah, whatever.

We should be celebrating those differences

We should be celebrating those differences.

In my mind just be like, yeah, we’re supposed to be different because we are different and we should be celebrating those differences and we should be exploring and praising somebody for their differences. Yes, we do collaborate and we do things together, but we’re all doing it in our own way. We’re not two people that are the same, so let’s embrace it and let’s really make this easier for each other and really harness this whole experience of this journey here on this earth plane consciousness, because we are a spiritual being having a human experience.

I’m so happy that we are all finding each other now and we’re all talking about this. We are finally deciding that it’s okay to talk about this, that it’s not taboo anymore. It’s time. If we want to go from this third dimension to this fifth dimension to the higher dimensions, the only way to do that is to collaborate because we know, quantum physics has told us that we are made up of energy and when energy comes together it expands. If like minds can come together energetically, we’re going to expand the consciousness of what we’re bringing forward. Makes sense, right?

I love it, that’s perfect. I love the whole like you’re different, you’re weird. Neva’s really coined the phrase of weird is my new normal and I love that at that age, that she’s able to do that and I really appreciate hearing the stories of people like you, who just kind of knew and stayed connected to that awareness. I think you’re out there to give hope to all those folks who have stayed in the shadows because of that. Let’s go ahead and take a quick break. Before we do, where can people go to find out more about you?

If you want to find out more about me, thanks for asking, you can head over, I’ve got a couple websites. One of them is

Awesome, very cool. We’ve been talking with Debbie Sodergren about how great entrepreneurs harness flow. We’re going to dive into that right after the break and show you how you can start staying in the flow and be really successful in your entrepreneur adventure, so stick with us, we’ll be right back.

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