Rahn AnthoniRhan Anthoni, country music artist, joins David Delmar to share his experiences of being triumphant over adversity as he shows that music can be the soul’s healer. Rhan is an advocate for basic human rights working with legislatures to make necessary changes to outdated laws. He shares with David how to find the good and the joy from life no matter the challenge. Rhan openly shares the devastation and growth he endured having lost his specials needs son at the hands of his teachers. So listen in and get advice on how to be triumphant with your own adversities and use music as your soul’s healer.  

Hello. This is David Delmar, your host of SuperPower Creatives, and you’re listening to our episode Music Can Be The Soul’s Healer. I believe everyone is a creator, and it’s this inherent birthright that’s the source of our superpowers. Stepping into this personal authority is scary, though. This show celebrates creatives that stay true to who they really are, making a living using their creative superpowers. The stories they share will excite and inspire listeners to do the same, making positive change in the world.

It gives me great honor and extreme pleasure to introduce our guest for today’s show. He’s an artist, a humanitarian inspiring the lives of many and helping change the lives of all with his powerful music and personal ministry. As an award-winning Christian artist, Rahn Anthoni took the international press and airways by storm with 2017’s most inspirational track I’ll Trust You. The song earned him a Radio Music Award and an Indie Music Channel Award and numerous other accolades including the Man Up Award for his charity work.

Rahn’s history with inspirational music has helped him develop a positive relationship with God and the world of song. Despite the heartbreaking circumstances surrounding the death of his special needs son, Aaron Hatcher, Rahn has been able to turn tragedy to triumph delivering a message of hope and love to the masses. Encouraged by the support of the country music world showing love for his R&B flavored music, Rahn has returned with an ambitious new country soul tune as reminiscent of Darius Rucker, Charlie Pride and other soulful country artists. Highway was written by Rahn and it tells of his journey from tragedy to triumph looking back on the story of his life. Released on MTS Records, be sure to watch the video for Highway on YouTube.

Tragedy struck after losing a special needs son to abuse allegedly by his son’s teacher, Anthony has become an advocate for special needs kids. The Aaron Hatcher Awards are given every year in honor of his late son, Aaron Hatcher. His son also inspired him to start the Special Needs Rock Awards and They Can’t Talk But We Can, a non-profit organization providing advocacy for children with disabilities.

Wow, that gives me goosebumps, Rahn. Hello. So good to have you here, man. Thank you.

I am so glad to be here and I thank you for having me on your show.

It’s a real treat for us and we really just value your time and everything you’re doing with your powerful music and as your voice, your leadership and as an advocate for special needs children, it’s work at the highest level of importance and it just benefits greatly from the passion and purpose of people like you most definitely, most definitely.


Yeah. Today, we’re talking about our show, Music Can Be The Soul’s Healer. Specifically, how Rahn finds music, is able to heal his own soul and how as a conduit to spirit through his music he is able to heal others’ souls with his music and his message. Rahn, how we like to roll things out is probably the obvious first question, but here it is. What is your creative super power?

The power of God that guides you

The power of God that guides you.

Oh, that’s the power within me. That’s the force. That’s the force that helped me get through so much stuff and it helps all of us. It’s that voice you hear, but you don’t hear and it’s inside of you. You think it’s a voice, but it’s really the ways, the power of God that guides you. That’s what’s the super power.

That is the power.


It’s amazing to see how you use that almighty power, that super power within to do what you do and for the strength that it has obviously provided in your life, it’s truly miraculous to see what you’ve been able to accomplish with that power and just in your story. Let me ask you this, Rahn, you obviously have such a heartbreaking story, but you’ve turned it into something that’s very empowering. Why do you do what you do with your super powers?

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When we say we lose people, we don’t. We gain. We gain. My son is spiritually talking to me all the time. It’s showing me what we can do because see, when Aaron was here, he couldn’t talk, but I knew what he was talking about. This sounded crazy, but it’s like it didn’t make me feel good for his negativity because he was a beautiful person and he still is, and I can help other people and his peers and the elderly and other, just everybody, just telling the story with the passion because he’s moved to a greater place and I’ve learned this for so long and now, I’m actually walking it.

Yes, you are, brother. You are walking it, something fierce and mighty, too. Let me ask you, Rahn, what’s it feel like to be on this journey, on this walk where you’re having such an impact on other people’s lives. How does it personally provide you with something that you know is important, that keeps you going?

It’s that energy. If I came to your right now and say, “You know what, here’s a $1 billion,” and I give it to you, you’re going to feel something because first, you’re going to be like, “Wow, he just gave me that in his mind and now I have $1 billion.” When that happened, that’s how it made me feel. It feels like I have everything and I don’t need a lot of negativity in my life ’cause I found the positivity through my son.


He could even talk to me then and he’s talking to me now. It’s power.

Wow. That’s just amazing. That’s profound. You had a relationship when he was here in the physical.


It wasn’t something where you were able to verbally communicate though you knew what he wanted.


Now it sounds like you have a language all anew, something completely unscripted that he’s talking to you with words and energetic components of feeling and emotion.

Right, everything, yes. I don’t even understand it. I just go with it because I know when Aaron was here, I didn’t hear anything, but I heard something. I’m like, “Oh, that’s what you want.” He couldn’t talk to me, but he would just go, “Uh-huh.” We communicated and I’m just that silly enough to ask things and just do stuff and just know and he would … Only thing he would say is, “Uh-huh.” That was it. It’s like I knew what was going on in my subconscious, but consciously, I didn’t until after he left.

Wow. Wow.

After he’s gone, I’m like, “Okay, duh, now I understand.”

It’s amazing to hear you share that because I just already feel like I’ve got a feel for Aaron and he just seems like one cool dude.

Yes, yes.

Really cool cat.

Yes. He couldn’t talk then to us, but he’s speaking now to everybody and it’s like every time I look on the internet, it’s Aaron Hatcher’s They Can’t Talk, But We Can or something about that because it is helping his peers. That’s what he said to me and he couldn’t even talk. He was like, “Help my people.” It’s like the people that can’t talk, but we can. Who could turn that down?

Who could turn that down?


I know there’s no way I could turn that down.


It’s an amazing opportunity. Talk about that a little bit then. The charity that you have that you just described, talk about that a little bit if you would and where are things with that right now and what kind of impact is that having?

Yeah, now, we did get the law passed to have cameras in the classroom and now I work with-

Yes, I work with Lala Johnson and the legislation, Valencia Stovall, who’s the house representative. Never thought, I did not even like that in high school. I didn’t even understand it. Now I’m actually working it. I’m like, “Okay.” We managed to get that. Now I’m working on the immunity law because so many people are being abused and you can see it all over the world with the … and being beaten by police brutality and also for special needs being abused, the elderly. I’m starting it with the immunity law because that immunity law, it will set something in place for us, all of us, because right now with my son Aaron, the teachers that allegedly did this, which admitted to it, there’s nothing we could do about it because of the law, the law that’s been in place since the 1800s. It’s time to amend it.

Oh, my. Yes. Geez.

A lot of people just don’t understand it so that’s what I’m changing. I’m not going to say trying to. I am changing it.

You can.


You are. You are.

We have the Special Needs Rock Awards

We have the Special Needs Rock Awards.

We have the Special Needs Rock Awards. That’s for the special needs, that’s not just the special need kids, heart disease, that’s what I have now since I’ve been through all of this. Heart disease, people that just had open heart surgery, kidneys, diabetes, all of that. We’re honoring all because we are still standing. We’re still here.

Yeah, we are, too. We are, too. Man, that’s powerful what you’re able to get accomplished when you take the law and let the law start working for you-


That’s awesome stuff. Man, that’s so awesome, Rahn. We need to take a quick break. I really want to hear more about this, Rahn, what you’re doing to actually change legislation and change people’s lives through something as powerful as legislation and how that’s … reflection might be something where people can start standing up and becoming empowered to know that they have rights as people, as citizens they have rights and we can use those rights. Before we jump in the break, let’s tell people where they can find out more about you, Rahn.

You can actually go to theycanttalkbutwecan.org, rahnanthoni.com. That’s the music. It tells a story and also specialneedsrockawards.org.

That’s awesome. That’s outstanding. Great stuff, man. All right, we’ve been talking with Rahn Anthoni today about our show Music Can Be The Soul’s Healer.


Let’s take a quick break and when we come back, we’re going to continue on this powerful road of perseverance with Rahn and how you out there listening can start persevering through your own tragedies and become triumphs. Stay with us and we’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

Music Credit: Words and Music written and performed by David Delmar. Engineered and produced by John Keenan.