At a time when the world seems to be looking for an answer, can spirituality possibly be the one? Join this power conversation as host Tonya Dawn Recla brings in Ervin Laszlo, a pioneer in the human potential and spirituality movements. Ervin is a voice for generations gone and will be relevant for many generations to come. So much so, that this is what Deepak Chopra had to say about Ervin’s latest book, Reconnecting to the Source: Laszlo has hit upon the ultimate salvation of everyone on the planet in every generation for whom being human is the prime reason for existence. Don’t miss this opportunity to glean even the most minute wisdom from this brilliant man who has dedicated his life to help us all understand. 

Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am absolutely honored to have with me today just a remarkable great in the field of spirituality. And I’ll get into his information here in a second. But before I do, we’re talking today about Reconnecting to The Source. It’s a book written by Ervin Laszlo. And in it there’s an introduction, a foreword, if you will, by Deepak Chopra. And I just want to share something with you that Deepak said here. He said: The choice to ‘only connect’ faces each of us every day. The great value of this book is not just its impassioned call to improve everyday life or its argument for seeing reality as it really is. Both aims are very important, but overriding them is a revolution in what it means to be human. On that basis, Laszlo has hit upon the ultimate salvation of everyone on the planet and every generation for whom being human is a prime reason for existence.

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I can’t think of any more accolades, in that regard, other than the fact that his body of work is so incredibly impressive. We’ll make sure to include some of that on the site, but I want to get right into introducing you to him so he can talk with you. Ervin Laszlo, thank you so much for joining us on the show today as we discuss Spirituality.

Tonya, it’s my pleasure.

Well, beautiful, beautiful. Well, you’re out there in the heart of Tuscany, and today we’re going to be talking about can spirituality save us all? So, these certainly are uncertain times. And I have to be honest with you, Ervin, it makes me feel a little bit more supported and secure knowing that people like you with the amazing wealth of information and experience that you have in this area are contributing to this conversation in a really high-vibrational way. So, thank you on behalf of all of us. Thank you.

Well, it’s my pleasure. I think it’s wonderful to talk to people who are aware of the vibrations and can raise it and can work with it. That’s a great thing.

Beautiful. But, well, we’re doing our best to stay ahead of it and to build as fast as we can around that. And so we appreciate being able to stand on the shoulders of giants like yourself and know that that work is so well supported. Let’s dive in a little bit and then as we go, I want to make sure the audience knows a little bit about your extremely impressive biography. But let’s start with asking what are your superpowers? 

Well, I think I want to refer to what in Star Wars is a greeting, may the force be with you. The force is real, there is a force in the universe, and that force is reflected in us. And we have to harness that, we have to be the force. And the force has to be with us, but the force is with us. The big question is, are we with the force? Do we choose to be, to open up this force in us, so it empowers us? I think that’s the big question. That’s what we need to do today. Remember and know that the real power, the real force, the authority is not outside, it’s inside each of us and only we can work with it and only we can make it penetrate elsewhere and create a whole new force field that can take us forward in a healthy and flourishing way.

I think there are a few things that come into play within everything that you just spoke of. And one of them is the concept of do we even dare hope, right? I think so many of us have in our collective consciousness, this idea that you try, you fail, you try, you fail, you try, you fail. And it’s a really difficult concept to traverse that space in between the kind of world of struggle, the typical programmed kind of cause and effect we’re trained in, and kind of take that and turn it on its side and go, “What if everything was a little bit backwards?” Because of my experience with source is that that’s exactly how it works. It seems very backwards to everything that we were programmed with. And so it’s a weird concept, right?

Well, the source is not something passive, not just the background. The source is a program. It is something active. I call it in terms of the new system sciences, talk about an attractor, something that works in a system and moves within a given direction. A source is a drive. It’s what the French philosopher Henri Bergson said, some vital alarm. You know? So I mean connecting to the source is to connect something to which is really the information that moves the universe, that creates evolution, that makes a difference between the universe, and it’s just passive and random and highly organized and coherent of which you are a part, because you are a part of such a universe. But that means that there is in the source a drive, a structuring drive, that makes it come together that makes it a whole, and brings, attracts all the elements together in a way that you can also express as having an attraction, a belongingness, a oneness, a love for each other. Spirituality.

Beautiful. I love that you brought that into the equation. We’re going to take a quick break, but when we come back, I want to discuss this concept of love and the difference between… On this show a lot, we talk about the difference between emotional love versus the frequency of love and what are we really talking about with that? Because it, I think that that’s the interconnection that is the way that we’re able to kind of relate to that. But before we go to break, make sure that you go and check out Ervin’s book, Reconnecting to The Source. We’ll make sure to link it on the site. Ervin, is there another place that you’d like for us to send folks to find out more about you?

Well, that is There is And of course the new book has all its place on Amazon, and there’s the publisher. So there are many, many, many places. If we put my name on Google or anywhere on the internet, you will find a lot of sites opening up.

Beautiful, beautiful. Stay with us, folks. When we come back, I’m not only going to illuminate some of his impressive resume to you, but we’re also going to dive deeply and glean some of this deep wisdom that Ervin holds. Stay with us, and we’ll be right back as we explore Spirituality further. 

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