Work the Light

How can we work the light? Do you adjourn your day with reflection? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla shares her thoughts on shining one’s light, brilliance, and love in the best way possible. Even though we are in the season of figuring everything out, we know, deep inside, that we only want the best for ourselves. However, after acquiring these opportunities, we will ask ourselves: How would I want to use this? Tune in and be one with the community to guide you to find the light. 

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello, everyone. And welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. Thank you so much for joining us again here. We’re talking today all about this concept of Work the Light. As we’re in the middle of this holiday season, we just wrapped up our Mas Christ IM Series. If you’re part of our community, you can go back and watch that series. We’re gearing up to choose your divine adventure.

But as we sit in this space in between, in this holiday space as 2021 is coming to a close, one of the areas that we really emphasized in that mosque Christ series was this idea of the light. Right. This light that shines from all of us, this light that calls to us. The source, spirit, God, Christ, the light that connects us all. And in reflection of the last couple of years, I think that most people agree that we could all use a little bit more of that.

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And so today’s episode is inspired by this idea of using that, working with that light, being really intentional about it. What are we doing with it? How are we utilizing it? Right. Where are we investing our creative energy? What is it that we’re giving our attention to? And does that create more of the same sort of world that maybe we don’t find all that attractive anymore? Or does it allow us space to dream? Does it allow us to vision forward into a world where new things are possible?

And sometimes that means being willing to suspend a little bit of your own disbelief. Or disgruntlement. Or discouragement, or disgusted, whatever the word might be for you. Suspending that a moment and saying, “Okay, okay. Okay. What if things aren’t exactly how I want them? Am I even willing to open myself up to them being how I do want them? Do I even allow myself time to dream into that space and to say, ‘Okay, if I don’t like things, the way that they are, am I willing to take the moment, the time to sit with, well, how would I want them to be?'”

And that’s part of this idea of light working. Right. A number of you consider yourselves lightworkers. Some of you scoff at that term. Some of you wholly embrace it. But regardless of whether or not you see yourself as a change agent, a leader, a parent, a coach, a consultant, an employee. Whatever the case may be, that you are friends. Right. A spouse or a partner. There’s in that this inherent agreement to be in a relationship with somebody, hopefully, in one of the better ways we could.

Right. And so, no matter how you hold yourself and maybe you’re just trying to figure yourself out. Right. And it’s not really about what influence you hold over others, but, but isn’t that enough too. Right. Even if we’re just figuring ourselves out, shouldn’t we want the best for ourselves also? Shouldn’t we want to shine our light, our brilliance, our love in the best way possible?

Every night when we lay down to go to sleep, or maybe you go to sleep in the mornings, or the afternoons, whenever that is for you when you close out your day and in reflection, do you look back and think, “Wow, that was good. That was a great day. I shared, I loved, I expressed. I lit up these spaces that I touch and I feel good about that. It reflected back to me and I felt good.” And it feels good to know that that’s how you’re investing that creative energy.

And so, this idea of working the light became something really pivotal. It showed up at one point in the agents of change assemble art article. It’s agents of change assemble, the time is now, and this is what we trained for. You can check that out on our site and we’ll put a link there. But there was a subtitle in there, or subtopic in that, around this idea of how do we really be intentional about this relationship that we have with the divine?

In our world and this Superpower Community, we talk a lot about not everybody having this. Right. Not everybody has a podcast to listen to, or that they’ve discovered yet that makes them feel good. Not everybody has a video series to watch each week to say, “Okay, this is okay. It’s okay to have hope. And it’s okay to work toward these things and to want a relationship with God.” Not everyone has access to that. Not everyone even knows that they might want that. Or not everyone wants it. Right.

But if it feeds you, right, if it fills you, if you’ve got relationships where you can talk about these things, if you’ve got a relationship with God, or with Christ, or with your guides, or angels, or whatever it is, whatever spiritual essence you connect into, then you’re fortunate. Especially when times are tough and you’ve got prayer or meditation or something to turn to.

And in that, to me, there’s an invitation to share that. Right. And to shine that and to say, “I’m going to reach out to those who maybe don’t know about these resources, or don’t know that it’s okay to have hope. Or don’t know that it’s okay to say, ‘You know what? Things are not that great right this minute. But I think they can get better. And maybe here’s how we step into that.'”

From that space, I think that we get the opportunity to say, “How do I want to use this? If I’ve been gifted with this light, this brilliance, these superpowers, these gifts, how do I want to use them?” And that’s really where this idea of work the light came from. And so stay with us because when we come back from the break, I’m going to read a little bit from that article. And shine a little bit more perspective on that in how we wrap up this holiday season and this year. Where we can perhaps ignite a little bit more, throw a little bit more fuel on the flames of that brilliance and that love and that light that we get to share with each other.

And if you’re looking for a community where you can do that, be sure to check us out at In our community, we gather, we connect, we just explore these things, we talk about. But more importantly, that’s the space where you can grow and learn and know that wanting to be the light is something that we applaud and uplift here. And so, if you’re looking for that kind of community, go check us out. Stay with us. We are talking all about working the light and we will be right back.

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