The Subtle Energetics of Traditional Medicine

What are the subtle energetics of traditional medicine? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla sits with William Pawluk to discuss the convergence of science and space in the medical fields. William works in pulse electromagnetic field therapies, and his recent book, Supercharge Your Health with PEMF Therapy.  His superpower involves seeing realms, information, and connections that other people may not see and, at the same time, making them available to others. Tune in as this episode will teach you the subtle energetics of traditional medicine to deal with pain and injury quickly as you could ever imagine!

Tonya Dawn Recla: 

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Science of Superpowers. I’m delighted to have you here with us, and I’m really, really excited about this conversation today. I am so incredibly impassioned about this movement that we’re seeing in the convergence space around science and the medical fields, and just really that example and that illumination of what so many have known to be true, but we have to be able to distill it down into the convergence level. If we can’t actualize it, then it really isn’t applicable and usable to the masses. That’s what a lot of us feel called into doing.

Our guest today is no exception to that. Dr. William Pawluk, his work, it really lights me up. He’s working in the pulse electromagnetic field therapies and in it, his recent book, Supercharge Your Health with PEMF Therapy, is just chock-full of really great information.

If this stuff lights you up, and of course, you’re listening to the Science of Superpowers, so we assume that the science element is cool, we like to geek out on it really. It lights us up because it’s proof that we’re starting to see these ships take hold. I remember I had Dean Radin on at one point from the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and that was the question. I reference this a lot because that should be the question, when are we going to live in the existence that we all know to be true? What Bill’s work here is doing in that space is incredibly valuable. I’m really excited to have him share that with you today.

We’re going to go ahead and invite him into the conversation here. Bill, thank you so much for joining us.

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William Pawluk:

It’s my pleasure to be here. 

Tonya Dawn Recla: 

Let’s jump in and say what are your superpowers and how are you using them for good?

William Pawluk:

My superpowers probably again, primarily relate to being able to see realms and see information and see connections that other people may not see, but at the same time to make them translatable to people who don’t have that sort of perception. But more importantly, to take that information and make it practical. In other words, they could apply it. It’s not just a matter of dealing with concepts and theories. It’s taking science and translating it and bringing it down to a very practical level.

When you’re dealing with pain, when you have a lot of pain or you have a major injury and you’re trying to heal it, well, what can I do to help you now? What can I do to help you now in a way that doesn’t require you to spend five years of learning or spend 10 years in a cave in the Himalayas?

Tonya Dawn Recla: 

That’s right. It’s hard to focus on some of the more subtle signs and growth processes if we have a lot of physical noise going on. I love that you’re speaking to this. I do think that solutions sometimes get a bad rap in the more kind of spiritual woo-woo spaces that we call them because we feel like, well, we should just be able to instantaneously heal ourselves. While we can hold that as the standard as the vision of wholeness, there are very real programs, realities, experiences, and stories that we continue to tell that might say otherwise and how we butt up against the environment and how we butt up against each other.

There are things that occur that aren’t necessarily built in a cord with this vision that we’re holding of our divine wholeness. There’s some reconciling of that. I think that therapies like the one that you’re talking about and others are fabulous for that. I think we got to cut ourselves a little bit of slack here on some level. It’s like, we can’t revamp everything simultaneously. Perhaps we can kind of snap a finger, but the journey is really a big part of this experience.

William Pawluk:

For example, as a former family physician, when you’re seeing patients in the office setting, you have a schedule that some patients are 15 minutes and some patients are half an hour and some patients are an hour, but basically, it’s like an ER. You have no idea what’s walking in that door and you have to be ready for whatever’s walking in the door. There are some people who are like rocks. It’s a very slow conversation.

There are some people who are like that. They’re very subtle and they’re very energetic. They’re bouncing little berries. It’s wonderful to have those people because they break up your day and teach you that you do have people who are on another level and you want to work with them too. You have to be able to shift, pivot, really quickly from rock to air, and be able to do both and judge that one is right and one is wrong. You have to say, “Okay, here’s what this spirit, this person, this body happens to be,” and you take them at their word. You take them where they are, and then try to do what you can by moving them to the extent that you can.

Some of my most fun patients come to see me for cancer and we start to talk to them about cancer. All we do is talk about psychology. All we do is talk about spirit and they never come back. Why don’t they come back? Because they got what they needed.

Tonya Dawn Recla: 

That’s right.

William Pawluk:

They came to an MD to get an MDness. And they end up having a spiritual discussion and that’s all they needed. They didn’t need anything else.

Tonya Dawn Recla: 

So beautiful. I love everything about your work and what you’re talking about, about you. Thank you for the fact that you’re willing to sit in this kind of weird space in between. We’re going to take a quick break, but before we do, where can we guide people to find out more information about you?

William Pawluk:

On a practical level, more again, world-based solidity, if you will, 

Tonya Dawn Recla: 

Beautiful. Well, we’re so grateful for that. I was waiting for like, well, where do we go if we want to find you in the not-so-practical place? I was like, “well, wait, I already know the answer.”

William Pawluk:

I’m not going to tell you. You’ll have to find me.

Tonya Dawn Recla: 

I do like a challenge. Very cool. Well, we will be right back after the break folks. Make sure you’re checking out If you haven’t signed up to experience your superpowers, make sure you go and do that. If you’re not into that if you haven’t finished that core one class, you’re going to want to get signed up for that so you can make sure that your creative energy feels is active and pulsing and empowering every step of the way. We’re so happy to have you here with us. We’re talking today with Dr. William Pawluk.  I’m just so excited. The subtle energetics of traditional medicine. We will be right back after the break.

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