Tao Source Healing with Master Sha
What is tao source healing? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by guest Dr & Master Sha. Dr. Sha is the author of over 25 books who combines traditional Chinese medicine, the essence of Western medicine, and ancient energy and spiritual secrets from China. Tune in today to learn more about the true essence of Tao Source Healing with Master Sha.
Tonya Dawn Recla:
Hello, everyone, and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. I am so delighted to be here with you and very, very, very excited to welcome back master Sha to The Science of Superpowers. Welcome back, Mr. Sha. Thank you. We’re so glad to have you here.Â
And if you remember, he’s been on the show before, make sure you go and check that out. We did an episode called Mastery last year. Really brilliant. Were you saying it was super beautiful? So today we’re talking all about data source healing with Master Sha, because he is a master at Data Source healing, and who better to hear from than him? And so we’re going to talk today about what I think there’s a lot of confusion about how healing works, right what sources it how is it possible? Are you doing this? Is it a superpower, right?
Because we talk about superpowers in our space, in terms of Awakening people to the concept of these energetics right that they happen that they’re present that we can work with them. So how do you help others understand it when they’re trying to figure out how the energy works right?
Dr. Sha:
Yes, thank you so much. First of all, I want to explain about the dow I think the minute people hear about the louder gene. Minutes people know Bible Dao De Jing author Lao-zi about 2600 years ago like a Buddha 2500 years ago, this is why some ways man Buddha in the mother’s so and Lao-zi Dada Ji Jean give the concept everybody knows heaven mother earth we live in it’s wrong. Heaven sees young earth is Yin Chinese a young concept many people know young is a fire nature yes water nature.
We varied a lot about wisdom but who created Heaven earth that the wisdom Lords have said that thou created Heaven to earth so what’s the Dow we can see the star the song because everybody’s singing I see the chair but we can all see the doll loud to say that doll cannot be said cannot be heard cannot be touched. But we can, we are, it exists in the world there is a source.
We see so therefore why we have pain and inflammation tomorrow you asked me how do we heal because in my teaching at Dow science quantum physics Dr. Ruling and I create the Dow signs so we have one sentence paying inflammation tumor cancer relationship financial challenges one sentence negative information energy matter so could easily feed a source this invisible Love Letter coming them store in calligraphy we sing a song when people okay connect with calligraphy when people listen to voice so many hard attaching results that’s a whole how to work.
Tonya Dawn Recla:
beautiful I love the explanation and I think it’s so important to recognize like this is everywhere right I think we get a little bit confused sometimes with the image or the depiction or the story or the you know whatever however it is that we receive it right how we’re able to access it I believe that that’s where some of the confusion comes in because those things on the surface in this world look different but the essence the source the light the love the thread that we can all feel right and sense and all of it while we may not be able to see it or hear it we can sense it right we can feel it in turn we have the receptors for it and and so you know that’s a large part of the superpowers body of work is illustrating that we’re all talking about the same energy the same source, how do we bring it together and usable ways and so I love this idea of the calligraphy when we come back from the break we’re going to talk about this because I know it’s easy especially in westernized thinking that it’s you know writing is writing right and we forget that there you know we call it spelling for a reason that there’s there’s informing right bringing things into form right?
Recreating two things. The actual recreation is the recreating of the image, right? So how do all of our words have all the cues to them in our language? But we miss it, right? We miss it. And so I love that you’re looking at this through calligraphy and passing it through calligraphy, which is brilliant and the end the mastery in that. I think as deep as that wisdom goes, for those of us who aren’t as familiar with the history behind it, it’s a beautiful depiction of how important it is to look beneath the surface of things. So thank you for that reminder, we’re gonna cut to a quick break but before we do Master Sha you’ve got a new Instagram you want to tell us all about telling us where we can go there to connect with you.
Dr. Sha:
Good! My Instagram, Dr. & Master Sha come easy. Go to drshah.com then we bring you to the Instagram masterzhigangsha. And she joined me two days later for my first Tao song concert with Isabel, Prince Isabel. She’s a renowned opera singer. I’m so happy and honored, they came and joined me. We have 10,000 people worldwide. John’s is my first one. So, therefore, Queen DMB and I will start last week. Every Saturday isn’t one Eastern Time, Toronto time, and 1130 to twerp. The show called Tao sources a healing with the Master Sha and the Queen DMB executive today. So our topic Tao source healing so we see this show we share the story for example, a lawyer has breast cancer three years later come to liver everybody no liver cancer is one of the worst cancer 80% are covered by liver WoW is hard to service and she went to the many countries or the expert gave up so they called hopeless case you know what I did? In the same studio I wrote calligraphy, I created the field source of the field I said Calligraphy is our existing world. You explained so well just now. So there are some scenes from the source that cannot be seen.
But because like we all can connect it’s not only Master Sha and it depends how much you can connect. What kind of healer depends. Now one sentence we are in a third dimension Buddha stains on the fourth dimension God in the fifth dimension depends on how high you can connect your forgiving miracle to happen. So therefore I do calligraphy. I have special abilities Kevin gives to me. Ty Smith like why are the transmission a lie the ball from a calligraphy I wasn’t I was here she’s singing Netherland remotely poor lady born two months later at present concept become small. That’s nine months later, totally healed as hard to believe. I have 600 medical cases with data. And not only just for spiritual talking. I’m a doctor from China. I also set up the app. I want everybody to know you can come in. We have a maybe 10 minute story. And also special guests like this weekend. So David martyr, I go to Instagram and you find he is a major speaker, teacher. He has 100,000 People following him. And 10 years ago I met him and he lost $100 million. And I saw the bill grant stolen from my book agent. I went to his office, and I said What can I help you with? She said I want the more money people want the more money I can connect with if I do the calligraphy. And he said Marsha, how am I going to do it? I said put your hand together, connect with the path as this is the invisible power inside. And he said I don’t ask that but I believe you and the trees. Now he got the best at teaching me not only once every minute. Therefore everybody goes to Instagram. He’s already started to share in my social media. He shared his experience. Then we made a little documentary for him. So therefore, I want everybody to know the hardships of my show. The interview was very important because of the touching result plus I have 10 minutes of calligraphy. Tao sounds like our show now. I will do five minutes for the daily show every Saturday, like I said for you.
Tonya Dawn Recla:
Take advantage folks, make sure you’re gonna to check out that Instagram page and join him on Saturdays. What a beautiful gift to the world. Master Sha. Thank you so much. And for all of you, if you haven’t been to superpower experts.com yet and signed up for our experience, this is what we’re talking about come experience what it feels like to feel that remember how to come home, remember how to pause, and to rest and to find peace, and that we can tap into this energy. It is available to all of us at all times in all ways. And we welcome you to join our next experience so you can have that reminder for yourself. Stay tuned, folks, we’re talking all about data source healing with Master Sha. We will be right back after the break.
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