Igniting Coupling through Connection

How can you ignite coupling through connection? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks about a crucial topic anchored within our individual and family’s core foundations. She shares that the world is offering us a wrong perception of relationships. Not everything goes well all the time, and blame game is not healthy. Relationships should acknowledge layers of connection as well as sensual and sexual layers. Tune in to learn about how to ignite coupling through connection!

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Science of SuperPowers. Today, we’re talking all about igniting coupling through connection.

This topic is so crucial right now in the sense that at the core of our foundations, in our families, in our homes, it is either the individual or the couple or the group that is holding it all together, right? And we, here at SuperPower Experts, really lean into this coupling concept because that’s where Justin and I got our start. We’re very clear that the collaborative principles that came out of SuperPowers and all of the other amazing techniques and protocols of this body of work were founded in our relationship. We had a really unique start in that we pledged to walk this developmental journey together in our way of speaking, toward God, toward oneness together. That’s what our relationship is with it. And it finds the relationship in this higher purpose, this higher aspect, it keeps some of the petty squabblings in perspective.

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We’ve been looking at deconstructing that, of course, as we do with everything, the reverse engineer and to make sure that we totally understand all the ins and outs, whether we’re building businesses, rearing children, crafting our life together, whatever it might be, we experience our experiences so that we get the most out of them, and the way we do that is through connection.

We started really looking at what are all of the layers, this multidimensional approach that we take in the Super Powers world? Where are we all connecting? Because when we deal with the subtle spaces and energetics, it’s challenging sometimes to discern between that mental layer, the emotional layer, physical layers, vibrational layers, right? And it can get kind of trippy, especially when you’re dealing with more than one person, and remember when we’re dealing with more than one person, it’s not just one plus one equals two, right? One plus one equals three. Three plus three equals seven, right? And then on and on, it goes. Plus five equals 30. I don’t know, anyway, we could do the calculations, but it’s the exponential factor that’s involved in both relationship dynamics, as well as what happens when we inspire those relationships or those individuals to be more, right?

And when we open those channels of receptivity up in those subtle spaces, it starts to get wacky. So when you’re in a couple or in a coupling situation, it’s easy to dip into, I think, what the world tells us our relationships should look like. For the most part, we think that we should be good at relationships, and then when they don’t go well, the blame game happens, right? Never really stopping to backtrack and go, “Wait, why do we think we should be good at this? Who taught us?” Right?

If we’re looking at the world in our programs or our parenting or however we came to be, it’s informed by all of these various versions of that and when what we see reflected our couples and portrayals of couples that aren’t necessarily connected in all of these layers, then it can be really difficult to envision forward and say, “Well, what might it look like then if I want more? If I want a deeper connection with somebody?” And when we talk about deeper connections, we mean as deep as you’re able to go within yourself, you can connect in with somebody else. It is that magical.

That’s what today’s conversation is all about. We’ll dive into that a little bit more after the break. But before we do, I really want to talk about these coupling programs that we have, because you know the passion, right? You know that we hold that coupling, whatever that looks like for you. In our world, it appears as a heterosexual monogamous relationship. Of course, there are nuances underneath that, but we chose that model because that’s where we do our work, right? Two of us is enough in this equation because we’re dealing with all of those various layers, but we recognize that relationships come in all sizes, all forms, all shapes, and all sorts of combinations. The material works regardless of what your situation looks like. In fact, the material works with all kinds of relationships, interpersonal relationships, depending on how many layers deep you go with it, right?

We’ve got the layers of connection and then in our coupling situations, we look at things like the sensual and sexual layers. So if you’re engaging in those layers with other people, it’s really worth getting a grip on those four layers of connection and how to do it and that’s what we do in the coupling program. It’s an intensive program, certainly not for everyone, but if you want to deepen your connection with your partner, then there are ways that we can support you in that and the results are miraculous. We stand by the body of work, as well as the program itself, which of course is held in our collaborative container because we wouldn’t have it any other way. That’s the best way that we can support you in your transformational journey and make it about you. We find one-on-one coaching situations tend to have some challenges in subtle spaces. So this is how we choose to work.

If you’re interested in that, go to superpowerexperts.com and you can find the programs tab, it may be under the get elevated perspective there, under the programs and go check out the coupling program. If it calls to your heart, it is a worthwhile journey.

Stay tuned. We’ll be right back after the break and talk more about igniting coupling through connection. We’ll be right back.

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