Harmony and Connection

Harmony and connection — how do they give birth to having a balanced life? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla and guest Arnaud Saint-Paul talk about the harmony in people. We all have a state of harmony in each of us. However, often we get disconnected from it. Arnaud’s superpowers thrive in opening people’s hearts and through harmony. As a result, alignment and coherence in life will be gained, and these things shall pave the way for love and connection to flourish. Tune in to know how to have an inner alignment by finding harmony and connection as you focus on your heart’s vision. 

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Hello everyone and welcome back to The Science of Superpowers. I’m so glad you’re here with us today and we have such a treat for you. This is going to take us way back. Those of you who’ve been fans for a long time, you remember The SuperPower Up! show, which was the very first show, started in 2016, and this gentleman was on one of those episodes. It was a delightful episode, all about pronoia. We’ll find the link and we’ll put it in the episode page for you. You can go check it out. And beautifully has continued to orbit around our space and circle in and out and touch in with Justin and I from time to time. It’s just developed in this beautiful, beautiful relationship. And so, Arnaud is back on the show with us, Arnaud Saint-Paul and he’s..

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Arnaud Saint-Paul:


Tonya Dawn Recla:

See? Beautiful. You can hear it in his voice, right? It’s like, I don’t even have to say anything. Everyone’s like, “Ssh, Tonya, let him talk. Just let him talk.”

We’re talking today about harmony and connection. I totally just hope you’re blushing. Arnaud, because that’s a blushable moment. I’m kind of blushing here too. That was beautiful. That was just perfect. Welcome to the show. I’m so glad you’re back on with us.

Arnaud Saint-Paul:

I’m so happy to be here as well.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Oh, wonderful, wonderful. We’re talking all about harmony and connection because you are kind of this walking embodiment of this state of harmony. That’s sort of the shtick is that you’re able to get it and feel it and be it. And in that space, you get to see how it’s applicable everywhere. So, talk to us a little bit about what this passion is that you have for harmony.

Arnaud Saint-Paul:

Well, the thing is I believe that we all have harmony inside ourselves. We just forgot it. So, we need to reconnect with it, right? It’s our birthright and harmony can be found everywhere. It’s just a matter of us allowing ourselves to let go of all these things we are so insistent on. And just look for that beautiful perfection that is this now moment.

About 10 years ago, I had that life purpose that came about for me, which is to help one billion hearts to open and harmony is that path. It’s to help us find that coherence, that alignment that is in our lives. If it’s not there yet, it’s at least inside ourselves to start with. By doing so, we enable the path towards not only more connection, but also, more importantly, more alignment, more harmony, and more magical life, basically.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Beautiful. That’s so perfect because I was going to be like, “Okay, now sell us on it.” I don’t even have to because you really just did. It’s undeniable. I’m in this really fascinating space of realizing that when you get people real soft and ooey-gooey and vulnerable, they admit this is what we all want. We want to feel balanced and whole inside of ourselves. We want to have deeper connections with ourselves and with the highest aspect, we can connect to. We want to experience love, real love, with each other and connect. It’s like when we’re willing to drop in for half a heartbeat and say, “Yeah, that’s in there,” then it creates this beautiful starting place.

So, I love that you said, “It’s available everywhere.” It’s in everything. It’s like, at the very least, we know we can find it within us. I think that is where each one of us has to start. Because a lot of times we want to say, “Well, if it’s not out there, others aren’t going to do it.” Or, “If you’re not going to go first,” or whatever, “They’re not doing it, so why should I?” But remember, folks, you’re not doing it for anyone else. Of course, there’s a benefit to all of us, but ultimately, it’s incredibly self-serving, right?

Arnaud Saint-Paul:


Tonya Dawn Recla:

It’s like the most self-serving thing.

Arnaud Saint-Paul:

For sure. I mean, it’s the best way to help others is to help oneself. That sounds to be totally counterintuitive. But the higher you are on your harmony, the more you are in resonance with yourself, in alignment with yourself, and the higher your vibration, and therefore the vibration of all the others that are in your world is higher as well. So, why not, right? Why not live a life where everything fits on its own, easily without effort, and where everybody is happy. At least the ones that are ready to do so. But at least living a magical, non-measurable life where synchronicity is the new normal, so to speak. It is possible when we are allowing inner alignment, when we are focusing on our heart vision, and we can take the time and the space within ourselves to focus on that fast track towards a faster alignment. And as we reborn to ourselves more and more and more, because basically, that’s what we are doing when we’re shedding out all the different things that are not anymore part of that alignment, our symphony is playing louder and louder. And when that happens, it’s amazing. 

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Watch out world.

Arnaud Saint-Paul:

Yeah. You’re talking about superpowers, here you go.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

That’s right. That’s exactly right. And what a great lead-in. So, we’re going to leave that dangle right there, folks, because we’re going to take a quick break. Before we do, Arnaud, where can we send people where they can find out more about you?

Arnaud Saint-Paul:

Oh, they can go to tapuat.com/harmony, which is a page where you can find three ways to find harmony within. And I’ll tell you what tapuat means.

Tonya Dawn Recla:

Well, will you tell us after the break?

Arnaud Saint-Paul:


Tonya Dawn Recla:

Yes. See? You have to stay folks. You’re going to want to hear that part. And then we’ll have a link to that on the episode page. Make sure you’re also going over to superpowerexperts.com and getting in on your chance to experience your superpowers, just like we’re talking about here.

So, stay tuned. We will be right back. You’re listening to The Science of Superpowers and we’re talking all about harmony and connections. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

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